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22-10-10, 21:31
At the moment i am really worried about the following:-

1.MND (Motor Neurone Disease) This is still my main worry and it's a worry i just cannot seem to shake off, I think it's because i am still having problems swallowing and feeling like my mouth and jaws are weak when chewing.

I am still worried about other things because of my throat problems and other problems such as:-

2.Throat Cancer
3.Esophagael Cancer
4.Stomach Cancer


22-10-10, 21:38
I'm also worried about tonnes of cancer, it's taking over my life!

22-10-10, 21:42
Eggy Lad

You can post post post away, you can ask for all the advice here you can get, but nothing, NOTHING that anyone posts here will settle your mind.

Now do yourself a favour, talk to your GP, tell him/her about your health anxiety and ask for some therapy.

CBT might be a good move, but talk to your GP, because all you are doing fella, is constantly posting and you will not find the peace you need without proper help.



paula lynne
22-10-10, 23:05
Good advice Jaco as usual x:yesyes:

22-10-10, 23:22
Eggy read this:


I mean READ it not just post and say you did. I can check you know ;-)

22-10-10, 23:43
That link's really useful! Deffo read it eggy!

23-10-10, 17:52
Does anyone think my worries about MND and in particular the bulbar form/PBP form of MND are reasonable or valid?

23-10-10, 18:02
From the HA point of view yes they are reasonable. But valid? No, I doubt it.

But what will my opinion change anyway Eggy?

23-10-10, 18:18
You didn't read the info I sent you then?

23-10-10, 19:01
In a word, no.

I somehow doubt that whatever anyone says, you will feel reassurred though Eggy.

Only you can help yourself here. The question is, do you want to?

23-10-10, 19:15
Eggy read this:


I mean READ it not just post and say you did. I can check you know ;-)


I meant to have replied to this post earlier, I read everything on that and i found it really interesting.

23-10-10, 19:27
So what was the gist of it then?

23-10-10, 19:51
Head + Brick wall. As I've said before no-one on these forums can tell you that you do or do not have the disease. We're not trained medics, only your doctors can diagnose this illness.
You're wasting your life away worrying about an illness that you more than likely do not have.

24-10-10, 22:01
My worries about MND continue to deepen mainly because of my mouth/throat issues but also because when i went to the shops earlier i was stood at the traffic lights and my left leg sort of bent by itself and i felt like i was going to fall over.

24-10-10, 22:02
So what was the gist of it then?

I know what it's saying, I can relate to maybe 1 or 2 things in regards to the fact that i do go to the doctors a lot about my problems and i do seek reassurance from people.

24-10-10, 23:57
Hi Eggy,

As I come on here now, I see at least a new daily post from you if not 2. This is not a bad thing by any means, we are all here for similar reasons and this is a great tool for support and advise.

It seems that everything that you post has a very common theme, either being MND or some type of cancer that is linked.
You have noted that you have had countless tests and GP appointments yet still do not feel at all satified with the results and advice that you are recieving which is that you are OK.

I completely understand what HA can do, it takes over 100% and all you can think about is what is wrong with me, every twitch every change you mind and body picks up and hones in on it. You are so receptive to the way you are feeling at the moment that everything that you are feeling and thinking are being exposed greater.

I don't deny that you are feeling these things at all but the mind is so powerful, it sounds like you have convinced yourself that you have MND or whatever else you think you have that now your body is feeling those symptoms which will be real as in pain and the feeling but I am confident that it is only your mind playing tricks on you that you are feeling these NOT the fact that you have MND symptoms.

I am not writing this to be rude or harsh or to discredit what you are feeling because I feel for you, what you are going through and what you are feeling would be awful, to have this constantly on your mind and not to be able to go one with your daily life without thinking about it.

Take a step back and look at everything everyone has said to you and everything your GP has said and done to date with advise and tests etc, these are physical proof that you are OK. The next steps for you is to understand why you feel and think this way. What makes you think you have these issues other than the symptoms because there must be something in your life that you know or don't know that is causing you to obesses over this.

I truely believe you do need to see someone to talk everything through, to date you have not been able to express to your GP your exact fears properly and honestly even just being able to get that out and go into detail about that to someone can take a massive weight off your shoulders.

Wish you all the best of luck Eggy, it is not nice to see someone going through this :weep:

(ps sorry all, rather long post)

25-10-10, 21:10
Hi Eggy,

As I come on here now, I see at least a new daily post from you if not 2. This is not a bad thing by any means, we are all here for similar reasons and this is a great tool for support and advise.

It seems that everything that you post has a very common theme, either being MND or some type of cancer that is linked.
You have noted that you have had countless tests and GP appointments yet still do not feel at all satified with the results and advice that you are recieving which is that you are OK.

I completely understand what HA can do, it takes over 100% and all you can think about is what is wrong with me, every twitch every change you mind and body picks up and hones in on it. You are so receptive to the way you are feeling at the moment that everything that you are feeling and thinking are being exposed greater.

I don't deny that you are feeling these things at all but the mind is so powerful, it sounds like you have convinced yourself that you have MND or whatever else you think you have that now your body is feeling those symptoms which will be real as in pain and the feeling but I am confident that it is only your mind playing tricks on you that you are feeling these NOT the fact that you have MND symptoms.

I am not writing this to be rude or harsh or to discredit what you are feeling because I feel for you, what you are going through and what you are feeling would be awful, to have this constantly on your mind and not to be able to go one with your daily life without thinking about it.

Take a step back and look at everything everyone has said to you and everything your GP has said and done to date with advise and tests etc, these are physical proof that you are OK. The next steps for you is to understand why you feel and think this way. What makes you think you have these issues other than the symptoms because there must be something in your life that you know or don't know that is causing you to obesses over this.

I truely believe you do need to see someone to talk everything through, to date you have not been able to express to your GP your exact fears properly and honestly even just being able to get that out and go into detail about that to someone can take a massive weight off your shoulders.

Wish you all the best of luck Eggy, it is not nice to see someone going through this :weep:

(ps sorry all, rather long post)

Thank you, Much appreciated and thanks for taking the time to post.

25-10-10, 21:11
Well i am having more problems with my mouth and throat and my left hand has been very numb and tingly today and it feels weak, My left leg also feels weak.

Rachel W
26-10-10, 01:06
Eggy. Swallowing and jaw feeling weak is very common when people start worrying about it. As I have said recently I had MND fears after twitching and after I read about Bulbar I had issues swallowing and even slurred speech. the worry about the latter became so bad that I believe that it actually changed the way I speak and I notice it to this day when tired or stressed, especially certain word combinations which I probably used to sound the same but with worrying about it I try to be more precise. I also felt that my hands did not work correctly and had every kind of twitch in every muscle (except my tongue).

Simple thing was that I found out that my nervous system is 100% healthy after having a full body NCV and EMG (even in my tongue). The neurologist said anxiety due to my fears and I asked him how this and that could be caused by stress.

His reply "Anxiety can do whatever it wants", i.e. it can cause any physical symptom especially when worried about it.

I am sure that you don't have MND. It is VERY rare. It is even rarer in people under 40-45. Bulbar is usually in those that are older. It is extremely rare that someone gets bulbar AND the lower body symptoms at the first stage. The doctor probably checked simple reflexes. These would be affected.

Please try to relax. I know how difficult it is to do this. If you need to talk to your GP again. If he can't send you to a neurologist due to the lack of evidence that you have a neurological issue then you need to ask him about it and I am sure that he can explain further why he doesn't think that you have anything.

I have noticed that you always seem to be online here. Try to take a break, just for a few days. This site is not going anywhere. Take some deep breaths, play some music. I know the fear stops you from wanting to do things because you are living with the fear, but please try just to live normally. You are fine.

26-10-10, 20:22
Eggy. Swallowing and jaw feeling weak is very common when people start worrying about it. As I have said recently I had MND fears after twitching and after I read about Bulbar I had issues swallowing and even slurred speech. the worry about the latter became so bad that I believe that it actually changed the way I speak and I notice it to this day when tired or stressed, especially certain word combinations which I probably used to sound the same but with worrying about it I try to be more precise. I also felt that my hands did not work correctly and had every kind of twitch in every muscle (except my tongue).

Simple thing was that I found out that my nervous system is 100% healthy after having a full body NCV and EMG (even in my tongue). The neurologist said anxiety due to my fears and I asked him how this and that could be caused by stress.

His reply "Anxiety can do whatever it wants", i.e. it can cause any physical symptom especially when worried about it.

I am sure that you don't have MND. It is VERY rare. It is even rarer in people under 40-45. Bulbar is usually in those that are older. It is extremely rare that someone gets bulbar AND the lower body symptoms at the first stage. The doctor probably checked simple reflexes. These would be affected.

Please try to relax. I know how difficult it is to do this. If you need to talk to your GP again. If he can't send you to a neurologist due to the lack of evidence that you have a neurological issue then you need to ask xhim about it and I am sure that he can explain further why he doesn't think that you have anything.

I have noticed that you always seem to be online here. Try to take a break, just for a few days. This site is not going anywhere. Take some deep.
breaths, play some music. I know the fear stops you from wanting to do things because you are living with the fear, but please try just to live normally. You are fine.

Hi Rachel thanks for your message.

I would like to point out that I didn't read up on MND and then have problems with swallowing and chewing and other mouth and throat problems, I developed these symptoms and then about 3-4 weeks later I did a bit of research and came across MND and have been really worried about it ever since, something is definitely not right you don't have problems swallowing and weakness in my hands and legs, I get loads and loads of twitching and also my arms and hands shake like mad.

You had a EMG and NCV done which would have reassured you, If I had the same and maybe an MRI then I would be reassured about MND and other neurological problems.

I might be having a endoscopy or gastroscopy soon so if they didn't find anything on that then I would know that I don't have things like esophagus cancer or throat or stomach cancer etc etc which would put my mind at rest about those things too

Rachel W
27-10-10, 00:05
I just wanted you to know how unlikely MND, especially Bulbar is at your age. If you are getting twitching all over this is another reassuring sign as in MND it comes after weakness and only in those areas.

Look up BFS!!!

All the best.

28-10-10, 21:06
Eggy. Swallowing and jaw feeling weak is very common when people start worrying about it. As I have said recently I had MND fears after twitching and after I read about Bulbar I had issues swallowing and even slurred speech. the worry about the latter became so bad that I believe that it actually changed the way I speak and I notice it to this day when tired or stressed, especially certain word combinations which I probably used to sound the same but with worrying about it I try to be more precise. I also felt that my hands did not work correctly and had every kind of twitch in every muscle (except my tongue).

Simple thing was that I found out that my nervous system is 100% healthy after having a full body NCV and EMG (even in my tongue). The neurologist said anxiety due to my fears and I asked him how this and that could be caused by stress.

His reply "Anxiety can do whatever it wants", i.e. it can cause any physical symptom especially when worried about it.

I am sure that you don't have MND. It is VERY rare. It is even rarer in people under 40-45. Bulbar is usually in those that are older. It is extremely rare that someone gets bulbar AND the lower body symptoms at the first stage. The doctor probably checked simple reflexes. These would be affected.

Please try to relax. I know how difficult it is to do this. If you need to talk to your GP again. If he can't send you to a neurologist due to the lack of evidence that you have a neurological issue then you need to ask him about it and I am sure that he can explain further why he doesn't think that you have anything.

I have noticed that you always seem to be online here. Try to take a break, just for a few days. This site is not going anywhere. Take some deep breaths, play some music. I know the fear stops you from wanting to do things because you are living with the fear, but please try just to live normally. You are fine.

I am more worried than ever before about Bulbar MND Rachel, I know MND is a rare disease and i know Bulbar only accounts for around 20% of cases but recently i have read about 38 year old women having it and one of these women live in the same place that i do, They are only 10 years older than me.

I am having constant sore throats, i have choked on my saliva a couple of times, last night i choked on food twice and even choked when drinking a drink and that makes me even more worried, I should not choke on food or liquids and i know choking on your own saliva and liquids is a sign of Bulbar MND.

MND is extremely difficult to diagnose apparently and there's no test for it, Everything else has to be ruled out first so seeing a GP and trying to get reassurance is not great because most GP's have never come across MND and do not know what to look for.

28-10-10, 21:09
I just wanted you to know how unlikely MND, especially Bulbar is at your age. If you are getting twitching all over this is another reassuring sign as in MND it comes after weakness and only in those areas.

Look up BFS!!!

All the best.

Thanks Rach, I know how rare MND is, You can tell how rare it is when you read that 5,000 people in the UK suffer from it, That's something like 0.0002% of the population or something like that.

I worry even more when i read stories about people who are 22, 24, 27, 28, 29 and even a 35 year old from Liverpool who has recently been diagnosed with MND, It proves that you can get it at any age.

I am mostly concerned about my mouth/throat issues and the issue of Bulbar MND, It terrifies me and scares the hell out of me thinking that i might end up completely paralysed and unable to move within 6 months-2 years and dying very quickly.

28-10-10, 21:24
I am more worried than ever before about Bulbar MND Rachel, I know MND is a rare disease and i know Bulbar only accounts for around 20% of cases but recently i have read about 38 year old women having it and one of these women live in the same place that i do, They are only 10 years older than me.

I am having constant sore throats, i have choked on my saliva a couple of times, last night i choked on food twice and even choked when drinking a drink and that makes me even more worried, I should not choke on food or liquids and i know choking on your own saliva and liquids is a sign of Bulbar MND.

MND is extremely difficult to diagnose apparently and there's no test for it, Everything else has to be ruled out first so seeing a GP and trying to get reassurance is not great because most GP's have never come across MND and do not know what to look for.

Sorry, but this paragraph is just not true regarding a couple of facts and is also misleading in other areas.

You will only serve to send yourself into a tailspin of worry if you rely on misinformation and take it as fact.

The diagnostic route for MND/ALS is crystal clear and is GP > GP basic neuro exam > neurologist > neurologist neuro exam > EMG

Whilst it is true in one sense that there is no single diagnostic test for MND a neuro will be able to diagnose quite confidently on signs, symptoms and the EMG finding.

It is widely accepted that most neuro's will be able to diagnose MND within a minute or two of witnessing a presentation.

28-10-10, 22:30
I am having constant sore throats, i have choked on my saliva a couple of times, last night i choked on food twice and even choked when drinking a drink and that makes me even more worried, I should not choke on food or liquids and i know choking on your own saliva and liquids is a sign of Bulbar MND.

I feel that had you not have read this then you would not be concentrating on it so much and worrying about it.

I think you have decided you have MND and are now fitting the symptoms and problems around it so that there can only be one outcome and that is that you have it.

You are not allowing for all the other reasons for the problems you have.

29-10-10, 08:20
Eggy eggy eggy eggy eggy :doh:

Did you have a think about getting help for the health anxiety, you have it bad, the anxiety that is, not these illnesses.

Just by the stats you are producing, I just know you are doing what Nic suggests, fitting yourself into the disease.

Look I understand, I have done this myself (although not as extreme as you ;)), heart attacks/strokes was my thing, I would FREAK if someone younger than me had a stroke, then I would read all about the percentage of people who it happened to at what age, then I would think "well if they can get it at that age, so can I" then dwell on it for months.

You need to look beyond the phantom symptoms fella, start getting tothe root of the problem, faulty thinking.

Now if you need reassurance with your current health worries, get checked out by the GP, but at the same time PLEASE tell him about the Health anxiety.

Trust me, you will be going from one disease to another until you do.


30-10-10, 18:13
Eggy eggy eggy eggy eggy :doh:

Did you have a think about getting help for the health anxiety, you have it bad, the anxiety that is, not these illnesses.

Just by the stats you are producing, I just know you are doing what Nic suggests, fitting yourself into the disease.

Look I understand, I have done this myself (although not as extreme as you ;)), heart attacks/strokes was my thing, I would FREAK if someone younger than me had a stroke, then I would read all about the percentage of people who it happened to at what age, then I would think "well if they can get it at that age, so can I" then dwell on it for months.

You need to look beyond the phantom symptoms fella, start getting tothe root of the problem, faulty thinking.

Now if you need reassurance with your current health worries, get checked out by the GP, but at the same time PLEASE tell him about the Health anxiety.

Trust me, you will be going from one disease to another until you do.



Sorry to be blunt but as all you do is keep saying about getting help for health anxiety to me i would like to say a few things:-

I have suffered from panic attacks before and had some recently but since i have been on Cipralex they have stopped.

However i have had these worrying symptoms for around 9 weeks now.

Now i don't believe for one minute that anxiety can cause quite severe pain in the face, mouth and throat.

I am not even sure if it causes you to choke on lots of things.

When you are having constant pain and problems chewing/swallowing and feeling tired when talking i think i have a right to be very concerned about my problems.

It's not impossible at the age of 28 to develop a serious illness or something fatal like M.N.D.

The fact that these symptoms are constant and show no sign of going away really worry me.

30-10-10, 18:47
Eggy if you have been google, which i expect you have then you would have read that the symptoms that you have concerning your swallowing problems ect come in the late stages of MND and you would need serious medical help by now.
You dont seem to have had any of the early symptoms.
The muscles in the arms, hands and legs are usually affected first. You will drop things and you will find it difficult to do things like turn a tap on.
Climbing stairs will be hard and your legs may give way as you walk.
This is because the muscles are becoming weak.
I used to do care work and ive looked after people who suffered from MND.

30-10-10, 19:04
Hey eggy...ever heard of globus hystericus? This can cause all sorts of throat and facial issues and is incredibly common amongst anxiety sufferers. If interested it is something that is safe to Google.

Ever heard of Carol Vorderman...yep, I bet you are thinking WTF has Carol Vorderman got to do with anything. Well, basically about 2 years ago she started to feel unwell and this culminated in her waking one morning and not being able to move one side of her body, an ambulance was duly called and she was rushed to hospital. It was thought that she had had a stroke and the necessary tests where carried out but to the doctors surprise they came back as totally fine. Over the next week or so she found that movement returned to her body and it was discovered that what she had been suffering from was extreme anxiety. At the time she had lost her job on the TV show she did and was concerned about her future but was totally unaware that she was anxious or stressed...it had to get to the point where her body gave out on her for her to address the real issue. Moral of the story? Once anxiety becomes a physical condition it is chronic and it can manifest itself in whatever way it deems necessary be it facial pain or the total inabilty to move one side of your body. I have had 101 physical manifestations of anxiety from the bizzare to the ridicoulous and nothing is off limits.

Finally, physical anxiety is a chronic condition and just because your symptoms have been around for a few weeks this means nothing. You may not realise it but it takes years for anxiety to creep on us until BAM it hits us and therefore it can, I'm afraid, take years for your body to right itself again...it goes without saying that the longer you monitor and fear your symptoms for then the longer they will be with you.

The best bit of advice I have ever been given in doing all my research on HA for both my recovery and subsequent academic stuff is to never ever fear your symptoms...they are part of you and part of your life at this moment in time and they are telling you something very important, carry them with you. You will thank them in the long run.

30-10-10, 19:21
Eggy if you have been google, which i expect you have then you would have read that the symptoms that you have concerning your swallowing problems ect come in the late stages of MND and you would need serious medical help by now.
You dont seem to have had any of the early symptoms.
The muscles in the arms, hands and legs are usually affected first. You will drop things and you will find it difficult to do things like turn a tap on.
Climbing stairs will be hard and your legs may give way as you walk.
This is because the muscles are becoming weak.
I used to do care work and ive looked after people who suffered from MND.

Sorry bailey i have to say your wrong:-

There are 3 or 4 types of M.N.D, One is P.B.P (Progressive Bulbar Palsy)

Progressive bulbar palsy (PBP)

Affects about a quarter of people diagnosed, and involves both the upper and lower motor neurones. Symptoms may include slurring of speech or difficulty swallowing. Life expectancy is between six months and three years from onset of symptoms.

That particular type of M.N.D starts with the bulbar muscles which are used for talking, swallowing, breathing etc and affects the limbs last not the other way around, The most common form of M.N.D which is A.L.S:

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

This is the most common form, with both upper and lower motor neurone involvement.
This form of the disease is characterised by weakness and wasting in the limbs. Someone may notice they are tripping when walking or dropping things. Average life expectancy is from two to five years from onset of symptoms.

30-10-10, 19:35
do you drive a car? Your risk of getting killed in a car accident over your lifetime is something like one in 500. So does that stop you driving or getting on a bus?
You should google the risk of the earth getting hit by an asteroid too, it's worryingly high. Do you worry about that?
It sounds like Health Anxiety is your hobby. I know, I'm the same. But surely there are more enjoyable ways to live your life

30-10-10, 19:37
Sorry bailey i have to say your wrong:-

There are 3 or 4 types of M.N.D, One is P.B.P (Progressive Bulbar Palsy)

Progressive bulbar palsy (PBP)

Affects about a quarter of people diagnosed, and involves both the upper and lower motor neurones. Symptoms may include slurring of speech or difficulty swallowing. Life expectancy is between six months and three years from onset of symptoms.

That particular type of M.N.D starts with the bulbar muscles which are used for talking, swallowing, breathing etc and affects the limbs last not the other way around, The most common form of M.N.D which is A.L.S:

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

This is the most common form, with both upper and lower motor neurone involvement.
This form of the disease is characterised by weakness and wasting in the limbs. Someone may notice they are tripping when walking or dropping things. Average life expectancy is from two to five years from onset of symptoms.

Ok you think youve got it,youve googled enough so you must have. your doc needs sacking then. I really find it hard to believe that your doc hasnt even sent you to a neurologist yet if he thought that there might be a slight chance that you have MND.

30-10-10, 19:44
Eggy ;)

Let me be more blunt. If you are sure it's not anxiety, then stop messing about and get it checked out. This is an anxiety forum after all ;)

Are you expecting a diagnosis here?

And when your are checked out, and everything is fine, read my above post.

30-10-10, 19:47
Eggy ;)

Let me be more blunt. If you are sure it's not anxiety, then stop messing about and get it checked out. This is an anxiety forum after all ;)

Are you expecting a diagnosis here?

And when your are checked out, and everything is fine, read my above post.

I agree, if you dont think it is anxiety then why are you posting on here.

30-10-10, 19:49
Ok you think youve got it,youve googled enough so you must have. your doc needs sacking then. I really find it hard to believe that your doc hasnt even sent you to a neurologist yet if he thought that there might be a slight chance that you have MND.
Bailey thank you for posting about MND. I agree with you Bailey. I think the chances of Eggy having MND are very very slim. He would have had an urgent referral to a neurologist by now if his GP had any concerns about a serious neurological disorder.I sincerely hope that you do not have MND Eggy. As you know I have a much greater chance of getting MND than you ie close relative dying from it (Mother) and age nearly 50. Why do you keep tormenting yourself about this cruel disease and take on board what people on here have said?

30-10-10, 19:52
Eggy, hope ur ok..

I really do not think u have MND... if a doctor thought even 1% chance of u having it, he WOULD OF referred u to a Neuro and ud be getting investigated.. Plus, something would be picked up in ur blood and ud be having debilitating symptoms where u literally KNOW theres DEFINITELY sumin up. Look it up on MedHelp, people with MND really do KNOW theyve got sumin SERIOUSLY wrong. And they dont need to tell a doctor, a doctor would get sacked if it comes out that u have infact got MND.. coz im sure uve mentioned it enough times...

U need to go back to ur doctor and say:

'Right, i cant handle living my life like this anymore thinking 'what if what if'...so can u please refer me to a Neurologist as a matter of urgency as this is affecting my mental state BADLY.'

Or even just a MND blood test and MRI. doesnt have to be a neuro.

The more this continues the iller u r guna make urself and like mne, u will have a Nervous Breakdown...and trust me, u dont wanna have one of them!!!

I was a bit like i (although not half as bad) and really wouldnt listen and was convinced i had a tumour or a stroke...I had a ct scan and it was clear and ive not had any funny head sensations since. I was having slurry speech too! Its just the anxiety! Adrenalin does HUGE things to the body.

But as i said, u arent guna listen unless u see a Neuro...so do wot u need to do and quick, as u will end up just crackin up the way u are carrying on hun.

Take care

30-10-10, 20:03
do you drive a car? Your risk of getting killed in a car accident over your lifetime is something like one in 500. So does that stop you driving or getting on a bus?
You should google the risk of the earth getting hit by an asteroid too, it's worryingly high. Do you worry about that?
It sounds like Health Anxiety is your hobby. I know, I'm the same. But surely there are more enjoyable ways to live your life

I don't drive but i do use buses.

Chances of the earth getting hit by an Asteroid? :roflmao: Don't forget that 2 people out of 100,000 each year get diagnosed with M.N.D.

Health Anxiety is definitely not a hobby, I don't think my fears are irrational.

30-10-10, 20:10
Ok you think youve got it,youve googled enough so you must have. your doc needs sacking then. I really find it hard to believe that your doc hasnt even sent you to a neurologist yet if he thought that there might be a slight chance that you have MND.

Well believe me i am shocked that i haven't been referred to a neurologist too, It's something that is really annoying me and frustrating me, As i said before if i ever ever found out that i had something seriously wrong with me i would make sure the doctor does get sacked, Actually it would be nearly all the doctors at the practice not just one.

30-10-10, 20:11
Eggy ;)

Let me be more blunt. If you are sure it's not anxiety, then stop messing about and get it checked out. This is an anxiety forum after all ;)

Are you expecting a diagnosis here?

And when your are checked out, and everything is fine, read my above post.

That's a fair post Jaco.

Of course i am not expecting a diagnosis, Only a professional can do that.

If it turns out that i don't have M.N.D or anything else seriously wrong with me i promise to read everything you have said.

I cannot say fairer than that. :D

30-10-10, 20:13
I agree, if you dont think it is anxiety then why are you posting on here.

That’s a good point Eggy. Have you actually joined any MND related forums too? You know, the subconscious mind knows a lot more about keeping us safe than we give it credit for. I wouldn’t be surprised if deep down a part of you knows what’s really going on, which is why it’s keeping you here on a health anxiety forum. Do you think it might know something you don’t, I wonder...

Another thing to think about is that when a person is really facing a terminal illness, what do they do? Most tend to live their life to the fullest possible while they still can, and I’m sure you would do the same if you knew for sure.

So if a person can do their best to enjoy life when terminally ill, why can’t they also try and do that before being diagnosed?

Take care :)

30-10-10, 20:34
That’s a good point Eggy. Have you actually joined any MND related forums too? You know, the subconscious mind knows a lot more about keeping us safe than we give it credit for. I wouldn’t be surprised if deep down a part of you knows what’s really going on, which is why it’s keeping you here on a health anxiety forum. Do you think it might know something you don’t, I wonder...

Another thing to think about is that when a person is really facing a terminal illness, what do they do? Most tend to live their life to the fullest possible while they still can, and I’m sure you would do the same if you knew for sure.

So if a person can do their best to enjoy life when terminally ill, why can’t they also try and do that before being diagnosed?

Take care :)
Nigel Hi Nigel. The Motor Neurone Disease Society has a website but as far as I know no forum for sufferers. They do have local support groups however. When My Mum was ill I wrote to someone who was caring for someone who had the disease. AS MND is very progressive,you would have to decide 'to put your house in order' fairly quickly. There is no time time to do the things that you wanted to do as day to day living becomes more and more difficult. Most tasks such as walking, dressing ,feeding, bathing would be very difficult for someone to perform unaided after six months and for most people would need someone to do these things for them. There just would not be time to catch up on anything. 'Enjoying' life becomes a more and more difficult to do. Most sufferers die within two to five years of diagnosis. There are exceptions such as Professor Stephen Hawking long time sufferer of MND. EJ

30-10-10, 20:36
Eggy, hope ur ok..

I really do not think u have MND... if a doctor thought even 1% chance of u having it, he WOULD OF referred u to a Neuro and ud be getting investigated.. Plus, something would be picked up in ur blood and ud be having debilitating symptoms where u literally KNOW theres DEFINITELY sumin up. Look it up on MedHelp, people with MND really do KNOW theyve got sumin SERIOUSLY wrong. And they dont need to tell a doctor, a doctor would get sacked if it comes out that u have infact got MND.. coz im sure uve mentioned it enough times...

U need to go back to ur doctor and say:

'Right, i cant handle living my life like this anymore thinking 'what if what if'...so can u please refer me to a Neurologist as a matter of urgency as this is affecting my mental state BADLY.'

Or even just a MND blood test and MRI. doesnt have to be a neuro.

The more this continues the iller u r guna make urself and like mne, u will have a Nervous Breakdown...and trust me, u dont wanna have one of them!!!

I was a bit like i (although not half as bad) and really wouldnt listen and was convinced i had a tumour or a stroke...I had a ct scan and it was clear and ive not had any funny head sensations since. I was having slurry speech too! Its just the anxiety! Adrenalin does HUGE things to the body.

But as i said, u arent guna listen unless u see a Neuro...so do wot u need to do and quick, as u will end up just crackin up the way u are carrying on hun.

Take care

I have tried to be sent to a Neurologist, Blood Tests do not pick up M.N.D neither do MRI's, The only thing that would detect it is a EMG test done by a Neurologist and there's no guarantee a Neurologist would do one.

I have only mentioned M.N.D once to my doctors that's it, I have pushed to see a Neuro, I do not see what else i can do? Plus waiting to see a Neuro is a long wait.

I do think i have something seriously wrong when chewing seems difficult and swallowing seems harder and talking feels tiring as well as my tongue not feeling right and other issues.

30-10-10, 20:50
is it constantly like that?? coz it wouldnt just come and go! and i used to find it really hard to chew and swallow when in high anxious states of mind...and u must be all the time if u think uve got this degenerative disease. i used to spit my food out coz i was scared about choking (coz i used to choke all the time when highly anxious) its all IN THE MIND. Its concentrating on chewing too much and concentrating on your throat etc that MAKES these symptoms come on. U might say 'oh but i dont think about it and it still happens'; thats what i used to say, but after CBT i learnt that its all subconcious! im waiting to see a Neuro based on dizziness and numbness in right arm! so maybe u need to change doctors?? different gp's will do different things!!!

even if u think u have MND, if u were that scared and really THOUGHT 100% that u had it, u wouldnt be sat around, ud be doing ANYTHING in ur power to get a diagnosis! even taking out a loan to pay for an EMG privately! If u really want that confirmation as much as u say u do, then pay privately or change gp';s! and keep changing until u get a referral! eggy ud do anything if u honestly fort u had MND.

Why dont u go to a&e when u get this choking?? and tell them all your symptoms! they are often faster with referrals as ur actually in hosp!

Take care

30-10-10, 20:52
That’s a good point Eggy. Have you actually joined any MND related forums too? You know, the subconscious mind knows a lot more about keeping us safe than we give it credit for. I wouldn’t be surprised if deep down a part of you knows what’s really going on, which is why it’s keeping you here on a health anxiety forum. Do you think it might know something you don’t, I wonder...

Another thing to think about is that when a person is really facing a terminal illness, what do they do? Most tend to live their life to the fullest possible while they still can, and I’m sure you would do the same if you knew for sure.

So if a person can do their best to enjoy life when terminally ill, why can’t they also try and do that before being diagnosed?

Take care :)

I have actually just joined an M.N.D forum to see if what i am experiencing could be M.N.D.

30-10-10, 20:56
Well believe me i am shocked that i haven't been referred to a neurologist too, It's something that is really annoying me and frustrating me, As i said before if i ever ever found out that i had something seriously wrong with me i would make sure the doctor does get sacked, Actually it would be nearly all the doctors at the practice not just one.

...and there it is, the good old I told you I was ill routine! I bet you even harbour those thoughts that you hope something is wrong just so you can say told you so.

Do you honestly think a GP would be struck off if they misdiagnosed you? GP's get struck off for serious medical misconduct or negligence not for missing a single presentation so I'm afraid you won't even get that satisfaction.

Your GP would refer you to a neurologist if you had any signs or symptoms that warranted it so I would suggest that not getting the referal indicates that you do not present with anything that causes concern. I have been where you are and forked out £120 to see a private neuro when the money would have been better spent on therapy.

You say that you don't think health anxiety is a hobby...I would disagree on this point as for many people their health anxiety does become exactly that...why not look up the definition of hobby and see how it fits like a glove.

You have clearly invested a great deal of time Googling about MND/ALS and believe that you are armed with a load of facts that support the belief that you have this disease. I have to say that the majority of MND information on the net is bull and comes from the 'twitching is a sign of ALS' school of thought...you pay attention to that stuff at your peril.

As somebody else has already said, on one level you know that you do not have MND and have a health related anxiety disorder and this is why you post on an anxiety forum. Instead of spending your time and effort researching MND and then squeezing these 'facts' to fit your faulty theory why not invest that time and effort into making a concerted effort into investigating just why it actually is you are thinking and feeling the way you are.

30-10-10, 20:56

I have posted a reply to you before as I have a friend with MND.

He went to his GP as he kept falling over and after having some basic Neuro tests he was referred urgently to a Neurologist and diagnosed very very quickly.

He has deteriorated and lost the ability to walk and talk in a matter of months and now is losing the ability to do things on a weekly basis.

If your GP noticed any changes they would have referred you straight away.

I think now is the time you got some help for your health anxiety and hope this deals with the issues you have.


Hi Lolly,

Thanks for posting, People always assume that people who develop M.N.D get it in the limbs first, Not true, It's true that A.L.S is the most common form of M.N.D and starts with weakness in the hands or arms or legs or feet but the P.B.P form of M.N.D starts with the bulbar muscles which is the mouth, tongue, throat and even breathing muscles before it progresses to other parts of the body like the arms and legs.

Out of interest how old is your friend?


30-10-10, 21:03
is it constantly like that?? coz it wouldnt just come and go! and i used to find it really hard to chew and swallow when in high anxious states of mind...and u must be all the time if u think uve got this degenerative disease. i used to spit my food out coz i was scared about choking (coz i used to choke all the time when highly anxious) its all IN THE MIND. Its concentrating on chewing too much and concentrating on your throat etc that MAKES these symptoms come on. U might say 'oh but i dont think about it and it still happens'; thats what i used to say, but after CBT i learnt that its all subconcious! im waiting to see a Neuro based on dizziness and numbness in right arm! so maybe u need to change doctors?? different gp's will do different things!!!

even if u think u have MND, if u were that scared and really THOUGHT 100% that u had it, u wouldnt be sat around, ud be doing ANYTHING in ur power to get a diagnosis! even taking out a loan to pay for an EMG privately! If u really want that confirmation as much as u say u do, then pay privately or change gp';s! and keep changing until u get a referral! eggy ud do anything if u honestly fort u had MND.

Why dont u go to a&e when u get this choking?? and tell them all your symptoms! they are often faster with referrals as ur actually in hosp!

Take care

Well i don't really want to change GP's but i suppose i would if it came down to it, If i could get a loan to see a neuro privately i would not hesitate without a doubt i would go and see one right now.

But as i can't and as my GP is not referring me despite me pushing for a referral i don't really know what else to do.

30-10-10, 21:05
Hi Eggy,

“I have actually just joined an M.N.D forum to see if what i am experiencing could be M.N.D.”

That’s good. I’ve no idea myself but I’m sure there must be lots of subtle things about MND above and beyond what can be read on Google, that only a sufferer, or a doctor, would know. I hope talking to people with first hand knowledge can help put your mind at ease.

But please don’t put that knowledge to bad use by developing any new symptoms you might learn about :doh:

Take care,

30-10-10, 21:07
Eggy you still havent really given a good reason why you are posting all this on an anxiety forum. If you are convinced that you have MND then why are you posting here???
Im sorry to sound harsh but i dont understand it.

30-10-10, 21:13
Hi ElizabethJane,

I don’t know much about the illness myself so perhaps it isn’t always possible to ‘enjoy’ the time that is left. However, Eggy hasn’t been diagnosed with this horrible disease and I was just trying to offer a positive suggestion in his case.

BTW, I have read about your Mum in other posts... I’m truly sorry :sad:

Take care,

30-10-10, 21:14
Hi Eggy,

“I have actually just joined an M.N.D forum to see if what i am experiencing could be M.N.D.”

That’s good. I’ve no idea myself but I’m sure there must be lots of subtle things about MND above and beyond what can be read on Google, that only a sufferer, or a doctor, would know. I hope talking to people with first hand knowledge can help put your mind at ease.

But please don’t put that knowledge to bad use by developing any new symptoms you might learn about :doh:

Take care,

Believe me Nigel that there is nothing subtle about MND/ALS.

I'm not trying to pimp my book honest BUT, I have written a whole chapter about HA and being convinced you have a neuro nasty and MND is a funny old disease of choice to be honest. It is only after you get over the MND worry (and inevitably move onto pancreatic cancer) that you realise just how laughable it is that you thought you had it. My main belief as to why it is so prevelent amongst health anxiety sufferers is that it ties in with the ideas of losing control and being locked into our bodies and being unable to influence the outside world...the very concepts that play on the traits that most health anxiety sufferers have in spades.

30-10-10, 21:17

He is 43.

And like I said, the GP noticed neuro changes immediately.

Also the form of MND you are concerned with is very rare!

I have been there with health anxiety. I wasted hours and hours with my GP and having test after test paid for with my own money as well as the general ones my GP did. And you know what..... The more attention I gave it the more I convinced myself... I could twist any symptom into what I thought I had. It was the most miserable time. But you know what. I had other issues I wasn't dealing with and HA took up every minute of my time so I didn't have to deal with it.

I hope you get the help and support you need.


Your friend isn't very old then :lac: It's terrible that people quite young get things like M.N.D :weep:

Isn't M.N.D in general very rare? I know the form of M.N.D i am worried about is rarer than the most common form.

30-10-10, 21:21
Hi ElizabethJane,

I don’t know much about the illness myself so perhaps it isn’t always possible to ‘enjoy’ the time that is left. However, Eggy hasn’t been diagnosed with this horrible disease and I was just trying to offer a positive suggestion in his case.

BTW, I have read about your Mum in other posts... I’m truly sorry :sad:

Take care,

Nigel, I would say that M.N.D is probably the worst disease in the world! It's a guaranteed fatal disease and there is no treatment and no cure.

Your mind never gets affected but you lose muscle by muscle until you are totally paralysed and have to blink to communicate, The mind is as sharp as ever and you are totally aware of what is going on around you and you eventually end up being locked inside your own body unable to even move, eat, talk or walk and you have to use different types of equipment to help you eat and breath and eventually and quite quickly you pass away :weep:

30-10-10, 21:28
Good grief..thanks for that, I'm sure it will be of great use to anyone scared of MND. :lac:

Simple question..you have visited your doctor on how many occasions? You have spoken to him I assume..as you have read so much on the Bulbar form of MND you will know that speech is always affected. Pronounced slurring..not a maybe..a definite symptom.

You continually quote figures Eggy but are choosing to miss out other pieces of information relating to upper and lower neurones, which would affect either type of Bulbar palsy.

Yes I have read the information too, at length.

You don't have it, you don't have the symptoms to match it even if you try which is what you seem to be doing.

And just for the record, you may be going crazy with worry and for that I'm genuinely sorry but you should be careful what you're writing. Do NOT make comparisons between diseases..it is offensive and wrong.

It's a no-go situation and I think you need to accept this.

30-10-10, 21:32
Nigel, I would say that M.N.D is probably the worst disease in the world! It's a guaranteed fatal disease and there is no treatment and no cure.

Your mind never gets affected but you lose muscle by muscle until you are totally paralysed and have to blink to communicate, The mind is as sharp as ever and you are totally aware of what is going on around you and you eventually end up being locked inside your own body unable to even move, eat, talk or walk and you have to use different types of equipment to help you eat and breath and eventually and quite quickly you pass away :weep:

:whistles:...and I rest my case.

Seriously. this is textbook stuff and trying to appeal to the OP on rational and logical grounds is doomed to failure.

eggy, honestly dude you may think you are struggling at the moment but leaving this unchecked and relying solely on a forum for help is going to only drag you down further into the nightmare of the disorder. You need to speak to your GP and expalin how encompassing this is becoming so you can receive the help you require.

I can't add anymore so just to say good luck fella.

30-10-10, 22:53
Eggy you have had this for a month now (your concerns I mean not MND).

If by your reckoning it takes hold very quickly then you would be 100 times worse by now and are you?

Is it constant day in and out - even at night? Has it got worse over the last week for example?

You must go back to the GP and sort this out as constantly posting on an anxiety forum is not helping you so there is no point doing it any more.

You need to get this MND issue sorted then come back and see us with the results.

30-10-10, 23:47
i agree with nicola

30-10-10, 23:56
Eggy you have had this for a month now (your concerns I mean not MND).

If by your reckoning it takes hold very quickly then you would be 100 times worse by now and are you?

Is it constant day in and out - even at night? Has it got worse over the last week for example?

You must go back to the GP and sort this out as constantly posting on an anxiety forum is not helping you so there is no point doing it any more.

You need to get this MND issue sorted then come back and see us with the results.

Well, It's quite rapid if it's that type because it can kill you within 6 months-3 years, usually around a year or a year and a half since symptoms start.

I have these issues longer than 4 weeks, I have had them since around the end of August but at first i didn't think much about it.

It is constant, The pain is there all the time, Paracetamol gives me some relief but i constantly have pain in my face, mouth and throat and sometimes it spreads to my head and eyes.

The swallowing issues are constant and i always feel like i cannot chew properly whenever i eat, My mouth feels weak and so does my tongue and throat.

I don't see what i can do? That's part of the problem, I have seen my GP a few times but nothing has been done apart from blood tests, I am due to go back this week but it will be the same again, I will leave with nothing as always.

31-10-10, 01:17
That's a fair post Jaco.

Of course i am not expecting a diagnosis, Only a professional can do that.

If it turns out that i don't have M.N.D or anything else seriously wrong with me i promise to read everything you have said.

Erm, excuse me for butting in here, but I think I have found the root of the problem. You don't want to listen to anything other than the people on here (who aren't doctors and aren't experts) confirming that you have MND.

We're anxiety sufferers, not CNS disease sufferers. You know that none of us can confirm or deny that you have MND, so all that's happening is your fears are getting fed, again and again and again..... ad nauseam.

Every time one of us suggests that you talk to your doctor about anxiety, you seem to go selectively deaf about it.

For Heaven's sake, do yourself a favour and go back to your GP. TELL THEM WHAT YOU ARE WORRIED ABOUT. I think all of us on this forum have been in this position, so we know what it's like; it's not easy, it involves swallowing your pride, and it involves asking for help. But until you get to this point, nothing, but nothing, is going to improve for you. You've had some brilliant advice from the people on here, and you're ignoring every bit of it because nobody can agree with you that you have MND.

31-10-10, 01:47
Erm, excuse me for butting in here, but I think I have found the root of the problem. You don't want to listen to anything other than the people on here (who aren't doctors and aren't experts) confirming that you have MND.

We're anxiety sufferers, not CNS disease sufferers. You know that none of us can confirm or deny that you have MND, so all that's happening is your fears are getting fed, again and again and again..... ad nauseam.

Every time one of us suggests that you talk to your doctor about anxiety, you seem to go selectively deaf about it.

For Heaven's sake, do yourself a favour and go back to your GP. TELL THEM WHAT YOU ARE WORRIED ABOUT. I think all of us on this forum have been in this position, so we know what it's like; it's not easy, it involves swallowing your pride, and it involves asking for help. But until you get to this point, nothing, but nothing, is going to improve for you. You've had some brilliant advice from the people on here, and you're ignoring every bit of it because nobody can agree with you that you have MND.

I have been to my GP several times, Every trip to the doctors feels like a wasted one because they just don't seem to do enough, All they have done is blood tests and nothing more and don't seem to be that bothered about my worries, I don't see what else i can do?

31-10-10, 01:03
You can stop worrying and live a life Eggy for one

Do you work? Do you have hobbies? family? etc

If you don't believe docs then all you can do is go private and waste thousands of pounds on tests to prove us all right and you wrong. Can we take bets on that?

31-10-10, 01:05
Just out of interest as someone asked you before to post replies to other people on here and take an interest in their problems - what issues do I have at the moment that are probably more life threatening than yours lol?

31-10-10, 01:24
You can stop worrying and live a life Eggy for one

Do you work? Do you have hobbies? family? etc

If you don't believe docs then all you can do is go private and waste thousands of pounds on tests to prove us all right and you wrong. Can we take bets on that?

Would you be prepared to bet then that i don't have any form of M.N.D? That goes for other people too!

31-10-10, 01:27
Just out of interest as someone asked you before to post replies to other people on here and take an interest in their problems - what issues do I have at the moment that are probably more life threatening than yours lol?

I'm not sure, I know you have had a heart attacks and you have Crohn's Disease.

paula lynne
31-10-10, 10:47
Hi Eggy
I was wondering if your health anxiety is related to your marriage breaking down. Did your problems begin around then?
The breakdown of a marriage is one of the most stressful life events, especially if children are involved.

I cant really add to the other posts about MND etc, but maybe youd consider going out again, and meeting new people. You have said previously youd like to meet someone new and perhaps starting a relationship. I think this would do you the world of good.

Or maybe you could go out with mates on a regular basis, Im certain this would help you, take your mind away from your symptoms, and help you start living your life again.

Youve also said your diet isnt great, and you eat a lot of junk food. This is probably detrimental to you and not helping the way you feel. Maybe youd consider adopting a healthier diet? Good food can really affect the mind and body, and changing to a healthier lifestyle really has benefitted a lot of people.

You can google how good food affects the mind and body, maybe focusing on that, you will be able to make small changes and see if it improves the way you feel. Its worth a shot isnt it?

Im not sure you joining a forum on MND has helped you, you seem more focused that ever on the fact you have it now :huh:

31-10-10, 11:14
Hi Eggy
I was wondering if your health anxiety is related to your marriage breaking down. Did your problems begin around then?
The breakdown of a marriage is one of the most stressful life events, especially if children are involved.

I cant really add to the other posts about MND etc, but maybe youd consider going out again, and meeting new people. You have said previously youd like to meet someone new and perhaps starting a relationship. I think this would do you the world of good.

Or maybe you could go out with mates on a regular basis, Im certain this would help you, take your mind away from your symptoms, and help you start living your life again.

Youve also said your diet isnt great, and you eat a lot of junk food. This is probably detrimental to you and not helping the way you feel. Maybe youd consider adopting a healthier diet? Good food can really affect the mind and body, and changing to a healthier lifestyle really has benefitted a lot of people.

You can google how good food affects the mind and body, maybe focusing on that, you will be able to make small changes and see if it improves the way you feel. Its worth a shot isnt it?

Im not sure you joining a forum on MND has helped you, you seem more focused that ever on the fact you have it now :huh:

Spot on...just amazed that it took to page 7 for somebody to talk sense. The more people just try to convice eggy that he doesn't have MND the more you are playing the very game that he wants.

31-10-10, 11:21
Would you be prepared to bet then that i don't have any form of M.N.D? That goes for other people too!

This is an enlightening post indeed.

Much as it pains me to agree with some of the more "harsh" posts here, I have to say that I am in agreement..we are not helping. :lac:

31-10-10, 20:55
I had an interesting email from a professor of Neurology today who is head of neurology in a clinic in the same town as me and they said i need to be seen by a Neurologist, They said if i get my GP to refer me to them i can go and see them at the clinic.

Now that makes me think the worst because based on my symptoms they think i need to see them.

31-10-10, 21:05
Spot on...just amazed that it took to page 7 for somebody to talk sense. The more people just try to convice eggy that he doesn't have MND the more you are playing the very game that he wants.

I am not playing games mate, Do you think i like worrying about M.N.D and worrying because i feel like i am choking and not swallowing properly and having problems chewing along with all the bad mouth, throat and facial pain?

31-10-10, 21:09
Thats great eggy, hopefully your gp will refer you when u mention it to them. remember to print off the email and take it so doc believes u lol. can i just ask do u clench ur jaw alot????? and dont be concerned about them thinking u need to see them, they are just going by ur symptoms (probably dont realise ur an anxiety sufferer as we do tend to miss that out, well i do lol)

and anyway, ur complaining that the Neuro think su need to see him but then if he said he didnt, ud complain aboiut that too!! u truly are the biggest anxiety sufferer going lol. good luck with doc :)

31-10-10, 21:15
Thats great eggy, hopefully your gp will refer you when u mention it to them. remember to print off the email and take it so doc believes u lol. can i just ask do u clench ur jaw alot????? and dont be concerned about them thinking u need to see them, they are just going by ur symptoms (probably dont realise ur an anxiety sufferer as we do tend to miss that out, well i do lol)

and anyway, ur complaining that the Neuro think su need to see him but then if he said he didnt, ud complain aboiut that too!! u truly are the biggest anxiety sufferer going lol. good luck with doc :)

Well hopefully my GP will refer me they keep hesitating or trying to avoid it but i am going to put some real pressure on them now.

I don't know if it was a good idea emailing the Neurologist but it might help me now to get referred, Doesn't this mean my GP hasn't been doing there job properly? I knew i should have been referred to a Neurologist along time ago but my GP wasn't having any of it.

The only problem is i am not sure if this clinic is NHS or private?

As for the jaw clenching i don't think so but i could do in my sleep i suppose?

31-10-10, 21:16
I have to ask, why does a professor of Neurology have your email and know about your health? I can only assume you've sent them an email telling them about your symptoms and because of this, they are giving you a bit of credence to your beliefs. On paper you may sound like you have MND, but that does not mean you have it.
So, did you contact them? Or did they magically appear out of the ether and email you first?

31-10-10, 21:18
I have to ask, why does a professor of Neurology have your email and know about your health? I can only assume you've sent them an email telling them about your symptoms and because of this, they are giving you a bit of credence to your beliefs. On paper you may sound like you have MND, but that does not mean you have it.
So, did you contact them? Or did they magically appear out of the ether and email you first?

I emailed them a list of my current problems and symptoms and asked for advice and admitted i was concerned about M.N.D as my problems are getting worse.

31-10-10, 21:21
Ahh you've answered me in your post above.
I actually think you need help. And no, not for MND. I think you need serious help in regards to your mental wellbeing. I think everyone here has had HA to some degree or another, but I doubt any of them have been emailing specialists with a list of their "Current Worries". If I sent a heart specialist an email telling them I had chest pain, they would probably tell me I needed to be seen. However, that means NOTHING! They've never seen you nor have they been able to examine you, so their opinion is null and void.
Do you honestly, hand on heart, think your GP would have not referred you if he really thought you have a problem?
I just feel like everyone is banging their head against a brick wall with you. I actually don't think you're going to take a blind bit of notice of what I'm saying because it doesn't back up what you're trying to get out of this.
I'm sorry if I come across as angry, but that's how you make me feel.

31-10-10, 21:22
ah ok i just asked coz jaw clenching can cause facial pain, difficulty swallowing and chewing... this all could be just a jaw problem u know... hence why an mri would be beneficial.. a neuro will be able to tell whether uve got MND, u wont have to tell them trust me. Even if they dont do an EMG, it is still easily diagnosed by the progression of symptoms and they are very visible..

paula lynne
31-10-10, 21:28
Thanks for ignoring me again eggy...
I was up all last night vomiting with a severe panic attack, Ive burst all the blood vessels in my eyes as a result..Im waiting for a phone call to say my gran has died..you know what..despite all this, I still posted you this morning about your diet etc, and asking when your problems started.
Your attitude is really astounding, and frankly, very hurtful. I know youll say "well, dont reply then"...but I did it because I thought Id try a different angle, about your diet etc, something nobodys discussed. Despite how awful I feel, I still wanted to post something for you to consider, and yet again, you are just rude. Good luck with your new private neurologist by the way, and yes, start saving, thats going to be private

31-10-10, 21:32
can i also ask do u get these problems EVERY TIME u eat? or swallow? and ive looked it up and this is due to the muscle weakaning/wasting in the throat and mouth, so ud be getting this severely and continually, and also ur speech would be slurring ALOT.

31-10-10, 21:36
I am not playing games mate, Do you think i like worrying about M.N.D and worrying because i feel like i am choking and not swallowing properly and having problems chewing along with all the bad mouth, throat and facial pain?

On a certain level yes I do.

I would also suggest it is because of either a) you don't have anything else to do or b) you have other things to do but you don't want to do them.

Now, that is a bet I would be prepared to take all day long.

31-10-10, 21:36
God Eggy.....you are giving us all high blood pressure mate!!!:mad:

31-10-10, 21:36
can i also ask do u get these problems EVERY TIME u eat? or swallow? and ive looked it up and this is due to the muscle weakaning/wasting in the throat and mouth, so ud be getting this severely and continually, and also ur speech would be slurring ALOT.

Yes everytime i eat and swallow....I struggle to chew plus i get some pain when chewing and eating and sometimes pain in my throat...Swallowing feels and seems harder but i don't have slurred speech otherwise someone around me would have told me.

31-10-10, 21:39
health anxiety isn`t nice at all but at some point you`ve got to stop seeking reassurance from people who can`t help.
I got a great book called `it`s not all in your head` which is a workbook to help you through health anxiety / hypochondria and related issues, it helped me an awful lot but you need to take the time to do the exercises and really soak up what it says.

no one on line can truly settle anyones mind, niggling worries are your own and you have to work them out yourself. and the jaw clenching is most often done in your sleep, I used to get shooting pains up the side of my head which I guessed - wrongly - was something serious.

Paula, you`re a lovely person and it`s you all over to try and help eggy but it`s not possible.

Eggy, best of luck and I truly hope you`re not ill with anything serious but you`re driving yourself bananas with worry and becoming hyper sensitive to symptoms, which is why I`d try that book or some therapy rather than thinking it`s a physical malady.

all the best


31-10-10, 21:42
Ahh you've answered me in your post above.
I actually think you need help. And no, not for MND. I think you need serious help in regards to your mental wellbeing. I think everyone here has had HA to some degree or another, but I doubt any of them have been emailing specialists with a list of their "Current Worries". If I sent a heart specialist an email telling them I had chest pain, they would probably tell me I needed to be seen. However, that means NOTHING! They've never seen you nor have they been able to examine you, so their opinion is null and void.
Do you honestly, hand on heart, think your GP would have not referred you if he really thought you have a problem?
I just feel like everyone is banging their head against a brick wall with you. I actually don't think you're going to take a blind bit of notice of what I'm saying because it doesn't back up what you're trying to get out of this.
I'm sorry if I come across as angry, but that's how you make me feel.

If it makes you angry why reply to my posts? I say to anyone if i make you feel angry don't read my threads as that would probably be best or read them and don't reply.

31-10-10, 21:42
ah ok i just asked coz jaw clenching can cause facial pain, difficulty swallowing and chewing... this all could be just a jaw problem u know... hence why an mri would be beneficial.. a neuro will be able to tell whether uve got MND, u wont have to tell them trust me. Even if they dont do an EMG, it is still easily diagnosed by the progression of symptoms and they are very visible..

Thanks, I wasn't aware that a jaw problem could cause problems chewing and that though where did you get that info from?

31-10-10, 21:47
Eggy, I suggest you take the email to the GP and ask for a referral.

In terms of your anxiety about MND, please bear in mind that every single one of your symptoms can present with anxiety. You could have bruxism (grinding in your sleep) which is making your jaw sore (I've had this too - SSRIs can cause it too), and acid reflux causing the sore throat (again, can be caused by SSRIs too). And Globus Hystericus explains the swallowing issue, which is often a loop where when you think about swallowing, you can't do it. The more anxious you are, the worse the symptoms become, because they are caused by anxiety. They are classic, textbook, anxiety symptoms.

I suspect the neurologist may have had second thoughts if you said you have a health anxiety disorder. Or perhaps he thinks it is better safe than sorry.

So by all means, check out the MND angle. But bear in mind, as I'm sure you are very frightened, that this could very easily all be anxiety. And if it turns out to be nothing sinister, please get some help for your health anxiety, or you will just repeat this all over again with something else.

31-10-10, 21:49
Thanks for ignoring me again eggy...
I was up all last night vomiting with a severe panic attack, Ive burst all the blood vessels in my eyes as a result..Im waiting for a phone call to say my gran has died..you know what..despite all this, I still posted you this morning about your diet etc, and asking when your problems started.
Your attitude is really astounding, and frankly, very hurtful. I know youll say "well, dont reply then"...but I did it because I thought Id try a different angle, about your diet etc, something nobodys discussed. Despite how awful I feel, I still wanted to post something for you to consider, and yet again, you are just rude. Good luck with your new private neurologist by the way, and yes, start saving, thats going to be private

It's NHS actually i just found out.

31-10-10, 21:51
Eggy, I suggest you take the email to the GP and ask for a referral.

In terms of your anxiety about MND, please bear in mind that every single one of your symptoms can present with anxiety. You could have bruxism (grinding in your sleep) which is making your jaw sore (I've had this too - SSRIs can cause it too), and acid reflux causing the sore throat (again, can be caused by SSRIs too). And Globus Hystericus explains the swallowing issue, which is often a loop where when you think about swallowing, you can't do it. The more anxious you are, the worse the symptoms become, because they are caused by anxiety. They are classic, textbook, anxiety symptoms.

I suspect the neurologist may have had second thoughts if you said you have a health anxiety disorder. Or perhaps he thinks it is better safe than sorry.

So by all means, check out the MND angle. But bear in mind, as I'm sure you are very frightened, that this could very easily all be anxiety. And if it turns out to be nothing sinister, please get some help for your health anxiety, or you will just repeat this all over again with something else.

I agree with that, If i didn't have MND or something else serious then i would know it's down to anxiety.

31-10-10, 21:55
Ahh you've answered me in your post above.
I actually think you need help. And no, not for MND. I think you need serious help in regards to your mental wellbeing. I think everyone here has had HA to some degree or another, but I doubt any of them have been emailing specialists with a list of their "Current Worries". If I sent a heart specialist an email telling them I had chest pain, they would probably tell me I needed to be seen. However, that means NOTHING! They've never seen you nor have they been able to examine you, so their opinion is null and void.
Do you honestly, hand on heart, think your GP would have not referred you if he really thought you have a problem?
I just feel like everyone is banging their head against a brick wall with you. I actually don't think you're going to take a blind bit of notice of what I'm saying because it doesn't back up what you're trying to get out of this.
I'm sorry if I come across as angry, but that's how you make me feel.


paula lynne
31-10-10, 21:58
Ok, thanks for letting me know its the NHS..

31-10-10, 22:00
I used to post on this forum a while back and have not really spent much time on here in recent months as I have been otherwise engaged (try it eggy it works)

I'm sure that in the past a mod/admin would have locked this thread by now as it is clear that it has totally outlived any use it could have offered and has turned into a groundhog day of the same advise being offered and it being either totally ignored or illogically refuted. It should be clear to anybody with an iota of an understanding as to how health anxiety presents that no good can possibly be done by this thread and in actual fact by continuing to post we are giving oxygen and further more validity to the worry this person has. This is not a problem solved by logic, ration, reason or reassurance and therefore nobody can offer anything more than has been said.

31-10-10, 22:01
I agree with that, If i didn't have MND or something else serious then i would know it's down to anxiety.

But you wouldnt Eggy, You would then think it was something else!

You need help and soon for your health anxiety

31-10-10, 22:05
How did you get his email address? What is his name?

What did you exactly say to him and what was his reply?

31-10-10, 22:13
Ah hah!!!!! I know what u have!!



31-10-10, 22:16
I used to post on this forum a while back and have not really spent much time on here in recent months as I have been otherwise engaged (try it eggy it works)

I'm sure that in the past a mod/admin would have locked this thread by now as it is clear that it has totally outlived any use it could have offered and has turned into a groundhog day of the same advise being offered and it being either totally ignored or illogically refuted. It should be clear to anybody with an iota of an understanding as to how health anxiety presents that no good can possibly be done by this thread and in actual fact by continuing to post we are giving oxygen and further more validity to the worry this person has. This is not a problem solved by logic, ration, reason or reassurance and therefore nobody can offer anything more than has been said.

He hasn't broke any rules fella, but feel free not to fuel also.

31-10-10, 22:16
If u type anxiety and tmj into google, its one of the most common and hardest-to-live-with progressions from high anxiety sufferers.

My grandmother has had TMJ for years, her tongue goes numb with it too, she clenches her jaw and fists in her sleep, hence why her hands also lock up.

I believe once u find out theres nothing wrong with you, alot of these symptoms will go away coz anxiety makes it soooo hard to chew and swallow so u can imagine what it does to people who have TMJ!!

Good luck

31-10-10, 22:16
Ah hah!!!!! I know what u have!!



Ive said this before and many others have too.

31-10-10, 22:19
ah ok ... :doh:

31-10-10, 22:22
Ah hah!!!!! I know what u have!!



I'm going to go back to the dentist within the next week or two to have a check up and ask about this as other people have indeed pointed it out and it has crossed my mind too.

31-10-10, 22:22
Ok, thanks for letting me know its the NHS..

No problem :D

31-10-10, 22:23
But you wouldnt Eggy, You would then think it was something else!

You need help and soon for your health anxiety

Why would i? It would put it to bed once and for all.

31-10-10, 22:24
Ive said this before and many others have too.

Your right baileys i know you have said it a couple of times and i have looked into it.

31-10-10, 22:25
How did you get his email address? What is his name?

What did you exactly say to him and what was his reply?

I don't think i could disclose their details that would not be fair or right.

All i did was tell them my situation and what has been happening with my symptoms and how they affect me.

31-10-10, 22:28
so how did you get his email address then?

31-10-10, 22:30
Not sure a dentist could diagnose it though if im honest...looking it up on the net it says its very difficult to diagnose, but an examination by ur doctor AND dentist is definitely recommended, aswell as an xray of the jaw to look at the joints to see if thats what causing the problems ur having. but just so u know, anxiety WILL make these symptoms worse as difficulty swallowing and chewing is a very common symptom of anxiety so until u see ur dentist and doctor, try and relax and stay positive and patient. If u had MND u would have EXTREMELY AND PROGRESSIVELY WORSE over the last 9 or 10 weeks, and u havent. Ur throat muscles would have got extremely weak over this akount of time to the point where u were finding it hard to talk (slurred speech) and also other people would be noticing things about u that u have no control over... i believe ur fine and this is TMJ and Anxiety. Plus ur meds aswell as ssri's are a pain in the backside for physical symptoms! especially anything muscular! Take care eggy :)

31-10-10, 22:31
He hasn't broke any rules fella, but feel free not to fuel also.

Whilst I agree that no rules may have been broken I think that there is also an element of common sense required when it can clearly be seen that a thread that is supposed to help somebody is plainly having the opposite effect.

As for your second comment, I take your point. I do not feel that I have repeated anything anyone else has said as such and have purely attempted to put forward an alternative explanation as to why the poster may be having the worry he has as opposed to offering alternative diagnosis etc which will inevitably be refuted or rejected in much the same way.

But, like I say, I take your point.

31-10-10, 22:32
Why would i? It would put it to bed once and for all.

I hope it does for your sake Eggy, but look how many things you think you have had since you have been on this site?

31-10-10, 22:32
Eggy, so are you saying that on a Sunday a Professor who works within the NHS has e-mailed you to say you need to see a Neurologist?

I'm sure that's not how they work?


Well i can assure you that they emailed me this morning and i have only just seen the email as i hadn't checked it today.

31-10-10, 22:33
If we close this thread eggy will start a new one so what's the point?

31-10-10, 22:34
so how did you get his email address then?

It's amazing what you can find on the internet if you look hard enough.

31-10-10, 22:34
to be honest people, i emailed a cardiologist in my area who works for the NHS as neuros and cardios whpo work for the NHS are also private. (hence why u can find their details online). I emailed a cardiologist and he emailed back and said he thinks i should be seen. I emailed him on a saturday and he emailed me back at 8pm that night, their emails are always accessible at home, my cardiologist who i saw the other day said that if i get any problems i can email him? it was an nhs appointment but they are private workers too. i dont think eggy is lying but i do think that by this neuros response he has worried more, unneccesarily. (i worried more when i got my email back lol)

31-10-10, 22:36
Not sure a dentist could diagnose it though if im honest...looking it up on the net it says its very difficult to diagnose, but an examination by ur doctor AND dentist is definitely recommended, aswell as an xray of the jaw to look at the joints to see if thats what causing the problems ur having. but just so u know, anxiety WILL make these symptoms worse as difficulty swallowing and chewing is a very common symptom of anxiety so until u see ur dentist and doctor, try and relax and stay positive and patient. If u had MND u would have EXTREMELY AND PROGRESSIVELY WORSE over the last 9 or 10 weeks, and u havent. Ur throat muscles would have got extremely weak over this akount of time to the point where u were finding it hard to talk (slurred speech) and also other people would be noticing things about u that u have no control over... i believe ur fine and this is TMJ and Anxiety. Plus ur meds aswell as ssri's are a pain in the backside for physical symptoms! especially anything muscular! Take care eggy :)

Well i should be seeing my doctor very soon hopefully and i will be arranging to see my dentist again anyway as facial pain could be teeth related even though i only went around 6 weeks ago and things were fine then.

I had these problems before i went onto the medication so i know it's nothing to do with medication itself.

But thanks for what you have said.

31-10-10, 22:37
to be honest people, i emailed a cardiologist in my area who works for the NHS as neuros and cardios whpo work for the NHS are also private. (hence why u can find their details online). I emailed a cardiologist and he emailed back and said he thinks i should be seen. I emailed him on a saturday and he emailed me back at 8pm that night, their emails are always accessible at home, my cardiologist who i saw the other day said that if i get any problems i can email him? it was an nhs appointment but they are private workers too. i dont think eggy is lying but i do think that by this neuros response he has worried more, unneccesarily. (i worried more when i got my email back lol)

I have no reason to lie i emailed them about 4 or 5 days ago and received a response today like Crazyhayz says it's easy to find and they do email anytime no matter what time it is and whether it's a weekend or not.

31-10-10, 22:38
You can still post the contents of his reply without disclosing his name though. I am interested to see what he actually said.

31-10-10, 22:40
Ok cool, but deffo ask for an xray or your jaw. this may show a joint problem! going back ot ur gp is your most useful option (if uve already seen dentist in last 6 weeks then deffo no point in having another one), so go back to ur doc and ask for an xray of ur jaw, and get him to examine u for TMJ. As i said b4, its hard to diagnose, but ur doctor if hes anything decent should refer you to either a Neuro or just for a simple xray or ur jaw. goodnight and keep thinking positive thoughts! :)

31-10-10, 22:43
You can still post the contents of his reply without disclosing his name though. I am interested to see what he actually said.

They said:-

It sounds like you should be seen by a Neurologist.
If you go to your doctor and ask for a referral and get them to send a letter to me then we will be able to see you about your problems.

31-10-10, 22:50
That doesn't say on the NHS though or were there more emails?

31-10-10, 22:55
If we close this thread eggy will start a new one so what's the point?

Could it not be thought that ideology is a better choice than pragmatism?

...but anyway:zipit:

31-10-10, 22:56
That doesn't say on the NHS though or were there more emails?

I have looked it up it looks like NHS but i could be wrong, Not sure of the cost involved if it's private.

31-10-10, 23:01
My Crohn's consultant works for the NHS and does private work. I have seen him privately and now on the NHS.

I am betting that he thinks you are going to see him privately.

I don't know about neurologists but I would have thought up to £150 a visit to see him privately.

31-10-10, 23:03
My Crohn's consultant works for the NHS and does private work. I have seen him privately and now on the NHS.

I am betting that he thinks you are going to see him privately.

I don't know about neurologists but I would have thought up to £150 a visit to see him privately.

Well, Hopefully i would only need one consultation so i could probably afford that, I should be seen within 2-3 weeks then if it's private?

31-10-10, 23:10
Your GP will need to agree to refer you first I think.

See what he says and take it from there.

31-10-10, 23:12
Your GP will need to agree to refer you first I think.

See what he says and take it from there.

I'm going to put them under real pressure to refer me now even if i have to show them the email and i'll complain to the practice manager if a referral is refused again, It's true that most GP's never see a case of M.N.D in their whole career and that is a fact, My GP even said that to me, Neurologists see it all the time so their judgement is better than a GP.

31-10-10, 23:14
The only reason i am worrying so much is because it actually feels like my throat, mouth and tongue is getting weaker and i cannot ignore it.

31-10-10, 23:17
My Crohn's consultant works for the NHS and does private work. I have seen him privately and now on the NHS.

I am betting that he thinks you are going to see him privately.

I don't know about neurologists but I would have thought up to £150 a visit to see him privately.

How quickly did you get seen and what did you pay?

31-10-10, 23:19
A doctor should refer you based on ur symptoms. If he doesnt, then put a complaint in. Or change GP's! It costs the doctor and the practice money every time they refer someone so there are alot of gp's that dont like referring. Its true alot of ppl go through loads of gps before they get a result coz gps dont like to have it land on their shoulders if a referral is made for not good enough reason. speak to ur gp and hit us all back with the results of wot he has said. And deffo arrange consultation with neuro, it can take about a week to 3 weeks to be seen , depending on amount of patients they have booked in and obviiusly depending on what town ur in and loadsa other things... good luck and let me know how u get on! (i am convinced this is tmj tho!)

tke cre :)

31-10-10, 23:23
A doctor should refer you based on ur symptoms. If he doesnt, then put a complaint in. Or change GP's! It costs the doctor and the practice money every time they refer someone so there are alot of gp's that dont like referring. Its true alot of ppl go through loads of gps before they get a result coz gps dont like to have it land on their shoulders if a referral is made for not good enough reason. speak to ur gp and hit us all back with the results of wot he has said. And deffo arrange consultation with neuro, it can take about a week to 3 weeks to be seen , depending on amount of patients they have booked in and obviiusly depending on what town ur in and loadsa other things... good luck and let me know how u get on! (i am convinced this is tmj tho!)

tke cre :)

Well my doctor isn't referring me and if i see a different doctor at the surgery they just tell me to stick to my main GP and fob me off basically.

I haven't mentioned that when i talk it feels really tiring and i feel a bit out of breath and my chest can feel achy or hurt too when talking.

I will hopefully get to see a neuro within a few weeks, i bet if i had to have tests done i would have to go back and pay more wouldn't i?

Going home
31-10-10, 23:43
Why don't you just make your appointment, get the necessary tests and come back to these good people when you have the results. You're going around in circles and its not getting anybody anywhere, only making people frustrated with you. So my advice to you would be to have the test done and then come back and let us know how you got on.

Anna x

31-10-10, 23:54
Why don't you just make your appointment, get the necessary tests and come back to these good people when you have the results. You're going around in circles and its not getting anybody anywhere, only making people frustrated with you. So my advice to you would be to have the test done and then come back and let us know how you got on.

Anna x

:lac: It's not as straight forward as that unfortunately.

Going home
01-11-10, 00:00
Oh, do you mean you can't get a referrel? I thought if it was a private consultation you could go direct.

Anna x

01-11-10, 00:02
Oh, do you mean you can't get a referrel? I thought if it was a private consultation you could go direct.

Anna x

I thought that too but unfortunately you still need your GP to refer for some stupid reason.

Going home
01-11-10, 00:08
Yes it does sound a bit mad, if you're paying then what's it got to do with the NHS sort of thing? Still, you obviously need to get some sort of test/s done because you are obviously driving yourself mad on here. Have you ever considered that it could be an ocd issue? What I mean is rather than the illness you think you have, its the obsessional thoughts about it that's the problem?

Anna x

01-11-10, 00:19
Yes it does sound a bit mad, if you're paying then what's it got to do with the NHS sort of thing? Still, you obviously need to get some sort of test/s done because you are obviously driving yourself mad on here. Have you ever considered that it could be an ocd issue? What I mean is rather than the illness you think you have, its the obsessional thoughts about it that's the problem?

Anna x

Don't think it's OCD not at all i have symptoms that are causing me a lot of trouble and i have never experienced anything like it before so something needs to be done.

Going home
01-11-10, 00:23
Yes I agree, so hope you do something positive about getting the tests done. There really isn't much point in asking about the symptoms until you do this, since we are as much in the dark as you seem to be.

Anna x

blue moon
01-11-10, 08:04
Have you changed Doctors? maybe you should.I have new symptoms every other week.Bloody OCD,over my health.
Petra x:flowers:

01-11-10, 08:34
I thought that too but unfortunately you still need your GP to refer for some stupid reason.

The 'stupid reason' is because your primary care provider (i.e your registered GP) has a duty of care for you regardless.

You may be surprised to hear this but there is a plethora of quite vulnerable people who have unreasonable concerns about their health and who, if left unchecked, would be visiting untold medical specialists and in turn having untold medical investigations and tests that are actually toally unwarranted and often inherently risky and problematic in their own right.

The whole point of the referal process is that your GP knows you and is a profesional person with years and years of training and who is able to ascertain if you need further investigation. What if you see this neuro and you don't like the colour of their tie or feel that they are not taking you seriously?

The referal process is in place to protect people like you from wasting money and following a route that can only lead to further anxiety and worry.

01-11-10, 09:56
The 'stupid reason' is because your primary care provider (i.e your registered GP) has a duty of care for you regardless.

You may be surprised to hear this but there is a plethora of quite vulnerable people who have unreasonable concerns about their health and who, if left unchecked, would be visiting untold medical specialists and in turn having untold medical investigations and tests that are actually toally unwarranted and often inherently risky and problematic in their own right.

The whole point of the referal process is that your GP knows you and is a profesional person with years and years of training and who is able to ascertain if you need further investigation. What if you see this neuro and you don't like the colour of their tie or feel that they are not taking you seriously?

The referal process is in place to protect people like you from wasting money and following a route that can only lead to further anxiety and worry.


01-11-10, 13:39
I hadn't broken any rules either Jaco, but you removed the olderfella thread.. why do you keep this one open when you know that it is causing people such distress? Maybe you find it amusing? Where's the justice in that?

01-11-10, 14:10
I hadn't broken any rules either Jaco, but you removed the olderfella thread.. why do you keep this one open when you know that it is causing people such distress? Maybe you find it amusing? Where's the justice in that?

Kibbutz, totally unnecessary post. I am not interested in having a slagging match thank you, so please keep your posts relevant.

01-11-10, 14:16
I hadn't broken any rules either Jaco, but you removed the olderfella thread.. why do you keep this one open when you know that it is causing people such distress? Maybe you find it amusing? Where's the justice in that?


As i have said to you many times before if you don't like a thread or my thread stay away from it, No-one forces you to read the content or my threads do they? If it distresses you that much ignore the threads, I don't get why you posted that i think that was a bit out of order.

Let's keep on topic and don't start an argument.

01-11-10, 14:19
Have you changed Doctors? maybe you should.I have new symptoms every other week.Bloody OCD,over my health.
Petra x:flowers:

No i haven't changed doctors but will consider it if things don't change, Whenever i see a different GP at the surgery they barely listen and say "You should stick to your normal doctor."

01-11-10, 14:20
The 'stupid reason' is because your primary care provider (i.e your registered GP) has a duty of care for you regardless.

You may be surprised to hear this but there is a plethora of quite vulnerable people who have unreasonable concerns about their health and who, if left unchecked, would be visiting untold medical specialists and in turn having untold medical investigations and tests that are actually toally unwarranted and often inherently risky and problematic in their own right.

The whole point of the referal process is that your GP knows you and is a profesional person with years and years of training and who is able to ascertain if you need further investigation. What if you see this neuro and you don't like the colour of their tie or feel that they are not taking you seriously?

The referal process is in place to protect people like you from wasting money and following a route that can only lead to further anxiety and worry.

I can see your point but i think people should have the right to go and see someone if they want to it's their money, If you go private i don't see why you even need a referral but there you go.

01-11-10, 14:35
I can see your point but i think people should have the right to go and see someone if they want to it's their money, If you go private i don't see why you even need a referral but there you go.

Erm I guess so people with health anxiety don't over do it waste a load of time and spend thousands? Not gonna lie, if I could afford private and didn't need a referal I'd be up there for every single heart test possible and so would a lot of other people for peace of mind. But there's more urgent cases like people that ACTUALLY have stuff wrong with their heart not just anxiety. So I imagine that's why you still need a referal?

01-11-10, 15:46
Eggy, do you want to know the reason people keep reading and replying to you, even when it's causing them anxiety/frustration/anger etc? It's because they're trying to get through to you. Each and every one of us wants you to get past this and acknowledge that you are suffering from HA and that you're not dying. That is why we continue to post regardless of how frustrated we are. You're a severe case, but we have ALL been there and we ALL want you to get out of your current existence. That is why we post, so telling people to not read it and to not reply is not going to cut it. We're not doing it for fun, we're doing it because we hope that something we say will get through to you.
So, maybe you can cut us all some slack and just consider you don't have MND or any other illness, that you do have HA or OCD?

01-11-10, 16:08
I think people should stop wasting their breath now - all it's doing is causing frustration and anger in members. All the points/concerns Eggy has raised have been answered numerous times by numerous people.

Eggy will only be satisfied (temporarily anyway) when he's had the results of the aforementioned tests. Then we can discuss things that are "relevant" because at the moment it's all falling on deaf ears and is an exercise in futility.

Come back when you have had your tests Eggy and people will be happy to offer you the support you need. Until then, as someone else said, it's another Groundhog Day...

01-11-10, 16:42
I can see your point but i think people should have the right to go and see someone if they want to it's their money, If you go private i don't see why you even need a referral but there you go.

Clearly you are clueless about referrals Eggy. If you took the time to study as much about the system as you do your 'perceived' ailments then you would be an expert by now.

A GP referral is needed REGARDLESS of whether it is NHS or private because otherwise every Tom, Dick and Harry would be self diagnosing via Dr. Google claiming they need an urgent referral when they don't, wasting time and more importantly FUNDS (when it comes to the NHS) and in both the case of NHS and private wasting the time and the precious, limited appointment slots of the consultant. Obviously, money is not so much the issue if you yourself are paying for it, that is your look out if you want to shell out for no reason, but when it comes to the NHS it is nobody's RIGHT to be referred, particularly if you are not a tax payer.

It is a complete misnomer that you can just ring up and get a private appointment incidentally as my Dad found out recently. He has had long standing sinus/ear pain since Feb and cannot be seen in the NHS until the end of this month, so has decided to be seen privately but even then he couldn't get in to see the Consultant until 2 weeks later, so they are just as precious as NHS slots.

Referrals should only be deemed necessary by a qualified practitioner, not Joe Public.

01-11-10, 16:52
Eggy, do you want to know the reason people keep reading and replying to you, even when it's causing them anxiety/frustration/anger etc? It's because they're trying to get through to you. Each and every one of us wants you to get past this and acknowledge that you are suffering from HA and that you're not dying. That is why we continue to post regardless of how frustrated we are. You're a severe case, but we have ALL been there and we ALL want you to get out of your current existence. That is why we post, so telling people to not read it and to not reply is not going to cut it. We're not doing it for fun, we're doing it because we hope that something we say will get through to you.
So, maybe you can cut us all some slack and just consider you don't have MND or any other illness, that you do have HA or OCD?

Rather interestingly they are, on a more fundamental level, speaking to themselves and trying to convince themselves that they are well as well.

You will often hear people stating that they wish they could take their own advise etc and when we join in debates and offer our heartfelt pleas for a member to accept an anxiety diagnosis or accept that they are well the advise we profer is actually us talking to ourselves and attempting to sooth and rationalise our own worries and anxiety.

This is really the double edged sword of forums and this disorder...it takes so much for us to actually see what is truly going on and we get sucked along in the belief that we are recovering when in truth we are remaining static or even getting worse.

paula lynne
01-11-10, 17:21
We are all on different stages of our journey, so I agree SOME people self-talk while giving advice. However, I think all the advice Eggy has had stems from our inherent need to want to help others. No bad thing.
Jaco has hit the nail on the head, we cant help at all until Eggy has seen his personal Neurologist, and comes back with the conclusive results.

I do agree with Vixxy, people continue to post, despite their own problems, in the vain attempt something will "click" with Eggy, however 200 posts later, and nothing seems to allay his evident HA, which I believe to be severe and serious.

Obviously I hope all tests are negative for you Eggy, and you can move on. If they are, I hope you read over the hundreds of supportive texts on here, and utilise the many options available to you regarding this problem.
I hope you are willing to do that at least. We are all suffering here. And lastly, as said many times before, this is a health anxiety forum, as well as panic and anxiety. If you dont believe you have it Eggy, and all your problems have a sound physical basis, perhaps this isnt the forum for you, as it seems to feed your anxiety, not help you. Best wishes to you

01-11-10, 18:23
I think its ok to google health sometimes but not if you suffer from HA.
I quite often google but because i dont really suffer from HA i tend to look at the most obvious cause and not the most deadly.

01-11-10, 19:01

Sorry to be blunt but as all you do is keep saying about getting help for health anxiety to me i would like to say a few things:-

I have suffered from panic attacks before and had some recently but since i have been on Cipralex they have stopped.

However i have had these worrying symptoms for around 9 weeks now.

Now i don't believe for one minute that anxiety can cause quite severe pain in the face, mouth and throat.

I am not even sure if it causes you to choke on lots of things.

When you are having constant pain and problems chewing/swallowing and feeling tired when talking i think i have a right to be very concerned about my problems.

It's not impossible at the age of 28 to develop a serious illness or something fatal like M.N.D.

The fact that these symptoms are constant and show no sign of going away really worry me.



I had six months of constant face pain so severe i had to go to bed with it every day plus loads of other symptoms. My anxiety got better on an ssri but the face pain took much longer to go - it was all tension - anxiety can cause ANY kind of symptom - my friend had a nervous breakdown and lost the use of her legs. My uncle had a nervous breakdown and had to hang onto everything for support - such was his dizziness and weak legs. I know how worrying it can be when you cannot decide if symptoms are nervous/physical but please do not think that your symptoms cannot be anxiety due to the pain level BECAUSE THEY CAN BE!!!

blue moon
01-11-10, 21:06
Big hugs for you Eggy:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:
Love Petra x:flowers:

01-11-10, 22:40

Sorry to be blunt but as all you do is keep saying about getting help for health anxiety to me i would like to say a few things:-

I have suffered from panic attacks before and had some recently but since i have been on Cipralex they have stopped.

However i have had these worrying symptoms for around 9 weeks now.

Now i don't believe for one minute that anxiety can cause quite severe pain in the face, mouth and throat.

I am not even sure if it causes you to choke on lots of things.

When you are having constant pain and problems chewing/swallowing and feeling tired when talking i think i have a right to be very concerned about my problems.

It's not impossible at the age of 28 to develop a serious illness or something fatal like M.N.D.

The fact that these symptoms are constant and show no sign of going away really worry me.



I had six months of constant face pain so severe i had to go to bed with it every day plus loads of other symptoms. My anxiety got better on an ssri but the face pain took much longer to go - it was all tension - anxiety can cause ANY kind of symptom - my friend had a nervous breakdown and lost the use of her legs. My uncle had a nervous breakdown and had to hang onto everything for support - such was his dizziness and weak legs. I know how worrying it can be when you cannot decide if symptoms are nervous/physical but please do not think that your symptoms cannot be anxiety due to the pain level BECAUSE THEY CAN BE!!!

Joanna I have just been through this thread and this is your first post on it so I have no idea what you are going on about, or why you are addressing me.

01-11-10, 22:46
Jaco - she is quoting what eggy said to you in a previous post but didn't quote it properly

01-11-10, 22:47
and there's me thinking I was going mad, but it's been one of those days ;)

01-11-10, 22:51
Don't worry jaco, i read it the same way you did :roflmao:

It didn't quote as it should have done, joannap was agreeing with you lol

I've had one of those weeks lol!

01-11-10, 22:53
Lol I thought, "what have I said now?" ;)

Apologies joannap.

02-11-10, 09:45
I didn't even bother asking about a Neuro referral as my doctor doesn't even have a rough idea what is wrong with me.

I have been referred to an ENT Specialist and i sort of pushed for that as i said my mouth and throat is driving me mad and i keep having to take pills all the time to try and calm it down.

She also mentioned something else that the other useless doctor did not tell me last week about my blood test results, My B12 levels are a bit low not really low but low, Luckily i am having another blood test done tomorrow.

She checked out my chest and breathing as i said the past 2 days i have been having chest pain and discomfort and breathing problems.

02-11-10, 09:49
sorry jaco45er

silly me - just noticed a quote button - sorry if it caused any probs! x

02-11-10, 12:46
No problems at all joanna :)

02-11-10, 13:10
Oh this is a sad and sorry thread round an round it goes poor eggy when will you be happy to except what the gp is telling you by not referring you i am sure as you have said you have seen more than one gp they cant all be of the same a opinion and they would reffer you if they thought you needed it reading betwwen the lines and may be i am wrong but it seems you are not telling your gp all of your worries you casually say you mentioned it may i suggest when next you go to your gp you write down a list of all your symptoms good luck eggy i hope you find the answers you are looking for but will not find here only advice and support can be given not diagnosise

blue moon
02-11-10, 21:42
Maybe,Eggy start concentrating on something different for awhile,it may help you.
try and keep busy,i know this may be hard,but it does help,and stay away from DR GOOGLE.
Petra x

04-11-10, 06:15
Oh this is a sad and sorry thread round an round it goes poor eggy when will you be happy to except what the gp is telling you by not referring you i am sure as you have said you have seen more than one gp they cant all be of the same a opinion and they would reffer you if they thought you needed it reading betwwen the lines and may be i am wrong but it seems you are not telling your gp all of your worries you casually say you mentioned it may i suggest when next you go to your gp you write down a list of all your symptoms good luck eggy i hope you find the answers you are looking for but will not find here only advice and support can be given not diagnosise

Whenever i see a different GP at my surgery they are not interested they just tell me to go back to see my usual doctor so it is only one GP who has an opinion but she doesn't even have one, I asked my GP yesterday what's wrong with me and they said they don't know!!

04-11-10, 06:19
My main worry is still MND but i am also still worried about throat, mouth, esophagus and stomach cancer as well as a brain tumour.

I am having more pain when swallowing and difficulties swallowing, stomach ache, bad neck neck and pain in between my shoulder blades as well as worsening facial, ear and head pain along with dizziness.

I have been referred to an ENT but will probably be waiting ages to see them, I'm also on the waiting list to see a Gastroentrologist.

I am going to go back and see my dentist again and see an Optician, I'm due a new eyes test anyway.

blue moon
04-11-10, 06:39
Crikey.....you sure sound like you in bad way with Health Anxiety,what does your therapist say?
Petra x

04-11-10, 06:43
I am losing my faith in GP's, Mine doesn't even have an idea what is wrong with me and doesn't know where to send me.

I am having more and more pain in my mouth and throat, The throat pain is getting severe and i cannot do anything, If i went to A&E would they put a camera down my throat? This pain is unbearable and i am having bad head, eye, neck, back and mouth and facial pain as above.

Can a dentist detect Throat Cancer? I am seeing one tomorrow.

04-11-10, 08:46
They would only put a camera down your throat if they thought you needed it.
Why not take yourself along to A&E, if you are in the severe pain that you describe and unable to do anything they will not send you packing.

04-11-10, 09:43
I am losing my faith in GP's, Mine doesn't even have an idea what is wrong with me and doesn't know where to send me.

I am having more and more pain in my mouth and throat, The throat pain is getting severe and i cannot do anything, If i went to A&E would they put a camera down my throat? This pain is unbearable and i am having bad head, eye, neck, back and mouth and facial pain as above.

Can a dentist detect Throat Cancer? I am seeing one tomorrow.

If you are having pain in your mouth it would be a good idea to get a dentist to take a look as this is obvioulsy an area in which they specialise.

Out of interest, what has caused you to move from Bulbar MND to throat cancer over the last day or 2?

04-11-10, 09:50
If you are having pain in your mouth it would be a good idea to get a dentist to take a look as this is obvioulsy an area in which they specialise.

Out of interest, what has caused you to move from Bulbar MND to throat cancer over the last day or 2?

MND is still my number 1 concern, It's just that now i am getting lots of pain in my throat i am also worried about other things.

The main pain is in the throat but i am also getting it in the face and mouth.

I am seeing my dentist tomorrow as i have got an emergency appointment.

04-11-10, 09:55
to the best of my knowledge, throat cancer only causes pain in the very late stages. You would have already have had hoarseness or loss of voice for months or even years. Also, nearly all throat cancer cases are attributed to heavy smokers and most sufferers are over 50.

04-11-10, 10:07
to the best of my knowledge, throat cancer only causes pain in the very late stages. You would have already have had hoarseness or loss of voice for months or even years. Also, nearly all throat cancer cases are attributed to heavy smokers and most sufferers are over 50.

I stopped smoking over 8 years and hardly ever drink alcohol and i am 29.

When i did smoke i smoked between 10-20 a day and i smoked for about 5-6 years.

04-11-10, 10:16
I don't know if you have seen a dentist since all this began but I think a visit now would be as good move. It is quite startling just how much pain and discomfort can be caused to parts of your body that you would never have considered through basic teeth and jaw conditions...facial pain is very common with bruxism (teeth grinding) and the like and it could be there is a simple straightforward explanation for your pain...I'm sure your dentist will be able to reassure you somewhat and hopefully (though I'm not convinced) this will help you move away from over catastrophising to the worse possible and actually least likely explanations.

04-11-10, 11:19
They would only put a camera down your throat if they thought you needed it.
Why not take yourself along to A&E, if you are in the severe pain that you describe and unable to do anything they will not send you packing.

I'm still thinking about your TMJ theory but not sure if that causes bad throat pain.

04-11-10, 11:30
Eggy mate, in the kindest possible way, you really will feel a whole lot better if you just accept that your problems are anxiety related and that you are not physically ill.

Please DO NOT go to A&E expecting them to do any endoscopic procedures. This is neither an accident or an emergency.

I wish you well.:hugs:

04-11-10, 11:46
The throat pain is caused by tense muscles in the neck and throat .If you are in so much pain you need to go to the Dr as an emergency appointment .If he thinks you have tmj ..( the Dr will refer you to an ear nose and throat specialist .He will be able to diagnose you more thoroughly and show you excercises you can do to rectify the problem .you can if needed have a mouth guard made which you put in whilst you sleep .Its stops the teeth grinding .The pain in your back is caused by bad posture and muscle spasms .Common in Anxiety sufferers and for people who spend hours sitting on a computer .The Dr could give you some muscle relaxants to help( Diazapam ),but you really need to learn deep relaxation and breathing techniques ..Even if you have to pay for lessons it would be more beneficial and well worth it .All the invasive tests in the world wont do you any good .That will ..Take care .Sue

04-11-10, 12:08
Eggy does your jaw hurt near your ears .? TMJ ,Can cause clicking in this area ,as it affects the joint of the jaw .I thought you had already asked your dentist ? If thats the case your Dr would be the person to see about this problem .You also say you have pain in your stomach ,,you have been given omeprazole for digestion problems ,have you been taking them? .I hope you have been eating a healthier diet ? if not your problems will be made worse in your digestive tract and you could end up with IBS .THAT WOULD EXPLAIN the pain in your stomach. a LOT OF USEFUL SELF HELP advice has been given to you ,but you dont ever say if you have been trying to help yourself .TAKING PARACETAMOL ,every day will cause constipation and add to the digestive probs ..These pain killers wont ease pain caused by muscle tension and anxiety . Sue

04-11-10, 12:15
I'm still thinking about your TMJ theory but not sure if that causes bad throat pain.Eggy when people say that all your symptoms are due to anxiety it doesn't mean that they are not real.
Ive suffer from anxiety for most of my life and i think at some point or another ive had all the symptoms that people describe.

Can i give you my theory on what i think is wrong with you, i hope you will listen.

I believe that you are suffering from physical illnesses but you are clubbing them all together rather than looking at them as individual problems.

The tmj thing is probably why you are getting so much facial pain. You may not have tmj dysfunction because i think that means that you have a problem with your bite but because you are always stressed you are not relaxing your jaw and most probably clenching your teeth. The symptoms i get from this is headaches, pain in my head, earache, dizziness, neck pain and sometime my jaw aches so much i don't know what to do to relieve it and probably some other symptoms I've left out.
If you go to the dentist about this remember to tell him that you suffer from anxiety, if he is not that clued up on how anxiety can affect people he might just xray your jaw and tell you that you don't have a problem.

The throat pain is most probably acid reflux, i have a sore throat most days due to this and I've also just found out that i have a dust mite allergy which isn't helping my throat either. And your throat will feel tight if you are anxious.

Then because you are so stressed with adrenaline constantly pumping through your body its making you feel tired achy and generally crap. I know what I'm talking about eggy because I have been like this for years but i am getting help now to try and lower my anxiety levels. I don't suffer from health anxiety, my childhood has left me like this.

All these problems can happen because you are anxious.

If you start back on your MND then im through with you, look at them as individual things that can easily be treated if you calm down.

04-11-10, 13:02
[QUOTE=baileys;736679]Eggy when people say that all your symptoms are due to anxiety it doesn't mean that they are not real.

I believe that you are suffering from physical illnesses but you are clubbing them all together rather than looking at them as individual problems.

The tmj thing is probably why you are getting so much facial pain. You may not have tmj dysfunction because i think that means that you have a problem with your bite but because you are always stressed you are not relaxing your jaw and most probably clenching your teeth.
If you go to the dentist about this remember to tell him that you suffer from anxiety,

All these problems can happen because you are anxious.

I totally agree with this ..thats why I said what I did on my two previous posts .. Sue

04-11-10, 16:43
Eggy mate, in the kindest possible way, you really will feel a whole lot better if you just accept that your problems are anxiety related and that you are not physically ill.

Please DO NOT go to A&E expecting them to do any endoscopic procedures. This is neither an accident or an emergency.

I wish you well.:hugs:

Hmmmmmm not sure i agree, You might think differently if you saw the pain i was in and the fact that it is now starting to keep my awake all night some nights.

04-11-10, 16:53
The throat pain is caused by tense muscles in the neck and throat .If you are in so much pain you need to go to the Dr as an emergency appointment .If he thinks you have tmj ..( the Dr will refer you to an ear nose and throat specialist .He will be able to diagnose you more thoroughly and show you excercises you can do to rectify the problem .you can if needed have a mouth guard made which you put in whilst you sleep .Its stops the teeth grinding .The pain in your back is caused by bad posture and muscle spasms .Common in Anxiety sufferers and for people who spend hours sitting on a computer .The Dr could give you some muscle relaxants to help( Diazapam ),but you really need to learn deep relaxation and breathing techniques ..Even if you have to pay for lessons it would be more beneficial and well worth it .All the invasive tests in the world wont do you any good .That will ..Take care .Sue

Severe and i mean severe pain caused by tense muscles in the neck and throat? Never had pain like it anywhere!
I went to see my doctor about it yesterday but they weren't bothered again i was annoyed by the lack of action, Apart from referring me to an ENT which could take weeks or months, How do i manage until then with pain that is very persistent and hardly ever goes away if it does it's only for a couple of hours.
I don't even know if i do teeth grind, I have no idea whatsoever.

04-11-10, 16:58
Eggy does your jaw hurt near your ears .? TMJ ,Can cause clicking in this area ,as it affects the joint of the jaw .I thought you had already asked your dentist ? If thats the case your Dr would be the person to see about this problem .You also say you have pain in your stomach ,,you have been given omeprazole for digestion problems ,have you been taking them? .I hope you have been eating a healthier diet ? if not your problems will be made worse in your digestive tract and you could end up with IBS .THAT WOULD EXPLAIN the pain in your stomach. a LOT OF USEFUL SELF HELP advice has been given to you ,but you dont ever say if you have been trying to help yourself .TAKING PARACETAMOL ,every day will cause constipation and add to the digestive probs ..These pain killers wont ease pain caused by muscle tension and anxiety . Sue

My jaws do hurt and now and again they hurt by the ears, I went to the dentist 6-7 weeks ago but back then i was just having a slight pressure/ache in my cheekbones, I now get bad ear pain, neck pain, shoulder and back pain, pain which spreads to my head, bad pain in the cheeks and cheekbones as well as mouth and especially the throat.
I was given Omeprazole not for digestion problems but just as an experiment to see if it done any good, Been taking it about 10-11 days now and it's not done anything for me, It's had 0% effect, Waste of time taking it.
I think i might have IBS anyway as i keep having intermittent periods of diarrhoea and then back to normal it keeps switching sometimes i get diarrhoea for a good few days and it goes away then comes back.

Paracetamol does ease the pain quite a bit some days but not very often i take Codeine but i haven't taken any for 2 weeks but have had to take some today because of the pain i am in and it has eased it off a bit but Codeine makes me very tired and drowsy but i suppose it's better than the really bad pain being there constantly, I have no choice but to take Paracetamol or Codeine, You can't expect me to remain in constant pain all day and night, It's keeping me awake a lot as it is.

04-11-10, 18:48
Eggy when people say that all your symptoms are due to anxiety it doesn't mean that they are not real.
Ive suffer from anxiety for most of my life and i think at some point or another ive had all the symptoms that people describe.

Can i give you my theory on what i think is wrong with you, i hope you will listen.

I believe that you are suffering from physical illnesses but you are clubbing them all together rather than looking at them as individual problems.

The tmj thing is probably why you are getting so much facial pain. You may not have tmj dysfunction because i think that means that you have a problem with your bite but because you are always stressed you are not relaxing your jaw and most probably clenching your teeth. The symptoms i get from this is headaches, pain in my head, earache, dizziness, neck pain and sometime my jaw aches so much i don't know what to do to relieve it and probably some other symptoms I've left out.
If you go to the dentist about this remember to tell him that you suffer from anxiety, if he is not that clued up on how anxiety can affect people he might just xray your jaw and tell you that you don't have a problem.

The throat pain is most probably acid reflux, i have a sore throat most days due to this and I've also just found out that i have a dust mite allergy which isn't helping my throat either. And your throat will feel tight if you are anxious.

Then because you are so stressed with adrenaline constantly pumping through your body its making you feel tired achy and generally crap. I know what I'm talking about eggy because I have been like this for years but i am getting help now to try and lower my anxiety levels. I don't suffer from health anxiety, my childhood has left me like this.

All these problems can happen because you are anxious.

If you start back on your MND then im through with you, look at them as individual things that can easily be treated if you calm down.

I cannot see my throat pain being caused by Acid Reflux, 1.Because i don't think i suffer from that problem and 2.I have been taking Omeprazole for nearly 2 weeks which is supposed to be very effective for Acid Reflux and it hasn't touched this throat pain so it's got to be something else, I am trying to help myself by taking what medication i have been given and everything but something isn't right in my opinion.

04-11-10, 22:24
If ur pain is that bad, I would just go to A&E, dont call an ambulance though. I cuda waited about my abdominal pain that i went to A&E for a couple of wks ago but the pain was getting more frequent and i couldnt sleep. They did an ultrasound straight away and xray, and kept me in overnight to see a consultant about any other tests i might require. If i went to a doc i woulda been in agony for weeks on end drugged up to the hilt and waiting ages for tests. A&E wont be angry with you, coz if ur in pain u shud see sum1 urgently if its not in a non-life-threatening place like a leg or arm! Maybe if u just go down there and see sum1, explain ur having extreme pain in ur throat! and have been getting severe pain in ur stomach. Say uve seen ur doctor and he has referred u to ENT but the pains just got worse since u went and u feel u cannot wait weeks/months for ENT coz its so bad u cannot even sleep! Even if evrything turns out ok, they can probably prescribe you the best meds for you pain, including sleeping tablets and muscle relaxants if they feel u would benefit from them. Good luck :)

04-11-10, 23:12
You seem to be very capable of telling all the members on here how wrong they are with all there advice etc etc so why can't you be this strong when you see your doctor?
You say that they are not very reactive to you when you go and see them.
What is it that you actually say to your doctors?
I find it extremely odd that you have explained all these symptoms to us all and seen your doctor numerous times for them not to respond more.

I tend to agree with the person above regarding the A&E (or ER as we call it in Aus haha) if you are in THAT much pain go there and explain everything to them.

BUT let me tell you, anx and tension can cause extreme pain that CAN keep you awake all night. I have suffered from this. My anx causes me extreme tension in my left shoulder, shoulder blade and neck. This pain was soooooo unbearable I couldn't sleep for nights on end and when I finally was able to sleep the days were terrible as I still had the pain.

What I am trying to say here is that my pain was 100% real, it was 100% unbearable but it was 100% anx related.

BUT I can guarantee that you will read this, let it sink for 2 seconds and then forget about it all.
I try not to read your posts as I find them so frustrating now that all of us have tired to help you and then you just throw it back at us but I can't help myself as I just want to know what your next excuse or round about thought will be to dismiss EVERYTHING everyone has been saying.

Best of luck to you, but only you can help yourself.

04-11-10, 23:31
If ur pain is that bad, I would just go to A&E, dont call an ambulance though. I cuda waited about my abdominal pain that i went to A&E for a couple of wks ago but the pain was getting more frequent and i couldnt sleep. They did an ultrasound straight away and xray, and kept me in overnight to see a consultant about any other tests i might require. If i went to a doc i woulda been in agony for weeks on end drugged up to the hilt and waiting ages for tests. A&E wont be angry with you, coz if ur in pain u shud see sum1 urgently if its not in a non-life-threatening place like a leg or arm! Maybe if u just go down there and see sum1, explain ur having extreme pain in ur throat! and have been getting severe pain in ur stomach. Say uve seen ur doctor and he has referred u to ENT but the pains just got worse since u went and u feel u cannot wait weeks/months for ENT coz its so bad u cannot even sleep! Even if evrything turns out ok, they can probably prescribe you the best meds for you pain, including sleeping tablets and muscle relaxants if they feel u would benefit from them. Good luck :)

I rang up my GP's out of hours for some advice, This doctor said go back and see your GP, I said they are crap and don't do nothing despite the fact i told them yesterday that it is getting worse, All they have done is refer me to an ENT which is weeks away and is no good to me at all.

I was awake all night last night and it's the 2nd time this week it has happpened, The pain is getting a lot worse and even paracetamol or codeine isn't as effective but if i went to A&E they would probably just fed me some crap and fob me off and send me home without investigating it properly?

04-11-10, 23:41
Ive given up on you eggy. You are not taking all the good advice that you are given, i just think you want somebody to tell you that you are really ill, just so you can prove everybody wrong.
If you are really in that much pain you cant be that stupid as to think that A&E would send you away.
No need to reply.

05-11-10, 00:05
Regarding your throat Eggy .can I ask if you mentioned the possibility of having a tonsil stone to your Dr ? Did he look to see if he could see one ? It is possible you could have one and its hidden at this present moment in time .If your pain is down to that you need antibiotics and need to gargle with warm salt water .Muscle pain caused by spasm is relieved with muscle relaxants and heat .If you are having pain in your stomach and do suspect IBS .Buscopan or colofac will help , Thats what I meant earlier .Pain of any kind is always made worse by constantly thinking about it .It can keep you awake and makes it feel worse because you are lying there thinking of nothing else .If you dont go to A&E Go back to see your Dr tommororw and tell him you would like something to take for the pain and lack of sleep Until your appointment comes through at the ENT ...Diazapam will help you relax if taken as and when needed .They would also help you get some sleep .Alternatively try some herbal tea like camomlie and passiflora before bed .A warm heat pad or hot water bottle on your back will help and it can also relieve the pain in your neck,stomach and jaw ..All the best Sue x

blue moon
05-11-10, 00:42
This thread is getting frustrating.:mad:

05-11-10, 00:43
This thread is getting closed

05-11-10, 17:54
Reinstating thread but leaving closed