View Full Version : first ever nosebleed so scary

22-10-10, 21:59
HI hope someone can reassure me here, I have a cold, been blowing my nose alot and sneezing, I blew my nose and tissue was full of blood, I could feel blood going down the back of my throat, after a few minutes, my nose was dripping, I was so freaked out, I was driving at the time, my daughter noticed it first. Had to pull over to deal with it, serious panic . I'm 41, no health problems and never had a nosebleed before, it stopped after a while I am so scared I am going to sneeze and start it again. I have been taking lexapro would it be anything to do with that? Has anyone had this happen?

22-10-10, 22:04
Don't worry, I've had a lot of nose bleeds in my life and I'm only 22. I broke a blood vessel in my left nostril as a kid and had one so bad once I just had to stand over the bin while it streamed like a tap cos it was just wasting tissue. They can be a shock at first. Yours will probably be from blowing your nose a lot with the cold, that's how I initially broke the blood vessel actually, with a cold. They sometimes do it a little more but dry up over time. Just remember to keep your head forward and not back, as people used to say.

Also, the cold weather can make them come on, or change in temperature, for example, I used to get the train commute from uni and nearly every day during last winter I would get on the train and my nose would start bleeding. It was just the change of temperature from cold outside to warm inside the train, and the first time gave me a shock as I was just sat there and felt it running down my top lip with the man across from me giving me a very odd look!

Do not worry, these aren't serious and won't last long.

22-10-10, 22:08
thanks I was scared it was high blood pressure or something cos I never had one before in my life