View Full Version : Feeling Like I've been winded

22-10-10, 23:34
My anxiety as of late has been much much better than I've had in ages. Now suddenly a symptom has returned (I've had it a few times in the past and had an ECG and was told by the doctor I might need further heart scans if it continued). I don't know what's causing it or if anyone else gets it, and it is really scary. It comes completely out of the blue and the only way I can describe it, is the feeling of being winded, without the pain. It's like suddenly I can't breathe for say 30 seconds, it feels like all the air is being squeezed out of me and there's a tightness in my chest and upper abdomen.. then it eases and I can breathe as normal. It happens when I'm in very non-stressful situations and not thinking about it at all.

Does anybody else get this? I'm very worried! I've had it several times a day in the past!

22-10-10, 23:43
Because your doctor advises you to have heart scan maybe that is best direction even for peace of mind. It is well worth it to have that reassurance. I have tightness in my chest and abdomen, I don't know why exactly i get these spasms my heart scan was normal. the one thing that anxiety does is play havoc with thenervous system sso that we can experience every symptom in the medical book but it is caused by an over excited or over tired nervous system. If your anxiety has been better of late then that is a good thing, but it can take a while for complete recovery. I would go back talk to your doctor about it and in the meantime, try not to let the anxiety creep back in put your shield up against it. Wouldnt want to see you go backwards. Take care.

23-10-10, 10:58
Hi there, that sounds to me how I would describe the feeling that I get ewith ectopic beats (nothing to worry about usually with these, they are normal)

When you have an ECG it is such a short snapshot of your heart rhythm, that it may not always detect these. The doctor may have mentioned further tests simply because your ECGH did not show up anything amiss, and to rule out other irregularities if your symptoms continue.

It isnt necessarily anything to worry about, but i would pop back to the doctor and ask where you go from here if you are still being troubled by these sensations.

Have you looked through the symptoms bit over on the left of the page? There is some excellent info there on ectopics.

Best wishes x

02-11-10, 02:49
I've been having the same the past few days! its had me in a right mess! my anxiety had eased off a bit and I had been doing better but then on Saturday night out of no where I started having the "winded" feeling! last night it got so bad I went to see an emergency doctor who just told me it's the anxiety! I find this hard to believe though! hope you feel better soon!