View Full Version : How do I cope with death fear

11-03-06, 15:53
Hi All
How is it that despite telling other that their sytmptoms are anxiety related today I am sure I am going to die or faint,
I have have panic attacks all day, spasms and am sure I need to get to A&E but darent walk down the stairs as am sure my legs will give way
I was meant to be having friends round and dont know how to face to evening,
How do I cope with these days? I had been doing better then today am so scare it is my last and just want to feel normal
I darent take medication as am obssessed with side effects, If I try to sleep i just keeping sitting up in fear, I am so ratty with my family, Just feel they think im attention seeking, just want this day over!
Thanks for listening to me

11-03-06, 16:15
oh wendy babe, dont you dare pm me and not tell me ya really really bad..
im so sorry that you are feeling so nasty.Know what you mean about family,they love me.. but i get that feeling that think i am attention seeking-- and i ant being para, they just dont understand-- its only you guys that do understand.
Oh wendy love you know you are going to be fine,and that good and bad days happen dont they,you are not going to pass out,andyou are most certinley not going to die either,,, really your not.
Im like you too,especially if im feeling panicky i hate taking tablest because of side effects...hate taking tablest full stop... but maybe if you got one and cut it in half,and took just half--- if they help i would do it mate, may help a little.
Bless ya you will be ok wendy, its horrid....to you want a hug coz one is being sent your way ... remember this is just a bad day..in the life of an anxiety sufferer ...nothink will happen to you.

ash x

11-03-06, 16:23
Thanks Ash for your reply and PM's
You are going though so much yourself yet always are so supportive!
You are rite what your saying and have am trying to calm down a bite
Thanks again
Wendy xx

11-03-06, 16:29
wendy,sometimes i work better when [8D]i am surporting others, it makes me forget about myself... after all im just so sick of thinking of my ugly self... gee.

keep thinking happy thoughts wendy ,come on girl--- dont you dare think sad ones.... xx

thinking of ya

ash x

11-03-06, 20:18
wendy you are not alone with your fear that this will be your last i feel this many days when the anxiety is that bad

your legs will not fail you as readily as you think they might.

this day will be over soon and you will feel stronger in the morning

have you ever read claire weekes books on how to manage these days