View Full Version : Very worried. Please someone help!

Natalie x
23-10-10, 10:53
Hi. I just looked in the mirror for the first time this morning and noticed that my bridge of my nose is a bit puffy and so is my right eyelid. Im so scared and u can only imagine whats going through my mind. I have visions of me having to go to hospital. I just keep looking in the mirror. Can anyone help please? Thanks x

23-10-10, 11:02
What exactly is worrying you Natalie?

Have you banged it or do you have a cold perhaps?

Remember that the more you focus on something the worse it seems. Is anyone with you to give an opinion on the swelling?

23-10-10, 11:02
Are you bothered with your sinuses at all? This can cause these symptoms, but is absolutely nothing to worry about. Antibiotics can help if it's painful. Or what about a bit of fluid retention? Honestly doesn't seem to be anything to worry about x

Natalie x
23-10-10, 11:11
My nose was a bit blocked earlier and it still is. My mum thinks im just imagining it or looking at it funny. I hope she's right x