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23-10-10, 13:27
Does anyone ever get panicky about shots? I am a nurse and yesterday I prepared two syringes of the flu vaccine, one for myself and one for my son. Because I wear contacts and I don't see as well for close up, I had another nurse check the two syringes to make sure it was accurate (.5ml). I handed them back to her and told her to give me one, and that I would take the other one home to give to my son. So, she did, and of course having a med phobia, I was pretty nervous receiving it, but I knew I had to take one. Now I am thinking, because my arm is so sore and I don't trust my close vision, did I get too much of the vaccine? It's like I can't stop worrying about it. Then I tell myself that she also checked them, but then, did she check them carefully knowing that I was a nurse and maybe she didn't feel the need to recheck that carefully? I know this is stupid, but I feel panicky about it. Can anyone give me some help on this? I googled it, about vaccine overdose, and there really hasn't been any big deal with those that have gotten too much. They even have a dose for people over 65 years of age with a high potency that contains 4 times the regular dose of antigen. So why can't I stop feeling panicky about this?

23-10-10, 13:52
I am sure you will be ok Jo but I would worry more that you are nurse and not able to see close up what doses you are putting in syringes! Can you not get some better glasses/contacts for close up work.

Do you usually have to measure out doses of drugs?

23-10-10, 14:30
Being a director of nurses, it is rare that I do patient care. To be honest with you, I can see the syringe good enough, I just think with the anxiety, and knowing that I am going to receive the shot, that I had it double checked. I have given many shots and have filled up many syringes in my nursing career. I think with the anxiety, I just question things, especially when I draw one up knowing that I am going to be receiving it. I have a med phobia ( I know that's funny being a nurse). I don't have trouble feeling confident when I am giving shots to other people. These are multi-dose vials of influenza vaccine, so you draw them up as you give them.
Thanks for your reply. I know it's just the anxiety and I have to tell myself that I am being stupid and of course the dose I got was correct.

23-10-10, 14:40
Like I said in the previous post, I feel very confident giving shots to other people, and drawing them up. If I didn't think I could see the syringe good enough I would wear my glasses and not my contacts. I wouldn't ever do that if I wasn't confident in my ability. It's when I have to receive it, along with my med phobia, that I get all anxious.

23-10-10, 14:42
Gee Jo, that must be so difficult for you having a phobia like that and being a nurse. How do you manage it?

I think it is perfectly normal to question things like you do. I am also a nurse and triple check everything I do as I am so worried about making a mistake and 0D'ing a patient, or giving the wrong drug, etc. and I think it is far better to do that than be flippant when administering meds. It also shows you care about the patient and your work as well.

The trouble with people like us that work in healthcare is sometimes too much knowledge is not a good thing, because we are aware of things that can happen and their impact on the body and look for that, even more so when we are anxious.

Try not to dwell on the vaccine. I don't think that you will have a problem.xxx

23-10-10, 22:17
Thanks. I know I got the right dosage. I don't have trouble at work with patients. I feel very confident. It's when I have to have something I question every thing. I have such a med phobia for myself.