View Full Version : pms and anxiety

becks xxx
23-10-10, 14:01
Hi, i know i've posted so many posts before to do with pms and anxiety but it's another thing i need reassurance for
Every month i seem to be able to start pushing myself through with blips and bad days.. then it gets to the week before my period and everything seems 100 times worse
I start questioning everything all over again
- am i mad
- what if it's soemthing worse
- no way can this be anxiety, has to be something more
everything just gets worse, and it's the week i want to hide away again even more.
Anyway this month i was really proud of myself, because normally this week i stop everyting as im way too scared.
But this month, i done everything i normally would not even knowing it was the week befoe my period as my period came a few days before i expected. Had a few pms symptoms with the headaches and stuff but nothing major that i couldnt handle so i was so proud of myself,
the last few days have been a really big struggle and i havent been coping aswell, yesterday i gave up and done nothing when i should of and its like the "pms" has came a week and a bit early this month?
so last month it never came atal, now this week its come before it should? is this normal or could there be something else really serious wrong with me?? im so worried, what helps this, need reassurance xx

paula lynne
23-10-10, 14:14
Hi, I feel ike you do, youre not going mad. It isnt anxiety, its hormones, but it makes the anxiety a lots worse. Symptoms often build up at ovulation, so by the time youre due, anxiety, panic, dizzyness, vertigo, migraine, headaches, tingling, nausea, loose bowels, and any other anxiety symptoms you have increase dramatically.

This is often eased within 24-48 hrs of bleed. Most of the problem is oestrogen.
The PMS handbook, by Theresa Cheung is a good read. Tips include-
Drink more water
Eat your 5 a day
Eat complex carbs at each meal
Foods that balance out oestrogen include-
Rice, carrots, pots, apples, cherries,plums, parsley.
Limit your alcohol intake, as this interferes with normal hormone function.
Vit B and Magnesium is beneficial for some.
Agnus castus works on the Pituitary gland, and helps balance out the oestrogen/progesterone.

I myself am taking the mini-pill, progesterone only. Ive been on it for 5 monthes, and my symptoms have gone from an almost unbareable 9, to a 4, a level at which I can at least have some quality of life. Hope this helps you, best wishes x