View Full Version : Fissure

23-10-10, 14:36
I know there are a lot of posts about piles at the moment but I have a problem with fissures I think.

I have had one confirmed before and at times I get bright red blood on the paper - sometimes it has scared me how much lol. Sometimes I have had this smelly like jelly come out too (sorry tmi)

I have a problem as well that my bottom itches an awful lot. It wakes me up at night sometimes.

It is quite embarrassing, and every time I ask the Dr they seem unconcerned and not at all fussed tbh.

Does anyone else have experience of fissures?

23-10-10, 14:52
Yes I have had them.

They do go in time but you can get a GTN cream for them if they are very bad.

23-10-10, 15:02
They aren't particularly bad but they seem to go away and come back. It's the itching that's bothering me the most. And has anyone had the smelly jelly stuff? Is that normal?

23-10-10, 15:32
For the itching get some anusol that works well.

25-10-10, 17:34
what do you mean by smelly jelly stuff and what colour is it

25-10-10, 17:59
A bit yellowy and like mucus I suppose.

25-10-10, 18:07
i get that with ibs

25-10-10, 18:19
Hmmm, maybe I have IBS. It's nothing that's concerned me really, just been a lot of threads on piles and thought I'd see how people dealt with fissures.

25-10-10, 18:48
I would imagine the itching is caused by the skin healing. Like when you get a cut and after a few days it itches so you take the scab off. I've had a fissure since I was a child. It comes and goes.

25-10-10, 19:01
Really, and have they said that it's ok to have one for that long? I have seen people saying they should have surgery if it doesn't go away after a few months!!! If you've had one that long then I will ease my worries a bit. I have had mine quite a while and it comes and goes.

25-10-10, 19:12
I've never been offered surgery, nor would i take it. The surgery would surely leave more scar tissue, which would probably rip again lol.
I've never had any problems with it to be honest. It hurts occasionally, but if I eat right then it heals up.
I've had it since I was around 5, but it wasn't diagnosed as I didn't tell anyone until I was 16/17. So that's 24 years now :D

25-10-10, 19:15
No I wouldn't go for the surgery either. Do you use anything to manage it? Creams etc? And TMI, but does your itch too?

25-10-10, 20:28
It does itch, but not a lot. However if it does itch i HAVE to scratch it. Otherwise it drives me nuts lol.
I've been given a few different creams from the doctors to help with it over the years and they work really well. At the moment I use a cream for it, which helps to get rid of all the problems.

25-10-10, 20:34
Finally the bathroom was free so I could check! Its called Uniroid HC, so I'm guessing it's just a generic cream for piles and fissures.

25-10-10, 22:21
TY, will check out getting something. Like you mine doesn't bother me for most part but sometimes it reeaallllyy itches!!!