View Full Version : Health Anxiety, should i start taking pills? Please help pt. 1

23-10-10, 15:53
Hi there, my name is Galen Ashley, i'm 18 and i just started uni in the UK after moving from luxembourg. Till recently for the last 4 months i have been having panic attacks everyday and having constant hot sensations in my chest and feet that stay with me the whole day. I am always having sensations in my body which make me think something is wrong, like feeling off balance (walking on foam), hot sensations, heart palpitations and am in constant doubt about my health. When i'm not having an attack i think rationally and i convince myself there is nothing physically wrong but when i have an attack my thoughts change completely.
When i first started having these weird sensations in my body i ignored them because they weren't so bad un till one night i had some sort of attack in which i though i was going to die. My chest and feet felt on fire, my legs felt like they would give out and my heart was racing and felt off beat. After this i decided to see a doctor. I used to drink a lot, i had a blood test and they said my liver wasn't functioning properly. They also checked everything else including diabetes, heart and all and i was in perfect shape, nothing wrong at all. So at first i though this was just a problem with my liver, maybe some sort of reaction i developed before i had that first big attack or some sort of alcohol poisining. I stopped drinking was tested and my liver was back to normal, though i was still feeling these wierd feelings in my body. This was when i started having attacks everyday and feeling constantly on edge, always having this hot feeling in my chest and on other parts body, feet, arms, back and so on. This was mostly because i didnt know what was wrong with me. The attacks could come randomly seemingly at anytime and everytime i thought something very bad would happen. That was the worst thing never knowing when one would come. I could never stay still when it happens i had to run, many times to the hospital nearby. This was psycologically the hardest part. I have been though an extreme amount of pain and stress in my short life but this is the hardest thing i have ever been through. I am mentally and physically very strong and have never really asked for much help but this just got to much to do it alone. I am now seeing a counsellor and started seeing a doctor (i never really saw a doctor before i moved to the UK) and am starting to feel better. I haven't had an attack in about 2 weeks and have lost the constant tension in my chest however i am still constantly on edge and still get sensations which give make me feel like im going to have an attack. I started to feel better when i my consellor explained to me what i had, anxiety disorder and so on. Finally understanding what i have and knowing that other people go through the same things helped a lot.

23-10-10, 16:01
(Continuing part 1)

Over the past two weeks that i have been feeling better i have also been taking St. John's Wort. It seems to be helping slightly but im not sure how well. One week ago my doctor perscribed me with 20mg pills of Citalopram. I havent taken any yet because im not sure if it is the right thing to do since i am starting to feel better without them already. I am feeling better but nowhere near good though, still get the sensations every now and then. I am either feeling really good as if nothing was wrong or quite bad. I am still not able to do all the things of want to do because of it. Should i start taking them? Would they level me out ?

23-10-10, 16:34
Without trying them you will never know,they wont work instantly may take a week or two but the choice has to be yours, for some medications work well for others medication is not the answer but at the end of the day it has to be youre choice:)

23-10-10, 16:46
Thank you :)

23-10-10, 19:07
Medication has certainly helped me. It has completely rationalised my warped thinking in a way that I never felt possible.

Initially though my anxiety did increase, but it was short term and my GP gave me a sedative to cope with that.

HTH and good luck..if you havent already, check out some of the links on the left, they are brillliant!