View Full Version : I thought i'd beaten this once.......i was wrong

23-10-10, 16:25
Just joined here as im devestated to be in GAD, Panic Disorder mode again. Life was looking good for the first time in a long time and now i feel like this monster has waited in the corner of the room, ready to pounce on me and try to take my sanity again, please tell me im not alone :weep:

Jo x

23-10-10, 16:29
Hi Jo youre not alone,you have beaten it once and will do again:)

margaret jones
23-10-10, 16:32
Hi Jo this is just a little blip dont let that devil out of the corner you will be fine take care of you hun xx

23-10-10, 18:15
hey jo, :hugs: i know what you're going through i had terrible crippling GAD when i was a teenager. been free for a few years. I think i will always kinda have it, but it is so manageable today that is it barely a problem for me.

I do still get anxious sometimes, sometimes it's alot of anxiety, but i laugh at the GAD and tell it i beat it once and i am not afraid of it anymore.

Remember you are strong, you have to be in order to get over something so scary. Don't let it know you are scared it feeds off your fear. lol sounds like something from a horror movie now :P

You will get over this again. you will, don't give up. keep yourself distracted all the time and don't sit at home feeling sorry for yourself we all know that makes it worse!

just remember you beat it once and you can beat it again.

take care x