View Full Version : Turned a corner with the help of Propranolol & Quiet Life

23-10-10, 21:20
Hi all, I hope this helps people who are worried about starting Meds like I was.

Never read the side effects on your meds, I went abroad in September and the first few days was dreadful, I couldn’t relax and ended up at the doctors who gave me some anti-depressants. The leaflet was in Spanish so couldn’t read it, started taking them straight away and my symptoms improved within hours, had a fab 2nd week with no side effects what so ever.

When I got home I went to my own doctor who subscribed Amitriptyline, after reading the side effects I decided not to take them and suffered terribly, another trip to the doctors got me Citalopram, again like a muppet I read the side effects and couldn’t take them. I decided to take the self-help route instead and got some ‘Quiet Life’ these have really taken the edge of some of the symptoms for me, also doing some yoga, again fab for relaxing your muscles and eases tension headaches. I’ve made some changes to my diet as well with loads of excellent advice from fellow sufferers on here, worth their weight in gold, thank you all :yesyes: x

I do some work for a retired doctor once a week and he happened to mention that I wasn’t looking to good this week so it all came out, himself and his wife were absolutely brilliant and they gave me some sound advice, firstly his wife takes Propranolol for Claustrophobia and has never had any side effects, ever. He said to trust your doctor 100%, he/she will not give you anything that they wouldn’t take themselves if in our situation. Go armed with some questions: Will they interact with anything else you are taking, what are the most common side-effects etc (that’s all you need to know). With this knowledge I booked an appointment for that same day and off I went with my questions. I got a very positive response and came out with a prescription for 40mg Propranolol to be taken twice daily; I haven’t read the side-effects because the doctor told me that the most common are cold hands and feet plus fatigue. They are safe to take with ‘Quiet Life’ and Buccastem which I take for nausea (these are a life saver for me). I also take Thyroxin as I have an under active thyroid, again it is safe to take with Propranolol.

As you will understand, with suffering from anxiety I still had a niggling doubt about taking them so for peace of mind I chopped one in half ready to take the plunge. Funnily enough, because I had made my mind up that I was going to take them I didn’t feel the need until later the following day. I did it quickly without trying to think too much about it and waited. I would say it only took about 30-40 mins to kick in and the rapid heart calmed down. After a couple of hours I felt really sick, bearing in mind that, that is one of the symptoms of anxiety anyway I can’t be sure whether it had anything to do with the meds or not. I did wake up in a panic this morning but then I wasn’t expecting a miracle, after taking another half I felt much better within the hour and have had a much, much better day.

Please remember that Propranolol is a beta-blocker and only helps with the physical symptoms not the mental ones so do your exercises, eat fresh fruit & veg regularly, try ‘Quiet Life’ and anything else that helps you to relax, I find massage very effective and also snuggling up to someone you love for half an hour, if you haven’t got a partner, go to a parent or good friend, just hold each other (you don’t have to speak just cuddle up) the warmth you feel is so comforting and really helps.

BTW… I haven’t got the cold hands and feet yet but it’s still early days.

If you have been subscribed Propranolol and are worried about starting them, do what I have and cut them in half, take one and occupy yourself. Don’t forget they only help with the physical symptoms so once they are relieved it does feel funny to just have the mental ones, read the advice and threads on self-help, start making some changes and reap the benefits. I am so glad I had the courage to take my meds, I feel I can get better now. Good luck and happier days :hugs:Shelly xxx

23-10-10, 21:26
Nice one Shelley pleased for you :D

24-10-10, 00:13
I hate to tell you this but Propranolol is not good to take if you have a thyroid condition. It inhibits the conversion of T4 to T3 so will make your thyroid condition worse. My GP didn't know this until a Consultant Endocrinologist told me/her.

Maybe get your thyroid dose increased and see if that helps.


24-10-10, 00:43
Thanks for this. Ive been debating whether to take it or not. Ive been prescribed 10mg (lowest dose) coz i was scared of side effects. But i think i might just give it a shot as ive heard alot of good things about it. I dont suffer from fast heart rate tho, so is propanalol suitable for me? I suffer Depersonalization/Derealization and my main worry is that these will excaberate this.. Can I just ask, what physical symptoms has this helped with for you????????? I get a huge list of physical symptoms, and the mental ones are just the Depersonalization/Derealization.. does the propanalol help calm down adrenalin?? Coz i think thats what is causing most of my physical symptoms if im honest..

thanks x

24-10-10, 00:51
BubbleBonce Thanks for that info. Glad I didn't take the propanalol I was once given. I was leary as Atenelol gave me side effects.
I do have a mild thyroid concern that could move to low thyroid in time. My dr. and I are working to remedy that.

****Anyone know why some have the racing heart ( like me) and others don't, yet have anxiety. It is like the adrenaline doesn't affect their heart. Trying to understand that.

24-10-10, 01:36
What is Quiet Life ?? I am in USA, so maybe we don't have it here.

24-10-10, 14:19
Thank you olderfella, feeling ok again today, worst thing so far is feeling sick & tired but thats nothing new for me :)

Bubblebonce, have you had problems taking this with thyroxin then? after asking my doctor about the T4, T3 thing he said that there's no evidence of it and that many people with hyperthyroidism are subscribed Propranolol to help with the symptoms. I had bloods done while I was there and get my results tomorrow, my last test was 3 months ago but so much as happened since then that the doctor thinks it may of gone the other way. Personally I can't see doctors prescribing these meds to people with thyroid problems if there's a chance it could worsen the condition, my doctor seems to be on the ball and I trust what he said. However, now you have raised the issue I will dig a bit deeper and ask the retired doctor to look it up for me, he didn't indicate any concern about taking the two meds together when I spoke to him about it last week though.

Crazyhayz, if your doctor believes that they will help you, then give them a go, 10mg is a small dose so try not to be scared. I know its not easy because I was petrified but once you've done it and realise that any side-effects/if any, arn't all that bad, you'll find it easier to take the next one. Mine are definately helping with adrenaline but I also have full blown panic: racing heart, palps, butterfly stomach, tingly arms/legs and pains, all of these are minimal now and its only day 3. Today I woke up without panic for the first time in a couple of weeks and haven't felt the need to take one so far today. One of my worst symptoms through anxiety is feeling sick, this hasn't changed and a couple of hours after taking the meds I feel extremely sick, sometimes I take Buccastem so that I can eat but other times it eases off by itself. I also feel over tired today but after constantly waking up throughout the night for so long, i'm not sure whether this is a side-effect or just lack of sleep. If you are still in any doubt what so ever, go back to your doctors, arm yourself with some questions and don't leave until you are satisfied with the answers. Good Luck :hugs:

daybyday, Quiet Life is a traditional herbal remedy used to relieve periods of worry, irritability, stresses and strains. Also helps promote natural sleep. I'm sure if you google it you'll be able to get some if you wanted to give them a try :)

Shelly x

24-10-10, 17:11
Indeed many people with hyperthyroidism are prescribed it which is why it shouldn't be prescribed for those with hypothyroidism. Personally I never trust docs with regard to meds as they often get it wrong. Your one has in this case.

24-10-10, 18:13
Aren't quiet life the same as kalms?x

24-10-10, 19:28
WOW BUBBLEBONCE... you know how to burst someones bubble alright... there i was feeling all positive and you come along and have me questioning my own doctors knowledge. I thought NMP was here to help people with problems NOT send them back down hill...???? Instead of frightening people who are suffering from anxiety, why not advise them to speak to their doctor more thoroughly about this issue, after all you are taking 1 Consultant Endocrinologist's word for it, rather than many doctors. I will not be coming here again.

24-10-10, 19:48
WOW BUBBLEBONCE... you know how to burst someones bubble alright... there i was feeling all positive and you come along and have me questioning my own doctors knowledge. I thought NMP was here to help people with problems NOT send them back down hill...???? Instead of frightening people who are suffering from anxiety, why not advise them to speak to their doctor more thoroughly about this issue, after all you are taking 1 Consultant Endocrinologist's word for it, rather than many doctors. I will not be coming here again.


24-10-10, 20:00
WOW BUBBLEBONCE... you know how to burst someones bubble alright... there i was feeling all positive and you come along and have me questioning my own doctors knowledge. I thought NMP was here to help people with problems NOT send them back down hill...???? Instead of frightening people who are suffering from anxiety, why not advise them to speak to their doctor more thoroughly about this issue, after all you are taking 1 Consultant Endocrinologist's word for it, rather than many doctors. I will not be coming here again.

I'm sorry but I was just telling you the truth. If you don't want to hear that then don't state things that aren't true. I would hate for people to be misled about Propranolol & hypothyroid.

The consultant who told me was at a London Teaching Hospital....

maggie g
16-12-10, 20:50
Hi everyone

I have just started taking 2 x 10mg propranolol twice daily for anxiety and extreme panic, and i have to say i feel much better no more racing heart, nervous tummy or shaky feelings. I have also started counselling aswel and feel like i am finally getting back on track.:)

Hazel B
16-12-10, 21:00
Thanks and well done!

Propranolol helped me get over the worst of my anxiety, I also had counselling, stopped smoking, cut out caffeine etc.

16-12-10, 21:48
Well done Shelly, it is great to see a positive post on here.

I also googled the whole taking Thyroxin with Propranolol together and I found a website that says it is fine to take them together for hyperthyrodism, the link is below. Plus there is no way your doctor would prescribe you two medicines that could not be taken together.

Keep up the good work and stay positive!


17-12-10, 20:06
I think if you take propapnol and your body is happy with it stick to it :) u will know when taking something if it is not right. I was on 10mg and took one every morning when my anxiety was at its worst it did help, but I have no other ilnness ohhh apart from anxiety ;)

18-12-10, 17:11
Aren't quiet life the same as kalms?x

Quiet Life contain:

Motherwort powder 34.00mg, Hops powder 75.00mg, Passiflora powder 58.00mg, Lettuce aqueous powdered extract 29.00mg, Valerian dry extract 50.00mg, Thiamine hydrochloride (vit B1) 0.71mg, Riboflavin (vit B2) 0.57mg , Nicotinamide 4.59mg.

Whereas Kalms contain:

Extract of Valerian 135 mg, extract of Gentian 90 mg, hops powder BHP 45 mg

But they are both designed to relieve periods of worry, irritability, stresses & strains, so in a way they are similar.

I also found they took the edge of my anxiety.