View Full Version : hi

23-10-10, 23:11
hi, ive just found this site by chance. I have spent the past few months really struggling to cope but not realising it. I have a great family and a full time job but the past few weeks it seems to have crept up on me all at once. My problems started 2 years ago when my youngest child had a lot of health problems it has basically turned me into a nervous wreck. He has been fine for the past year and I thought that all the anxiety and panic attacks were behind me how wrong i was! I have been to the doctors this week with palpatations dizziness shortness of breath and the shakes. i have had bloods done and am being sent for a 24hour ecg but after tonights major panic attack I think this is the problem again. i am so glad I have found this site and hope to get some useful tips on how to cope. x x x x

23-10-10, 23:12
Hi janey2k

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

paula lynne
24-10-10, 00:06
Hi Janey and a big warm welcome to you, youre not alone x:welcome:

24-10-10, 00:10
Hello Janey....this is a great site and so many of us can relate.xxxxWelcome.

24-10-10, 00:11
Hi janey2k , I'm new here too, so I thought I'd say HI

Sorry to hear that it's all just crept back in, I'm feeling in a pretty similar boat right now also... At least we're not alone in our suffering, this looks like a great community for support and advice :)

24-10-10, 12:07
Hi, so nice to hear I am not alone in this its really tough at the moment but I am looking for new ways to cope. Look forward to chatting to you all. x x x