View Full Version : What do you think caused this or what could it be?

23-10-10, 23:42
I was sat at the computer browsing Facebook and suddenly i breathed in and i had a very sudden and very sharp pain around the middle of my chest or slightly to the left side and then it went away.

What could cause something like that to happen? It's got me worried now.

23-10-10, 23:46
Many have had this one. Tension.

paula lynne
23-10-10, 23:46
Possibly strain on the intercostal muscles caused by hyperventilation, due to anxiety? You made it on the nmp cd eggy, have you checked it out? x

23-10-10, 23:47
Wind /gas ...maybe indigestion . Sue

23-10-10, 23:52
You need to take that omeprazole as I have said before that I think this is all acid indigestion/reflux and if you read the PM I sent you chest pain is one of the symptoms

24-10-10, 00:13
You need to take that omeprazole as I have said before that I think this is all acid indigestion/reflux and if you read the PM I sent you chest pain is one of the symptoms

I'm not sure if it's safe to take as it interacts with Cipralex otherwise i would take the month's course i was given.

24-10-10, 00:21
Just take it Eggy...

I have taken COPIOUS other drugs with my Cipralex without a moments thought including the following -


...to name but a few.

It does not even occur to me to worry about 'what if I take this drug?'

I'll cross that bridge if I come to it as frankly it is a waste of time and energy to dwell on a drug reaction that is unlikely to happen.

24-10-10, 00:25
Let me check on a drug interaction site for you

24-10-10, 00:30
I read somewhere that Omeprazole increased the amount of Cipralex in the blood, I am on 20mg Cipralex which is the highest isn't it? So wouldn't it be harmful if Omeprazole increased the amount of Cipralex in the blood?

24-10-10, 00:30
Ok that says it is ok but after googling it says it may increase the effect of Cipralex. I would ask the GP if it is ok to be honest.

24-10-10, 00:35
Is there anyone else i could ask? Maybe NHS Direct?

24-10-10, 00:39
They were prescribed to me on the same day i was put on Cipralex by the doctor i see quite regularly now, But that was when she started me on 10mg, i have upped to 20mg since so i don't know if that makes a difference.

24-10-10, 00:40
I guess it depends where they get their info from but maybe worth a try.

24-10-10, 02:36
I'm not even sure if i suffer from Acid Reflux but i could have been suffering from it for years for all i know but i know it can do serious damage in the long term with damaging the esophagus and can cause barrett's esophagus and even possibly esophagus cancer.

24-10-10, 13:46
Well if you believe that then you need to take the omeprazole and get it under control really.

24-10-10, 17:05
Well if you believe that then you need to take the omeprazole and get it under control really.

I will take it providing it's safe to do so.

24-10-10, 19:03
i was on omeprazole and on an ssri - i think it says check with your gp on the leaflet if you are on an ssri but i am sure the gp would not have prescribed it for you if you could not take both - you can always ring your local boots/pharmacy tomorrow and ask them.

it does sound eggy as if you are now worrying more about stomach problems now then neurological? that it could be indeed health anxiety and your symptom pattern is changing?

i am waiting for an endoscopy after 4 months of stomach troubles. my gp thinks i am producing too much acid and am in quite severe discomfort so yes - chest pain etc can all be down to something like this x

24-10-10, 19:07
i was on omeprazole and on an ssri - i think it says check with your gp on the leaflet if you are on an ssri but i am sure the gp would not have prescribed it for you if you could not take both - you can always ring your local boots/pharmacy tomorrow and ask them.

it does sound eggy as if you are now worrying more about stomach problems now then neurological? that it could be indeed health anxiety and your symptom pattern is changing?

i am waiting for an endoscopy after 4 months of stomach troubles. my gp thinks i am producing too much acid and am in quite severe discomfort so yes - chest pain etc can all be down to something like this x

I'm more worried about Neurological problems than stomach problems or anything else, I am much more concerned about my chewing, swallowing and mouth/throat issues, I have had these mouth/throat problems for almost 2 months now.

24-10-10, 19:28
Your mouth/throat issues could be down to acid reflux. Acid is, well, acid, so if it comes into your throat, it's going it make it sore and difficult to swallow. And one of the causes of acid reflux? Anxiety.

24-10-10, 20:22
Your mouth/throat issues could be down to acid reflux. Acid is, well, acid, so if it comes into your throat, it's going it make it sore and difficult to swallow. And one of the causes of acid reflux? Anxiety.

Fair point Dahlia, I know it can cause throat problems but i know it doesn't make your mouth feel weak and affect your chewing.

24-10-10, 21:17
I do also sometimes feel out of breath after eating and sometimes wheeze after drinking.

25-10-10, 20:50
I rang a chemist today and they said i could take Omeprazole and Cipralex but i should take Omeprazole early in the day and the Cipralex later in the day.

paula lynne
25-10-10, 20:54
Hi Eggy, thats good news then, now you know exactly when to take them. Another problem solved, but you feel relieved. :)

paula lynne
25-10-10, 21:19
Eggy, please dont ignore me again, im trying to offer you support.
I meant to say, I bet you are relieved, my glasses are not working, as all the admins know! x

26-10-10, 20:24
I started taking the Omeprazole today.

27-10-10, 21:27
My throat is still sore all the time, It has been like it ages now, I have taken 2 doses of Omeprazole so far i don't know how long it takes to start working but i am just taking this month course i was given to see if my throat problem is being caused by acid or not.

27-10-10, 21:38
If its being caused by acid it will take a while to heal .So keep taking it Eggy . Sue

27-10-10, 21:49
Something is causing my difficulty swallowing and sore throat problems as well as other things, I keep thinking it's Neurological but i thought i would give Omeprazole a fair go.

27-10-10, 23:21
The problem is i am choking on food and sometimes choking on my saliva.

28-10-10, 10:27
That can be anxiety and a learned response. You have 'got it into your head' that you can't swallow, therefore you are very aware when you are swallowing, it becomes unnatural and you can't do it. It's Globus Hystericus.

28-10-10, 21:18
Can Globus Hystericus really cause you to choke on your own saliva, Make it so that you are unable to swallow after 2 or 3 attempts then only succeeding the 3rd or 4th time?

Also, Can it actually make you choke on food and drink and make you have to clear your throat alot more than normal and have excess saliva and sometimes a dry mouth?

28-10-10, 22:27
When I get it bad I feel like I can't swallow as I have gunk in my throat but you can swallow trust me.

Yes choking is normal too as you are tense around the throat area.

28-10-10, 22:31

This is a symptom and a damn horrible one. I was in such a state one night that i had to get Nic (nomorepanic) to ring and calm me down. I was convinced my throat was closing over. It is such a pysical symptom yet only a symptom, it can't and won't do you any harm. The only thing it can make you do is feel lousy, scared and curious.

Please try to distract yourself whenever you get this, keep busy, do anything that will take your mind off it.

Remember...it can't and won't harm you


29-10-10, 23:24
Can Globus Hystericus really cause you to choke on your own saliva, Make it so that you are unable to swallow after 2 or 3 attempts then only succeeding the 3rd or 4th time?

Also, Can it actually make you choke on food and drink and make you have to clear your throat alot more than normal and have excess saliva and sometimes a dry mouth?

In a word - yes. That's why there's a forum about it here - because it's a very distressing anxiety symptom that people often think is serious. If you have acid reflux, this will impact on it also. Remember too that ADs affect the level of saliva in your mouth.

Do yourself a favour, Eggy, and get some help for your HA. It must be exhausting for you.

30-10-10, 01:39
In a word - yes. That's why there's a forum about it here - because it's a very distressing anxiety symptom that people often think is serious. If you have acid reflux, this will impact on it also. Remember too that ADs affect the level of saliva in your mouth.

Do yourself a favour, Eggy, and get some help for your HA. It must be exhausting for you.

I have genuine severe symptoms/problems with my mouth & throat such as:-

-Talking feels uncomfortable and tiring.
-My face hurts a lot and gets achy when talking but especially when eating.
-Mouth, throat and facial pain which is very bad.
-Having to clear my throat a lot and feeling like i have excess saliva.
-My tongue feels too big for my mouth and feels odd.
-My breathing feels worse even though i have asthma it feels like i am getting short of breath more and i don't think it's asthma related.
-I wake up sometimes with a very wet pillow, Obviously i must drool in my sleep.
-I have difficulty swallowing.
-I have been choking on food and drink now and again.

This is why i think i have the form of M.N.D that starts in the mouth/throat area and affects breathing before spreading to other parts of the body.

30-10-10, 01:43
Eggy - we have heard all this before and nothing has changed has it?

We keep telling you that loads of us have had these problems as well. You are NOT listening and are upsetting members now as you are ignoring their advice and help

Have you taken any advice on board? Have you spoken to GP about HA ? Get a referral NOW for CBT as well.

30-10-10, 18:18
Eggy - we have heard all this before and nothing has changed has it?

We keep telling you that loads of us have had these problems as well. You are NOT listening and are upsetting members now as you are ignoring their advice and help

Have you taken any advice on board? Have you spoken to GP about HA ? Get a referral NOW for CBT as well.

What would you do or think then Nic if you were in my position? Having constant pain in the face, mouth and throat and constantly having to take paracetamol and other things all the time? And having problems swallowing and choking on food and drink and feeling unable to talk and when you talk it feels uncomfortable and tiring? As well as numerous other problems such as fatigue, tremors in the arms and hands and lots and lots of twitching?

You would be really worried wouldn't you and i don't know if you would think that you had M.N.D or not but i don't think you would be able to ignore it and just brush it under the carpet and presume it's down to anxiety.

I never even looked on Google about M.N.D at first, I was out shopping and i was having more problems and i suddenly thought i wonder if i have something like M.N.D and after that i did start looking it up on the internet and reading about it.

30-10-10, 19:51
What would you do or think then Nic if you were in my position? Having constant pain in the face, mouth and throat and constantly having to take paracetamol and other things all the time? And having problems swallowing and choking on food and drink and feeling unable to talk and when you talk it feels uncomfortable and tiring? As well as numerous other problems such as fatigue, tremors in the arms and hands and lots and lots of twitching?

You would be really worried wouldn't you and i don't know if you would think that you had M.N.D or not but i don't think you would be able to ignore it and just brush it under the carpet and presume it's down to anxiety.

I never even looked on Google about M.N.D at first, I was out shopping and i was having more problems and i suddenly thought i wonder if i have something like M.N.D and after that i did start looking it up on the internet and reading about it.

If you are so worried about all these problems, why do you constantly go to the doctors and forget to tell him certain key points each time?
Look, you've either got this disease or you've not got it. So from today you need to decide what to do with the rest of your life.
Either way you've got a few years left to live, so why not actually live it? At this rate you're going to have "I told you so" written on your gravestone, but what good will it do?
You're missing out on life.

30-10-10, 21:13
If you are so worried about all these problems, why do you constantly go to the doctors and forget to tell him certain key points each time?
Look, you've either got this disease or you've not got it. So from today you need to decide what to do with the rest of your life.
Either way you've got a few years left to live, so why not actually live it? At this rate you're going to have "I told you so" written on your gravestone, but what good will it do?
You're missing out on life.

I constantly go to the doctors because nothing is being done apart from pointless blood test after blood test and that's it and i do not forget to tell them certain key points....The last 3-4 visits i have handed them a list of my problems/symptoms so there's no excuse.