View Full Version : Is this dp?

24-10-10, 10:01
Me again with the messed up brain.

To bring you all up to date I've been on sertraline for over a month now and have diazepam in case of bad attacks.

I've been a sufferer of panic and anxiety for years. It started years ago when I had my first panic attack for no reason and it terrified me.

I suffered panic attacks for 2 years whenever I went out but I soon conquered it with the help of propranolol and pushing myself.

Then things changed and now I have gad. I over think everything, I worry I'm going insane, I get intrusive and irrational thoughts, anxiety attacks and I just hate the fact I'm not me anymore.

I want nothing more than to be normal, have a normal thought pattern and enjoy my life instead of thinking about anxiety and how to cope with it every day. It's so hard and stressful!

My latest symptom is awful. I feel totally disconnected from reality, I feel like I don't understand life. I look at people and just think what are you, why do you do the things you do, I feel like I'm different to everyone else. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed and trapped in my body and I look at my arms, hands, legs and just think why do I have these.

These thoughts upset and frustrate me. I try to think positively and about other things but it soon creeps back up. I hope others experience this? Do you?

Don't get me wrong I have good days and bad days but I just feel so lost and my mind is always racing questioning everything.

I'm a 25 year old guy, I have a great job, a loving family, a beautiful caring fiancee, some great friends and I like life. But this anxiety always wins and outweighs everything.

Sorry for the long post. I just want to see who can relate to my story, perhaps give me some feedback and help. It's all appreciated. Thanks for reading.

24-10-10, 11:51
Ow yes, I have defo felt like that recently. My parents gave me money to keep me going and instead of being all excited I was like 'why are you giving me this?'. Sometimes I would wake up thinking I was in a completely different place in a completely different body. It is pretty freaky and annoying.

Just remember that this phase will pass. Have you ever felt like this before? Have you told your fiancee how you feel, because she might be abe to help you get through it. Try and do things that you enjoy, and I know how difficult it is to do it but trust me, I'm a student nurse!

24-10-10, 12:24
It's a phase that's been going on since September so far.

I find myself always questioning everything, analysing everything, feeling disconnected and lost and it's really getting to me which builds anxiety.

Can this be related too? I try everything to remain calm and positive. It's hard!

24-10-10, 12:32
I can relate to you entirely. I know it's hard but stick with it and go with the flow. If you really are struggling then maybe you need to see your doctor?

24-10-10, 14:12

I can totally relate to your feelings. From September I have felt really strange, like I don't know myself anymore, like someone else is living in my body! I am constantly questioning myself and thinking wierd things like, why did I say or do that! I worry that I have some serious mental illness and it will get worse and I won't be able to look after my family. It is a nightmare and just want to be like I was. I have started counselling and joined the gym on the advice of my doctor. If anyone has felt like this and conquered it, it would be great to know how!
Sorry I can't offer you any advice, I just wanted to say that you are not alone.

24-10-10, 17:59
My doc is very supportive so that helps.

I just find myself always attaching anxiety or an anxious or negative thought to any given situation

24-10-10, 20:18
it may help to see your gp to give you some meds to help relive the mood i also have good and bad days i am on meds which help me to sleep and help with the feelings

24-10-10, 20:58
my life sounds a bit like yours.ive been told to make some big changes in my life,maybe that will be good for you too.something to make you feel worthy,helping people or just think of the thing thats not at all like you and do it.you never know,its worth a go

25-10-10, 23:11
I keep over evaluating life. I still think I'm looking at life like an outsider. I look at people so closely and always ask why about everything and I don't want to.

It's that conflict which worries me and yet if I can keep my mind occupied it doesn't happen.

26-10-10, 00:54
Hi sounds like how I have felt over the last few months if you search some of my posts.

I suffer depersonalization and thinking about it more can lead to the intrusive thoughts or the symptom getting worse.

I can't give a cure but this post helps: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=61323 if you can tackle the worry the symptom can ease.