View Full Version : shaking all the time

24-10-10, 12:22
i am not sure if this is related to depression, although i know i am suffering really bad with it, every day i get up and sometimes feel ok ish then all of a sudden i cant stop shaking? then i get dizzy or lightheaded, i am not sure if this is a symptom of depression? can any one help as im at my wits end :weep::weep: im not on any meds btw. although im going to the docs this wk, if i can make it out of my house :weep: i wish they would do home calls. thanks

24-10-10, 12:32
thanks for reply, i will do im so scared all the time, its like a feel of dread and fear of everything! im so fed up :weep:

24-10-10, 12:55
It could be anxiety or it could be your body sugar is low. Try eating little and often throughout the day and see if that helps you. If I just have cereals for breakfast I get a sugar crash mid morning and feel shaky, spaced out and lightheaded.

24-10-10, 13:18
Thanks for your replys, I am not very hungry at all these days, no appetite at all but try and eat when I feel like it, so maybe its that I just feel sick and that maybe the same thing I don't know, I'm just freaking out right now thinking all sorts :( sorry for ranting

24-10-10, 14:14
i dont have the shakes but one of my problems is loss of apitite amongst others can go days and days without eating this is also due to the fact i have IBS and when i do eat i get really bad stomach pains which makes me not feel like eating because i get nothing but agro when i do

24-10-10, 18:21
I had a slice of toast for ma brekkie, and a tuna sandwich and a plum about 3 this aft
I am not shaking much at the moment! But I guess I should try and have some tea!
Its hard to find something I fancy when I'm not hungry :( oh well tomorrows another day.
Thank u for the helpfull replies :)

24-10-10, 18:28
That does not sound like much tbh. Are you going to have something cooked today? Things such as porridge or pasta will leave you feeling full. Also soft things such as banana or scrambled egg are good. I like soup too. Take care EJ.

24-10-10, 20:08
Try eating wholemeal foods, as they take longer to digest. It gives you energy for longer.
I can totally understand you saying youre not hungry, Ive been in exactly the same place as you are. Its taken me months to get my hunger back!
Have you tried progressive muscle relaxation? That twinned with a warm bath or shower usually gets rid of my shakes if they're anxiety related.

24-10-10, 20:13
Try eating wholemeal foods, as they take longer to digest. It gives you energy for longer.
I can totally understand you saying youre not hungry, Ive been in exactly the same place as you are. Its taken me months to get my hunger back!
Have you tried progressive muscle relaxation? That twinned with a warm bath or shower usually gets rid of my shakes if they're anxiety related.

but how do you do it?
It says it takes around 30 mins? I don't get how it takes that long with only 10 seconds per tensing.

24-10-10, 20:36
That's just a rough overview of it. If you can find an mp3 on the internet or find a CD it will guide you through it.
The way I do it is to loosen any tight clothes and get myself comfy on my bed. I lie with my hands by my side. Turn off the tv, unplug your phone. Get rid of distractions if you can.
I've tried numerous orders, but I find starting at my feet and working up to my head the best way to do it.
I start with my feet toes and tense them for 10-20 seconds. The goal is to really pay attention to how those muscles feel when theyre tense. Once you can feel the "burn" then you release and relax them. The muscles should feel light and loose. If they still feel a bit tense repeat it.
Then move up to your calves> knees > thighs, buttocks > lower back > upper back > stomach > chest > fingers/hands > forearms > upper arms > shoulders > neck- tilt your chin till it touches your chest > neck-tilt your head back so your chin is far away from your chest as you can get it > jaw > tongue > eyes > forehead.
Then you're done. You should be feeling light and relaxed after that. It's a good idea to do it before bed as it can really help you to drift off.
If you don't feel relaxed then don't worry. It takes practise to get the full benefits. Eventually you can aim to relax the muscles without even tensing them.
If you find a muscle group that is hard to relax then spend more time on it.
I hope this helps :)

26-10-10, 20:39
That does not sound like much tbh. Are you going to have something cooked today? Things such as porridge or pasta will leave you feeling full. Also soft things such as banana or scrambled egg are good. I like soup too. Take care EJ.

hi sorry for late reply, thanks for replying. i did have some tea in the end! i had a small bowl of chilli with rice and wholemeal pitta, it seemed to go down ok x some good ideas too thank you

26-10-10, 20:47
That's just a rough overview of it. If you can find an mp3 on the internet or find a CD it will guide you through it.
The way I do it is to loosen any tight clothes and get myself comfy on my bed. I lie with my hands by my side. Turn off the tv, unplug your phone. Get rid of distractions if you can.
I've tried numerous orders, but I find starting at my feet and working up to my head the best way to do it.
I start with my feet toes and tense them for 10-20 seconds. The goal is to really pay attention to how those muscles feel when theyre tense. Once you can feel the "burn" then you release and relax them. The muscles should feel light and loose. If they still feel a bit tense repeat it.
Then move up to your calves> knees > thighs, buttocks > lower back > upper back > stomach > chest > fingers/hands > forearms > upper arms > shoulders > neck- tilt your chin till it touches your chest > neck-tilt your head back so your chin is far away from your chest as you can get it > jaw > tongue > eyes > forehead.
Then you're done. You should be feeling light and relaxed after that. It's a good idea to do it before bed as it can really help you to drift off.
If you don't feel relaxed then don't worry. It takes practise to get the full benefits. Eventually you can aim to relax the muscles without even tensing them.
If you find a muscle group that is hard to relax then spend more time on it.
I hope this helps :)

hi thank you very much for your advice, its much appreciated :) i have a hypno session on my ipod i downloaded which i find helpfull sometimes! but its like u say it takes alot of practise! might give it a go before bed tonight as i have had a bad anxiety attack this afternoon and it has left me very twichy :(
thanks again xx take care