View Full Version : period pain :(

24-10-10, 14:33
Is it quite normal to get aching legs with period pain? I've been rolling around the living room all morning with a sore tummy and legs, its coming in waves. I know it's my period but I've been on and off bleeding since September now and I'm shattered, I'm really heavy as well.. I can't go to the loo either no matter how hard I try, and I'm full of the cold :(

24-10-10, 14:48
hiya, i get really achey legs when on miy period!!! and hormones can effect your bowels etc..hope this helps xxx

24-10-10, 15:02
hi i cant stand for long at all when im on my period the first few days as my right leg causes me so much pain,you sound as if you are run down hun and at the end of your tether you will be ok soon take some pain killers and see if it eases i dont know your position but try and sit with your feet up for a while this should help
take care x

24-10-10, 15:34
I get really achy legs too. It starts in my upper thighs and has gotten as far down as my ankles before! In fact the leg pain is worse than the cramps etc.

24-10-10, 15:43
Had this too this morning. Ruined my Sunday morning lay in. :mad: Lol


24-10-10, 15:47
Yes, have also had this. Don't worry. It's unpleasant but not unusual!

24-10-10, 16:13
I get that too. I find that if I can sit with a hot water bottle at the bottom of my back for a while then this brings a bit of relief. The joys of being a woman!:lac: x

24-10-10, 17:53
I get this too. I get horrendous period pain on the first and last day of my period and it makes my legs ache and feel weak. Like Maj says, just another lovely feature of being female unfortunately! :wacko: I've found that deep heat ointment (or similar) can help, and also ibuprofen. x

24-10-10, 19:17
:) Aww thank you everyone, my mum helped me with some ibugel and a hot bottle, and a cup of tea haha, made a big difference. I always thought it was only your tummy that hurt, never experienced sore legs before so glad I'm not the only one! Not able to take medicines either, intolerant to the pill or something and the tranexamic acid stuff you can take simply made it worse. Cold is hopefully getting better, I'm not coughing as much, taking covonia now so that'll hopefully help too :) thank you again, you're all lovely hehe xxx

24-10-10, 20:27

I've had this before as well, it scared the hell out of me as it hadn't happened before. My thighs ached all down the front and my legs felt like lead.

25-10-10, 00:02
hi daisy,

I'm going through the same joys now, got my trusty hot water bottle, it's a must forme.

Glad you've found comfort and reassurance from the lovely ladies on here, i get really bad stomach cramps, back pain and leg pain too.
Some days im in tears because it's so bad, so you're not alone:hugs:
You just keep your hot water bottle to ease the cramps, and get some rest and TLC, you'll be absolutely fine:)

25-10-10, 14:55
i get these pains with ovulation as well x

26-10-10, 15:44
Ok girls, here's the reason why we get leg pains during menstruation.

There are several reasons leg pain may occur -- dehydration, mineral deficiency and vitamin deficiency are probable causes. It's also possible that your uterus and legs share a nerve pathway, in which case pain from uterine contractions could trigger pain in your leg.
You should take magnesium -- the best one is Dyno Mins Magnesium (250mg daily) from Natures Plus. Magnesium is a great muscle relaxant and this is also very effective for restless leg syndrome. Take a good multi-vitamin daily and also use Epsom Salts in your bath.

26-10-10, 16:29
Hi yes have had this since I started my periods. It gets so bad sometimes that I cannot walk and actually throw up. My husband one month wanted to take me to the hospital I was in so much pain with it - I would have laughed if I could but at the moment just sort of groaned at him :D it is nothing at all to worry about! xx