View Full Version : this will probably sound weird

24-10-10, 14:35
Today i was walking down to the shops and i became aware that i was talking to myself in my head, like telling stories as if i was talking to someone else. I started to feel anxious and quite panicky all of a sudden, when i realised i was stuck in my head and can't get out.

Does anyone know what i mean?

and is it normal to constantly have thoughts in your head and have conversations with yourself in your head when there is no one else around? Like i ask questions and i answer them back.

24-10-10, 15:04
I do this all the time, it's normal to talk to yourself in the head.

24-10-10, 15:38
Completely natural and normal. I wouldn't even give it a second thought.


24-10-10, 15:54
That’s a relief :winks:

Sometimes I think it’s the only way to get a sensible answer... :whistles:

24-10-10, 16:11
I think I've always done this - I find it quite therapeutic actually! Also. no-one can answer you back!! x

24-10-10, 16:19
Completely natural and normal. I wouldn't even give it a second thought.


BB I must reprimand you on all these excellent puns you picked up from me :D

Yes, it's very common to be engrossed in internal dialogues.

Don't think about it too much I'd say.

EDIT: BB said she'd give it some thought later.

24-10-10, 17:56
I do this all the time.

Sometimes I kind of interview myself and answer the questions in my head too!!!!! lol

(Blimey, I'm worried now, as that sounds bonkers lol):D

I also have a habit of talking at the television, especially during 'Jeremy Kyle' type programmes!! I can get quite irate and can't resist berrating the guests from the comfort of my armchair!

Oh dear......:D

24-10-10, 18:07
Always talking to myself but sometimes negative thoughts and voiced can try and pop in so I argue with them. Can anyone relate to that?

24-10-10, 18:12
Always talking to myself but sometimes negative thoughts and voiced can try and pop in so I argue with them. Can anyone relate to that?

I don't so much hear negative voices David, but negative thoughts definitely, like when I go out in public and feel my anxiety rising and have the thought in my head that I am gonna have a panic attack, I will argue with that thought mentally and 'have a word with myself about being stupid.

I really think it helps.

24-10-10, 18:14
Yeah that's sort of what I meant. Not so much voiced as aposed to always arguing with my anxious mind.