View Full Version : my dad

24-10-10, 17:43
my dad dropped dead last tuesday were devasted he waz only 54 my heart is broken and my son hes only 2 keeps lukin for him we live at home wid my mom and dad. my anxiety and panic have hit me big time i duno wat im gona do im afraid sumtin will happen to my mum now dnt want her to leave us i jst feel so awful :weep:

24-10-10, 17:46
I'm so very sorry for your awful, sudden loss Tracey.

My thoughts and deepest sympathies are with you. It is perfectly understandabe that your anxiety and panic has come back with such a shock and bereavement as well.

I also think it is understandable to be terrified of losing someone close like your Mum in the aftermath of another close family members passing, as you are trying to take in and adjust to such a mega huge loss right now.

Just know that you are not alone and we are always here for you to talk to and support you through your anxiety and grief.

lots of hugs to you.xxx:hugs:

24-10-10, 18:00
thanx. im just so scared dat im gona die too and my son will have no one. feel so scared at nite too in bed cant sleep or anytin and im very jumpy cant eat or anytin just keep tinkin why my dad. his sister died only 7 weeks ago my aunt he waz heartbroken over her. they tink he had a heart attack. just dropped dead while cutting the lawn at work i miss him so much just wish i cud have done sometin. bein prescribed xanex but im afraid to take it in case anytin happens me. im so fed up and angry duno whether to cry or get mad. and my tummy is so sick feel so dizzy and like im livin in a dream feel like im goin to drop dead too. just really want someone to talk to bout da way im feelin:weep:

24-10-10, 18:19
Aww Tracy :hugs:

I was so sorry to read that, and my heart goes out to you and you family at this difficult time.

Suppose all a person can really do is to take it one day at a time and just aim to get through one day at a time. Thoughts and feelings are bound to be all over the place, and it’s only natural to experience just about every emotion imaginable.

I remember when Dad died 8 years ago, and a very dear friend earlier this year, I was living in a sort of daze for a good month to six weeks afterwards. Nothing seemed real and it was as if I was detached from life and watching it all happen. I think the mind does that when it gets overwhelmed. Then as time passes and it thinks we can cope with some of it, so a sense of reality starts to return.

It’s understandable to be having lots of morbid thoughts at a time like this, but nothing’s gonna happen to you, or your mum. Try and just be there for each other, and for Little Boy.

Take care,

paula lynne
24-10-10, 18:37
Oh Im so terribly sorry for the loss of your dad, ny thoughts and prayers are with you and all your family at this awful time. x
My mum died due to a bodged operation last year, and I thought Id never ever get throught it, or ever get over it, because of my panic and anx, but I did. Be strong for your little one, and remember we are here for you.
Take one day at a time x
Paula x:hugs:

24-10-10, 18:56
just wanted to post and so i am so sorry to read about your loss and you are bound to feel absolutely awful - loosing a parent must be one of the most traumatic things you can ever deal with. it is bound to make you question your own mortality because it was so unexpected and so how you are feeling is totally normal - it will take lots of time and tlc. thinking of you xx

24-10-10, 19:22
thanx everyone. hate feeling like dis. hate the nitetime its so lonely and i feel so scared

24-10-10, 19:38
Sweetie - wot an awful shock for you and your family.

Grief takes its own course and I know its a cliche but in time things will seem better. It is very very early days to come to terms with what has happened.

You can only take one day at a time as the others have said, you will all get through this somehow I know it seems like you won't but you will. I think what your feeling and experiencing is what anyone would be going through just now.

I am lucky enough to not have lost a parent yet - but have experienced losing some very special people in my life in all sorts of circumstances.

Just remember we are here for you anytime - please please feel free to share anything - i;ve always had to cope on my own and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

big hugs to you and your familyx

24-10-10, 20:03
I'm so sorry for your loss. life is too cruel. My thoughts are with you xx

24-10-10, 21:06
I wanted to echo what other people have said - and say how sorry I am for your loss. I don't know what to say - just try to take it one day at a time x

24-10-10, 22:07
I am so sorry for your loss Tracey, its no wonder how you are feeling right now.

Lots of us about if you need to talk

love mandie x

24-10-10, 22:16
I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your dad Tracey. We have so many mixed emotions when we lose someone. The grief is too much to bear, + all the anxiety thinking we will be the next to go. I know you will get through it, although it doesn't seem like this now. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.



24-10-10, 22:22
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss too, Tracey :hugs: I know it's never easy but for it to happen so suddenly must be so hard. The way you are feeling is how so many of us would react, I'm sure. Maybe you would feel like visiting the Cruse (bereavement charity) website some time? YOu would be able to talk to someone there if you wanted. It's important you try to take care of yourself x

24-10-10, 22:38
I am so sorry to hear your sad news. Please tc of yourself and seek suppor tyou have around you. tc

25-10-10, 14:54
when will da pain go away? it hurts so much. feel so helpless for my mam

25-10-10, 15:06
:hugs: I am so sorry for your loss. The pain will get easier but it will never really go.
I know from my own experiences that when my brother died in the same way as your dad - I held on to the fact that he did not suffer any pain.
Grief takes its own time and its own path - just talk to each other - be there for each other. Let people know you care - don't hide away in your grief.
All my best wishes to you and your family

25-10-10, 15:24
No one prepares you for any of this sweetie and don't be afraid to ask for help - your GP, us, this will sound odd but maybe your local church might be able to offer you the strength you and your family need just now.

thinking of you xxx

25-10-10, 15:30
Hi Tracey,

I'm really sorry about your dad. My heart goes out to you. I guess there's nothing really that anyone can say to ease your pain. It sounds corny but time is a great healer & as time passes it will become less raw.
It must be awful for you to see your mum so upset. All you can do is be there for her & try to muddle though together as best you can. You will come through this

Take care


25-10-10, 15:37
Hi Tracey,

I’m really sorry. Wish I had a magic answer for you but there isn’t one. It takes time; and as somebody else said, it never really goes, but it gets easier.

Somebody wrote these lovely words to me on another thread where I was writing about my friend:

“Remember, the deep pain that is felt at the death of every friendly soul arises from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him/her alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost.”

The thing I try to do – and when my Dad died as well – was to imagine them looking down from some happy place and to keep asking myself; “How would they like to see me coping with this?” They wouldn’t want to see me going totally to pieces because of them, I’m sure they wouldn’t.

It doesn’t take away the pain, but I think it gives me a little bit of much needed strength at times.

Take care,

26-10-10, 21:52
im so sorry t read this thread i have been in your shoes it will be 5 years ago in april that my dad dropped dead in my arms ill never forget the last thing he said it haunts me to this day

my dad was my world and still is but i can honestly say it does get easier my life has moved on even though my dad will be for ever in my thoughts and hes always there i dont cry as much about i remember the nice things i have a little boy who will never get to met my dad and that brakes my heart but he looks so much like my dad that keeps me going

please pm if ypu ever need to chat i have lived through what your going through my anixetys awful but im still here to and iime will make it easier x