View Full Version : Numb face, chin and chest...bizzare

24-10-10, 19:33
Just hoping someone might relate to this...my chin, left cheek, back of head/neck, eye sockets, chest and under lower lip feel numb and tingling.

I am particularly stressed with work and trying to move house and have clenching my jaw all day and night - do you think this is anxiety/stress related? Starting to worry about MS, tumours etc (you know what HA is like!)

Thanks x

24-10-10, 19:41
I get tingling all the time, it's among one of my more worrying symptoms!
My arms go numb all the time too it's not nice at all!
I've heard it can be stress and anxiety related but I can't tell you of its authenticity.
Ms, Tumours.
That's just my head at the moment too!

paula lynne
24-10-10, 20:59
Hi Mondie x
The stress of the move, clenching your teeth/jaw probably mean that your neck is also very stiff, this can reduce blood flow (only a little, dont worry), and this can contribute to tingling. As you know, tingling is also caused by anxiety, and you do sound like youve got a lot on at the moment x
My advice would be...a long soak in a bubble bath and taking time out to rest and relax as much as possible. I hope you feel better soon x:)

25-10-10, 18:24
Ok so it is worse today, after a particulary stressful day at work. My chin and cheeks feel like they are burning up and are numb/tingling. I am going out of my mind with worry, should I see a doctor?

25-10-10, 18:35
I had a tingly lip a while ago, thought I';d had a stroke. Worried about it a lot and went to the Dr who said all was ok. You know what, I forgot about it a few days later and low and behold it went away. No idea what it was.

25-10-10, 19:09
Hi Mondie
I get it. Starts as a numb feeling under my left eye and gradually works its way down to my chin gradually changing to a tingling as it goes, normally lasts a couple of days.

Interestingly it was one of the first symptoms I got a couple of years ago before my anxiety was diagnosed, then my doc put it down to a virus, fast forward four months when my anxiety was at last recognised she commented that this along with odd scalp irritations which I was getting are all signs of stress / anxiety

25-10-10, 20:31
So glad I read this as I keep getting the odd sensation of 'tickling' in my left arm which goes from near my armpit down towards my elbow. It's like ants running down my arm and only lasts a minute or so. Makes me jump... not because it scares me but because I am really ticklish. I do get a feeling of heaviness in the side of my face and sometimes left arm and leg too but doc says ignore it as it's nothing... so I now ignore it :) Starting to wonder if it's down to my bad posture as I've noticed I sit with my back 'sunk' my shoulders up and head tilted back when I'm on my PC. Can't be good for bloodflow and the rest eh and I bet I look soo funny ?