View Full Version : A&E by ambulance last night!

24-10-10, 20:32
I had prev posted about near fainting and fast heartbeat and ectopics. AFter by my near fainting do on tuesday I had had very bad ectopics every since - not being able to sleep because the thump in my chest every 5-6 beats kept me awake. Dr took bloods on thursday for thryoid potasiium.
Yesterday evening again about 10 mins after I had eaten a big meal I was sitting quite happily with husband when I suddenly got the same horrible feeling in centre of chest - it feels as if either my heart is racing uncontrollably or its fluttering wildy and I go very very faint then my heart seems to sort itself after about 10-15 sconds and I have a very pounding very fast 145bpm heartrate which slowly reduces over a few hours with loads of ectopics.
My husband panicked and rang an ambulance and I got taken to casualty. thankfully I eventually got an english a and e consultant who was great.
He had been monitering my heartrate the two hours I waited to see him! and he said there was nothing dangerous on it just loads of ectopics and it was fast but not dangerously so.
After hearing about the attacks he said he thinks it either that I am getting a very fast haertbeat for about 10 secs that make me go faint and then it slows!!! to about 150bpm which is when I feel it has sorted itself or I am getting a run of ectopics without any normal beats for the 10-15 secs which again would make me feel faint and then the fast heartrate. He didn't think it was a flutter problem as there was no trace of it on my ecgs.
He said he didn't think I was in imminent danger and showed me a couple of things to do like taking a deep breath and coughing and pressing on one neck artery - he said I need to see a cardiologist and have tests - he doubted a 24hr ecg would pick the sudden attacks up unless I had one that day and I need echo etc so have appt with my GP on Tues to arrange all this.
I am finding it impossible to sleep becasue every 5-6 beats is an ectopic which gives me a huge thump in my chest and shoots up to my head and if I am drifitng off to sleep bang I am awake again - if I take a diazepam I sleep but can't do this indefinitely.
I am terrified of being alone in case it happens again or being out and about again what if it happen again. I was so enjoying life in the social sense- moved to new area year ago and made new freidns and have been going out with them without my husband which was brave of me and now I am back to terrified again.:weep:

24-10-10, 20:35
Forgot to say that my thryoid and potasiium bloods were normal so nothing to do with them and also Dr said that I really need to have the long ecg done on me ( not sure if that is just wearing one for weeks on end! or the type they implant:shrug:) and that only a cardiologist can arrange these tests tog with ultrasound of heart.

paula lynne
24-10-10, 20:43
Hi IM sorry youre unwell x
I get ectopic beats too, but recently they are worse after eating, like you.
I read something about it on here, cant remember what thread though sorry.....and when I was talking to my gp about it, she asked if my ectopics got worse after food.....there must be a correlation then? Im tired too, like you hun, Im tired, then bang..it wake me up. Its distressing isnt it, but Ive been assured it wont hurt us.
Hang on..something just sparked in the ole brain..it was something to do with the vagus nerve, food, and ectopics...I think!
Hope you get some kip soon, as you say, you cant keep relying on the tranqs x Take care x:wacko:

24-10-10, 21:14
Mine were worse recently when I had a spate of indigestion. They've calmed down again now it's gone.

Good luck and let us know how you get on :)

24-10-10, 22:24
Hi countrygirl

Sorry you're feeling so bad with the ectopics and fast heart rate lately. When we eat (especially a lot OR fatty foods) our bodies have to digest it and everyones heart rate goes up a bit. Also indegestion due to a big meal can cause the ectopics. You can find plenty of sites that talk about fast heart rate and ectopic beats after eating, just google, maybe it will put your mind at rest.

I sometimes get fast heart rate after eating and it can take two hours or more sometimes to go back down to normal. Those damn ectopics are horrible, I've had them many years, I don't get worried about them but they can make me feel a bit faint too.

All in all you're body is working normally. Try eating less but more often.

Take care

24-10-10, 22:45
Im having an echo on tuesday for ectopics with faintness/dizziness. Ive had normal ECG'S and normal 24 Hour ECG, but my doc wants to be sure as ive got family history. Just so u know ur not alone, i know exactly how u feel x

25-10-10, 03:53
Hope Your Feeling Better.
I've Ended Up In A&E On Many Occasions With This & Fainting. It Was Suggested That My Lactose & Wheat Allergy Could Be Triggers.
I Wonder If You Have Possible Allergys. I Didn't Get Symptopms, They Showed Up On a Rountine Test.
May Be Worth Checking Out.
Mmie x

25-10-10, 12:31
Huge thanks everyone for replying it really helps me feel I am not alone.
I had a good nights sleep last night but ectopics are still so bad like every 2nd to 7th beat grrrrr.

Hopefully I will lose weight as I am now too frightened to eat much at one time just in case a full stomach is the trigger.

when the ectopics are coming every second or third beat its awful. I have done the deep breath and cough a few times when the flutters strike and it has worked but whether it will work if I get the awful attacks is another matter.

Crazyhayz what happens to you when you get the ectopics and fainting/dizzy do you also get racing heart as well???

I am really struggling with being alone as so terrified I will have another attack and really pass out and no one to help me- my wonderful husband is early retired so we are together or at least in same house etc most of the time but this week he is due to help at local am dram group for next 5 nights - he says he will not go if thats what I want but I can't say don't go it just woulnd't be fair but at same time am so frightened - he starts tonight. I am also supposed to go to the production on Sat night but again what if I have attack in middle of packed public hall.

paula lynne
25-10-10, 12:46
Hey Country girl..Nicola (Boss) gave me some good advice...coughing helps ectopics!
I get the pulling down in my diaphragm before I get an ectopic, do you?
If you feel one coming on, try coughing.x