View Full Version : Is it just anxiety?

24-10-10, 22:10
Hi everyone. I'm experiencing lots of symptoms at the moment and am worrying that it's something more than anxiety even though I've seen 3 docs and all say nothing is physically wrong. About 3 weeks ago I had an acute anxiety attack, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties and shaking etc. I saw my GP who has recommended CBT and gave me propranalol (which I have since stopped as it didn't help but made me nauseous). for weeks before that attack I was getting neck tension/pain and now I am getting worrying symptoms.

Basically, I'm getting neck pain and throat discomfort. It doesn't feel like a lump in my throat but my throat, neck and jaw are all tight. It feels like my whole neck and jaw have been tightened up and need loosening. I feel like someone is gripping the front of my neck/throat and, when it's bad, my tongue and throat can feel numb. It is much worse when I'm thinking/worrying about it.

Has anyone else had similar symptoms? Does it sound like anxiety? Any help would be gratefully received as I'm worrying about it.

As I said, I've seen 3 doctors and had full blood tests and all docs say that nothing is wrong.

Many thanks for reading. xx

25-10-10, 09:05
hi bette

please be reassured when i say anxiety can cause very severe feelings of tension and tightness and pain in the throat area. when i started with panic attacks i was floored with terrible tension headaches. i have also similar symptoms accross my face and round my stomach and back. the fact that you were getting a lot of tension before this attack shows that the panic attack was the result of you getting more and more wound up. this is how poeple then end up in the adrenalin cycle/panic attack - they have symptoms which increases adrenalin which increases symptoms so look at ways of relaxing more and reducing stress in your life x