View Full Version : I am turning in to Dot Cotton.. Minus the wrinkles.

24-10-10, 22:48
I should be shot and should know better, I have a couple of dodgy teeth, one needs a root canal and the other needs yanking out...I am sooo scared as I will need local anesthetic and as my mum died during a procedure using a local I dont want it done...
Now I have a headache and heartburn and I am convinced its to do with my dodgy gnashers, and stupidly I visited mr google.
Now obviously I am going to die, so thats sending my health anxiety through the roof and making my headache worse.
Really I need to get a grip... The only good thing is least now I am not thinking about dying of a heart attack.
Life sucks

24-10-10, 22:51
Don't be so hard on yourself. :hugs:

It's very easy to make the mental connection when something goes wrong but without going into detail hun I'm assuming it wasn't the local itself that caused your mum's death but something unrelated that happened connected to the procedure itself.

Am I on the right track?

24-10-10, 22:55
yeah she had a brain hemorreage and a stroke, but coz i am getting headaches i am putting 2+2 together and coming up with 647
Am I ever going to not think i am going to die for the slightest little thing, I know half of me is still grieving its only been 18months but everything that happens to me seems to be some way related to mum going.!
I am sorry for constantly going on and posting but none of my friends get it!

24-10-10, 23:05
My mum died from the same thing but a long time ago, even though I don't have HA I do get a little worried if I get a really bad headache. :hugs:

You know in your heart of hearts the local had nothing to do with mums passing, there would be no link, promise.

I will slap your wrist for Googling because you're not dying, you have dodgy teeth and they might also be contributing to the headaches!
Heartburn is an all too common symptom among people with anxiety and it can be sorted out easily.

So..get thee to a dentist and get the problem sorted out. I'll give you some support with this, have recently joined a dentist practice..I haven't been for more than ten years! :scared15:

Once you have made the appt you will feel better Im sure :hugs:

24-10-10, 23:23
thanks ladybird, i know everything your saying is correct i have been telling myself all day.
I am sorry to hear about your mum too... even if it was a little while ago, still painful.
I just want to go back to how i was, before she went to sleep, although my life was far from perfect i didnt have this illness in my head.
Thanks for your support and nice messages.