View Full Version : Am I Losing The Plot!

25-10-10, 00:19
Hi guys

Here goes. Saturday night I had some really horrible vivid dreams. When i woke up I could remember them really clearly and they were horrid. I don't usually dream much (or if i do i don't remember them). Last time I had vivid dreams I ended up with like 6 weeks of really bad depersonilisation etc and felt not with it. I remember when I woke up this time i thought i hope that doesn't start again. Anyways I find now that when I'm waiting to go to sleep, disjointed thoughts comes into my head and i'm like why am i thinking about that etc. Then i start worrying that i will lose control of the way my brain thinks. Then this morning, I got up and did my aerobic dvd (i try and do this for fitness lol). Anyway the dvd lasts 20 mins. I put it on then the next thing i know its nearly finished and I was thinking no way had i done 20 mins. I'm not sure if i was too busy monitoring myself internally with my thoughts or whether i started the dvd further along and didnt' do the very begining of it but it really freaked me out, i kept thinking i'd lost time or had i passed out which i know i hadn't, really weird. I just don't want all the feeling out of it to come back because i hate that feeling.

Any one else get this?

thanks guys

25-10-10, 00:52
I really don't think you're losing the plot Tracy. You mentioned depersonalisation and this is common in anxiety disorders. Another nasty one is derealisation, where the world around you seems unreal or strange. All these kinds of weird and wonderful experiences (including the vivid dreams) can leave you questioning your sanity. I've been there and agree that it can be very unnerving, but remember that this is just another component of your anxiety.

Hope you're having nice weather btw!

25-10-10, 00:58
Hi Melancholia

Thanks for your reply. Yes I have suffered all this on and off for years, still hits me like a sledge hammer when it starts up again.
Yes thanks, the weather here is very pleasant today, nice and sunny with blue skies. Hows it going in your neck of the woods? I am from the UK but have lived in Australia for 18 years (still miss home though).

Take care

25-10-10, 18:20
It does come down on you like a tonne of bricks sometimes, I agree. Sometimes there are subtle warning signs but other times it just appears out of the blue.

It's cold and grey here Tracy so don't worry, you really aren't missing much! I could do with another holiday actually :shades:

26-10-10, 00:10
Yes I agree totally. Ah well back to the hard work of just accepting until it doesn't bother me then hopefully will go away again.:doh:

LOL you need some warmer weather lol.:whistles:

Take care