View Full Version : Found out i have allergy, struggling to cope!

25-10-10, 02:18
As title really!

I found out a have a wheat intolerance and now im hardly eating anything! I check ingrediants a zillion times, then after ive eaten i just sit there and think what if that had wheat in it and it didnt say on the ingrediants. Ive always had a healthy appetite and been on the large side so its pretty alien to me and i want to stop it before it goes too far!

Anyone been through the same kind of thing?

25-10-10, 04:10
An intolerance and an allergy are very different things, about 4% of adults with allergies actually have that issue with foods. Although some of the symptoms can be the same they are not dangerous (according to GP).

I have intolerances to diary, wheat and most meat. I have learned to cut out as many as possible but its hard.

If you want to chat feel free to send me a pm.

25-10-10, 07:54
As Piers says, an intolerance and an allergy are very different. An intolerance often takes the form of bloating and other stomach issues. So if you did inadvertently eat it, you wouldn't be in any danger, you would just feel a bit unwell for a few hours.

25-10-10, 07:59
hi i have coeliac disease and i have to watch what i eat as i obviously cant eat wheat/gluten i have been diagnosed now for 20 years,it does get you down sometimes but at the end of the day i would sooner be like this than have a peanut allergy for example as this can be life threatening etc like the previous posts say you would just be unwell for a while if you accidentally ate something,if you want to chat or advice please dont hesitate to pm me
good luck xx