View Full Version : Feel constantly hungry

25-10-10, 05:48
Well, I'm stupid, I went to the doctor today and forgot to ask about this, I need to remember to bring a list from now on! I feel as though anything I eat isnt going to my stomach, it feels hungry and grumbling half the time and it feels as though the foods only hitting my chest and throat which always feel full, yet the doctor has done full blood tests and theres nothing up, yet this is still happening, any ideas anyone or do I have to go back to the doctor, again?

25-10-10, 07:43
I think i might have the same thing. some times i have zero appetite for days even weeks, and other times i feel very hungry all the time like i could eat all the time. i think it might be anxiety causing it. best talk to your doc though and check, don't worry about it though. let me know what they say!