View Full Version : Ghost OR Crazy?

25-10-10, 10:50
Hiya guys, i've suffered with agoraphobia for 4+ years now. Entailed with that i have anxiety and i've never been an amazing sleeper.

On friday me and my two year old were sat in the front room when a man said hello through the tv speakers, we had it on a xbox360 dashboard. I know i heard it because my son shot his head round to look at the tv. When my partner came home five minutes later i asked him if it was one of his friends talking to him on live, but the cabel wasn't plugged in at the back...Ok?! So i just brushed it off and forgot about it. Then last nightjust as i was nearly asleep i head two clear knock's on my open bedroom door, i've shot round (my partner was asleep) to see who it was and no one was there, my son was spark out. Next thing i know i'm hearing loads of strange noise's and knocks, it scared me so much i started to cry and even when daylight came today i've been to scared to sleep.

So my question is, is this my anxiety playing tricks with my mind? Am i going crazy? Like i say i've had my anxiety for years but never had a reaction like this to it!? Its terrifying me. Can anyone help?

25-10-10, 11:45
Hi there
sorry to hear that your getting yourself in a panic at the moment.
Anxiety does play tricks with our senses for sure, I've had many experiences with it over the years.
The bottom line is stop worrying about it. I do believe in spirits but often there is a much more logical reason for the noises your hearing.
The more you listen for strange sounds the more you will hear them.
Please don't become scared of your home, we have something very similar at work and for a while I was so worried about seeing something scarey but now I just think Oh well it's not going to harm me!!
Sensitised nerves really do make us too aware of everything.
Take care luv Tracie xxx

27-10-10, 17:22
it is quite common to hear things when falling asleep. i once came into my home with my sister and we very clearly heard a voice say hello and i have had another few strange things happen. anxiety can heighten our senses so you are now on look out and will be putting spooky meaning to everything you hear lol.

if you do think it is a ghost then explain very firmly that you do not like these disturbances and ask them to stop and go away - they have to obey this xx

Hazel B
27-10-10, 17:31
I agree with Jnap & Tracie, anxiety heightens your senses in a way that is unbelievable until it happens to you. My senses of smell and hearing were REALLY strong at the worst of my anxiety. I heard my cat jump off the table from a room upstairs and all the doors were closed. I am sure it is anxiety, but if you do believe it's a spirit, either tell yourslef it's a friendly and kind angel who is taking care of you, or that you can ignore your worries and they will pass.

Take care.

27-10-10, 17:58
The hello thing could be a scart socket bleed - a bit of sound coming through on a faulty connection and if the 360 was plugged in on 1 scart and the freeview on another or inbuilt then it seems likely. Either that or a "funny" prank somewone is pulling.
It seems to work the same way in that, if you have HA, symptoms will appear once you think you have the disease. You have to abolish that fear for the self created symtoms to disappear.

31-10-10, 12:59
Oh wow i thought it was just me...
I also keep hearing noises, and feels like someone keeps touching me. I probably am going mad though...

31-10-10, 18:45
Oo I felt like someone kept tapping my shoulder for a while and found out it was a twitch.