View Full Version : Just can't get well - feeling so, so poorly

25-10-10, 12:02
I am really needing some words of perspective if poss.

I've been battling a really bad chest infection for about four weeks now; the doctor gave me some antibiotics and it's knocked the symptoms right back but the tightness across the chest and slight cough is still lingering - it just won't seem to clear completely. This has set off my health anxiety big time as a family friend was talking to me and said one of her friends had a bad cough for weeks and it turned out to be stage one lung cancer....

Now to top it off, I've had really bad nausea and stomach cramps for the last week and I'm getting more and more scared by the day. I'm absolutely trying to fight off the anxiety but I can feel it coming on. I'm sure that the nausea isn't anxiety related as it's been here for a a few days now, I just want to feel better again


paula lynne
25-10-10, 12:12
Hi Dan, Im sorry youve been unwell.
Youve had a chest infection for 4 weeks, that must have knocked you around.

I feel the tightness across the chest is probably due to having the chest infection, even though its better. I bet youve been coughing and coughing.......4 weeks of that, and no wonder youre intercostal muscles are sore, and they take time to heal. Intercostal muscles run right from your sternum, (breast bone), all the way around to your back.

Give yourself a little more time, and look after yourself. Im glad the infection is gone now x:)

25-10-10, 16:03
I am recovering from a virus too, a stomach bug which has left me weak and lathargic. Have had it for about 6 weeks now. A while back, probably the beginning of the year I had a cough which went on for a month too, some of them can take a good while to shift so don't be too hard on yourself. If you have seen your Dr and then checked your lungs then they will have noticed if something wasn't right. If you're not having any luck in a week perhaps just pop back to see if there is anything else he can do for you.

Have you tried steam inhalation? That can really work wonders.

25-10-10, 16:14
You're bound to feel rough having an infection for that long. Have you tried breathing in steam? It might help loosen up your chest.