View Full Version : Benefit cuts

25-10-10, 14:01
Hi people, my name is Terry (male) and last year I had a motorbike accident, me versus a small skip lorry which overtook against me and sort of clobberised all of my right side, mind you I managed to remove his rear axle. Anyway I now haw no use in my right dominant hand, restricted use of my forearm, a titanium upper arm and shoulder which has a bad infection and refuses to move plus various problems with my right leg and a rebuilt foot, well sorta but it was the best they could do.
I have been so far on the higher rate of DLA and the middle carers rate of DLA but after a renewal form they required was sent to them which was kindly filled out with the assistance of the CAB, they have reduced the carers bit to the lower rate, as if that wasn't bad enough the employment support people now tell me that as it's now the lower rate that they have cut my allowance by £53 per week. Only one thing has changed from my original claim and that is that I now live with my parents, saving the government £500 per month as I was in private rented accommodation.
Also at the moment I need 2 injections of antibiotics a day which my mother is doing thereby saving the NHS having to use a nurse 2 times a day. I'm going to appeal it again but can someone tell me if it seems fair.
I just can't see what has changed for them to decide I don't need so much now.

25-10-10, 14:07
Hi TerryABruce

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-10-10, 15:05
Hi Terry, and welcome.

I’m sorry to hear about your accident, and it’s all the more tragic as it sounds like the other driver was at fault.

I don’t really have any advice to offer re benefits, other than to say that it isn’t fair. The government have squandered £billions of taxpayers money in bailing out the banks that seriously mismanaged their affairs, now they’re trying to claw it back from us taxpayers, and the poor and needy, all over again!

There have been a number of threads on NMP about benefits recently, which is how you probably found us, but this is primarily a panic and anxiety forum. I’m sure you’ll receive some sympathetic replies – we’re a friendly lot here – but most people are in the same boat as you – trying to muddle through themselves. So you might like to seek practical advice elsewhere.

Dunno much about benefits, but moving back with your parents probably did effect your DLA. They just seem to judge entirely (unfairly!) on the facts, and don’t take into account the other savings you’re making for them. Could your parents claim anything as ‘carers’? Might be worth looking into.

Best of luck :)

27-10-10, 03:32
DLA isnt means tested so moving in with your parents shouldnt matter

27-10-10, 06:12
Hi Terry,

My benefit has been stopped completely as apparently I'm now fight enough to work...even though I can't leave my house.

I'm currently appealing the decision. The only advice I can offer is to contact a welfare rights officer they'll deal with everything to do with your appeal and in my experience are usually successful.

Unfortunately this is becoming a common thing. Apart from appealing there's not really much you can do about it. I think they're hoping that most people won't appeal. They tried to put me off appealing by telling me it will probably take a year and for a couple of days it did work and I nearly didn't but without benefits I currently have no way of supporting myself.

hope everything works out


27-10-10, 13:17
Terry, I do wish you all the luck in the world with your appeal. I am so sorry that someone so clearly in genuine need like yourself has seen their real needed benefits cut.......however......

I have to say that I partially disagree with you Nigel. These cuts are needed and well overdue when it comes to the 75% of 'needy' incapacity claimants who are fit to work, which the DWP have now admitted.

For too long over the 14 years of a Labour government, these societal dropouts and frankly, MOOCHERS, have been getting away with drawing benefits on the premise that they are incapacitated/disabled, and now that their gravy train has put the brakes on, they - and all the do gooders with their placards and such like - are up in arms about it.

Frankly it sickens me. These people have been making a mockery of a benefit that should be going to people genuinely in need and genuinely incapacitated and unable to work, just like Terry.

Yes, we all know about the state of the banks, etc. but billions of pounds a year of tax payers money has been supporting at least three quarters of clearly unqualifying claimants, and that cannot be overlooked or allowed to continue in the financial climate we are in.

I am not a particularly political type person, frankly I think they are all much of a muchness, but I do admire the coalition government for having the balls to actually tackle an issue that his been out of control and abused for MANY, MANY YEARS.:mad:

27-10-10, 16:02
Hi Debs,

“I have to say that I partially disagree with you Nigel. These cuts are needed and well overdue when it comes to the 75% of 'needy' incapacity claimants who are fit to work, which the DWP have now admitted.”

That’s a good point, and one I agree with. Too many people abuse the system. I must admit, I don’t know all the details about these benefit reforms – it makes me angry so I try to avoid reading about them. Started watching that series a couple of months ago about living through the recession, and gave up after the first two episodes because I found myself yelling at the TV :ohmy:

One point I remember from the programme was that the reforms in general – not just the benefits ones – will cost the average low earner £400/year, whereas for a top earner it’s only about £300/year. That’s nothing to a top earner but a fortune to a low earner.

But I still think this isn’t so much about benefit reforms as it is a desperate attempt to claw back the billions of taxpayers money – ‘Our’ money – that was squandered on the banking system because of their dodgy investing and reckless lending. Something the government did nothing to prevent, and even encouraged at times. If I couldn’t pay my debts due to gambling all my money away, I’d just be told; “Tough old life!”

The banks are now screwing us poor savers too with their punitive interest rates. It’s all because of those massive governments handouts – they no longer need to attract savers’ money by offering decent interest rates. They don’t seem to have similarly slashed their debit rates though!

If this was about much needed benefit reforms, I think the system would’ve been better thought out. What seems to be happening is hurried blanket cut-backs that are hurting many genuinely needy people too. If the economy wasn’t in such a state, would they be doing anything at all about it, I wonder.

Finally I think I owe Terry and everyone else a bit of an apology. I’m being guilty of doing what I’ve tried to prevent happening on other threads – things getting off topic :doh:

Sorry... putting my soapbox away now :blush: