View Full Version : Hello everyone! Just a few questions...

25-10-10, 14:23
Hello everyone!

My name is Mrigank and I am a CBT therapist in the NHS. My passion is helping people overcome panic disorder and anxiety and I joined the forum as I really want to understand how to continue improving the psychological services of our hospital department. If it’s ok, I had a few general questions about your experiences with panic and anxiety?

1.What was most effective in helping you overcome your panic/anxiety symptoms?
2.What were the biggest frustrations you faced in dealing with them or in finding help?
3.What have been the general experiences about psychological services in the NHS?
4.Which have been the most effective books/products/websites in helping people overcoming their anxiety?

These answers are just for me to get an idea as to what the main issues are in developing our service and will not be used for any other purpose. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you had any queries before answering any questions.

Thank You and Best Wishes,
Mrigank :-)

25-10-10, 14:25
Hi Mrigank

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

25-10-10, 15:08
Hi Mrigank,

In answer to your questions....

1.What was most effective in helping you overcome your panic/anxiety symptoms?
On each occasion I'm not really sure what helpded me overcome my anxiety. I have been on various medications & have had several courses of counselling / CBT. Unfortunately I was never able to have CBT when at my worst. On the whole I think it has just been time passing that has seen me come through each bout of anxiety.
2.What were the biggest frustrations you faced in dealing with them or in finding help?
My biggest frustration by far was the amount of time I had to wait for help on each occasion. I realise that the NHS is stretched but I always feel that the doctors just wants to throw tablets at you because he is not able to do anything else due to limited resources. Most of the time, by the time I received my appointment through I would be feeling well which was extremely frustrating. The help was not available when it was needed.
3.What have been the general experiences about psychological services in the NHS?
That is is extremely limited & very stretched. The people have always been very nice but I found that I didn't really fit into their definitions & categories & they didn't seem to know what to do with me.
I would have thought that with the amount of people that suffer with these issues that each surgery would have someone dedicated to a counselling role & that they would set up group therapy etc. The cost would surely be justified by the reduction in prescriptions?
4.Which have been the most effective books/products/websites in helping people overcoming their anxiety?
I have looked at dozens of books over the years. I found that the most helpful was Claire Weekes "Self Help For Your Nerves"
I think what would be helpful was if GP's could distribute fact sheets / reading lists of recommended reading to assist sufferers whilst waiting for appointments to come through.

I hope that this helps


25-10-10, 15:13
1.What was most effective in helping you overcome your panic/anxiety symptoms?

Reading other people's posts on this site and realising that they're all suffering from the same symptoms. This gave me the reassurance I needed that firstly I'm not alone and secondly I'm not imagining my symptoms and not going mad and thirdly reading about people who've recovered, giving me hope that I will too.

2.What were the biggest frustrations you faced in dealing with them or in finding help?

Doctors who can't be bothered to explain what's wrong with me and just labeling it as "anxiety" and giving me more and more pills to take. I need explanations so that I can understand what's wrong, with understanding comes control which I need to overcome this condition.

3.What have been the general experiences about psychological services in the NHS? Can't comment here as I live in South Africa.

4.Which have been the most effective books/products/websites in helping people overcoming their anxiety?
NMP is the most popular with me as it seems to be used worldwide and there's alot of information, easy to read and understand. There's lots of support here too.

25-10-10, 15:27
1.What was most effective in helping you overcome your panic/anxiety symptoms?
The NMP Forum and my familys patience and determination to help me get better.

2.What were the biggest frustrations you faced in dealing with them or in finding help?
The amount of time it took to get help and then when I did talk to someone from the CBT department I was refered to I was told I didn't need it!

3.What have been the general experiences about psychological services in the NHS?
Generally frustration from waiting so long just to be told I was no longer in need of CBT

4.Which have been the most effective books/products/websites in helping people overcoming their anxiety?
The only website I have used is this forum

25-10-10, 15:28
1.What was most effective in helping you overcome your panic/anxiety symptoms?

Primarily, medication first enabled me to settle my symptoms of panic, and then one to one counselling also helped me very much in addressing my feelings and the things which have brought on my anxiety. I must say though that primarily, my family's support has helped me the most.
2.What were the biggest frustrations you faced in dealing with them or in finding help?

I was very lucky in terms of waiting a minimal amount of time to receive counselling, and that I received it free through MIND. Another big bugbear for me has been the apparent flippant attitude that GP's have had to my anxiety.In my opinion there is a big lack of seriousness about anxiety/panic and the way it is treated. I have basically been left to my own devices in terms of medication and dealing with my conditions.
3.What have been the general experiences about psychological services in the NHS?

Lacking in a word. Just a repeat prescription and that is it. When I was first diagnosed with depression and anxiety years ago I had fairly regular contact with my GP due to starting meds and requiring follow ups, but now....nothing. Pretty disgraceful in my mind.
4.Which have been the most effective books/products/websites in helping people overcoming their anxiety?

'Coping with Anxiety and Depression' by Shirley Trickett was invaluable to me when I was first diagnosed. It broke down everything in plain English for me, and I related to everything in it.

I have just started to read Dr. Claire Weekes book 'Self Help for Your Nerves' which is very simplistic and reassuring too.

I had not found a website until No More Panic that helped me as much as this does. It is a comfort for anxiety/panic sufferers like me just to know they are not alone.

Thanks for your interest, and hope this info helps you. x

25-10-10, 23:20
Really dont want to be cynical but talking when its needed is vital not waiting for appts or hitting NHS targets or even saying there is a mechanism in place to help when really just paying lip service I am not for one second suggesting you as a person dont care but my experience shows that funding should be offered to groups that have been through the problems not NHS offering help that they have learnt through a text book - please dont take this the wrong way its just you cannot offer help if you have never suffered the ymptoms to start with.
John :scared15:

paula lynne
26-10-10, 05:51
Just wanted to say hi, and welcome x:welcome: