View Full Version : Lightheadedness anyone?

25-10-10, 14:40
hey all,
I have suffered from lightheadedness for months now some days are worse than others I've been doing a good job at ignoring it than boom a week and a half ago it got to me again it's always there but it wasn't worrying me too bad until now, tonight I had what I call a dizzy zap when I feel as tho I'm about to faint, last maybe 5 seconds argh I just feel like I wanna cry all the time last Thursday had my first panic attack in a month in the shopping centre thought I was going to faint and was sure it was an anerysm or something heartrate went crazy got the shakes argh.. past few night have been waking up with heart rate going very fast and extremely lightheaded. when I woke up I could control it.
ambulance had to come get me Saturday night because if bad pain that was along my bra band basically my chest and felt squeezy had aching back as well... ECG said my heart fine but I prob have something wrong with my gallbladder I'm only 22 sigh.
I have this overwhelming fear I'm going to die.
I hyperventilate constantly to a point it's become my normal breathing pattern taking up to 26 breaths a minute. I know this causes some of my lightheadedness but even when I've slowed it down I still feel slighty lightheaded...
sorry for the rant I just feel very very lost at the moment :(
I feel so helpless if you know what I mean

25-10-10, 15:01
I get this light-headed feeling too - dizziness, a feeling of pressure in my head and feel slightly off balance sometimes. I've had it on and off ever since I started with anxiety which was 18 years ago. Once I'd been for all the normal tests and it was established that it's due to anxiety I calmed down about it.
This latest episode has lasted three months now and even though I've had it so many times before I still got really scared imagining that THIS TIME it was something far worse.
However, after reading all the posts on here and how so many people with anxiety have this feeling it's helped to put my mind at rest.
Also I've found a very understanding Doctor who has explained how this head problem is all due to huge amounts of adrenaline being released into our body when we don't really need it at all.
I find that the more I concentrate on all these symptoms the worse they seem to become. When I'm busy with something, working or talking to friends it seems to ease off and when I next think about it I realise that it's still there but it's not nearly as bad as I thought it was when I was concentrating on it and analysing it.
I suggest you ask the doctor for the normal tests (if you haven't already done so) and once you're given the all clear you can safely put it down to anxiety. Then try to keep your mind occupied with something else - work and/or a hobby. Exercise also works really well, especially if you set yourself goals and challenge yourself.
I hope this helps you.

25-10-10, 15:10
thanks heaps for your kind words I've had my heart cleared..
just wondering if neck and shoulder tension could be a contributing factor because if I push down on certain places for example the back of my head or my nape it makes it worse

25-10-10, 15:11
also had all bloods taken and ct scan of head at start of year

25-10-10, 15:19
Found this interesting

25-10-10, 22:13

Light headedness is my worse anxiety symptom. Even though iv had it for years it still makes me panic when i have it.

mandie x

25-10-10, 23:14

Light headedness is my worse anxiety symptom. Even though iv had it for years it still makes me panic when i have it.

mandie x
I also have had this for years - i have it right now:weep:
I keep posting for people to read the symptoms page wihch i do and have printed them off for ease of reading BUT like right now i could read a hundred pages and it would not help my symtoms - i am sooo scared.
Big things happening out of my control:weep:

26-10-10, 01:27
I also have had this for years - i have it right now:weep:
I keep posting for people to read the symptoms page wihch i do and have printed them off for ease of reading BUT like right now i could read a hundred pages and it would not help my symtoms - i am sooo scared.
Big things happening out of my control:weep:


mandie xx

26-10-10, 12:17
thanks for the replys and advice :)
saw a new dr today so much better than my regular dr, I broke down in tears in her office she was very thorough and actually listened to me. going for a ct scan but she thinks it'll come back clear " touch wood"

28-10-10, 17:03
Post 6-7pm, I am a different person..
Light headedness, Wooziness (?), Distant feeling...
All tests also OK..driving me crazy for months now..I have stopped going out after work, meeting anyone...because of this bloody thing!

I'm SURE you will be fine! Good Luck!