View Full Version : Migraine With Aura

25-10-10, 14:47
Hi There,

I am new to this site but have had health anxieties for at least 5 years!

I recently suffered two bouts of migraine with aura and was totally petrified that it could have been a brain tumour but the doctor has reassured me that it was a classic migraine with aura. Ever since then, my anxiety has come back and I convince myself that my vision and balance isn't right and therefore I have been experiencing dizzy spells, fear of dread and just the general anxiety symptoms.

Should I request further tests? Or does anyone else suffer from migraine with aura? My first bout was the scariest, it hapenned on the tube in London and I ended up lying on the bed at a the station! I didn't have a bad headache afterwards (just a slight one) but my vision was fuzzy for 15 minutes, as if it was an untuned tv channel. I honestly thought I was going to die!

25-10-10, 15:07
the aura only lasted 15 minutes then you don't really need to see a neurologist.
migraines can be pretty intense. you didn't mention any other symptoms.
for me, I get the aura but it lasts about 6 hours, I also forget how speak, get dizzy, spend hours vomiting, my hands and face can go numb, i'll feel confused and spaced out, my muscles will go very weak too.......
I know I often dont feel right for a few days after having a migraine.
normally you'll feel exhausted afterwards

you've no idea how lucky your are only to get it twice! I sometimes get them once a month due to my hormones.
like if you develop any other symptoms while having a migraine then you could get checked out :-)

25-10-10, 16:34
Have you noticed a pattern at all which could have caused them? I was at the end of my pregnancy when I first had one. I knew what it was as my mum had recently started having them too (the change so hers is hormone related as well).

Mine lasted 20 minutes and I had no pain, just this zig zag worm thing that started in the corner of my eye and slowly worked its way across my vision before disappearing. I felt a little groggy afterwards but nothing more. They disappeared a week after I had given birth.