View Full Version : i just wanted to say good bye

12-03-06, 12:36
there was a time when this sight helped me so much, and i want to thank trac for beibng there when i neded you, your a good person trac, and there are others to like sax, and chucks, and many more, i thiank you all, theres no need to respond to this, i wont get the messages anyway, im not going to have a computer any more, well not for some time at least, im on my way to new orleans today, after spending 1/2 the night last night at the airport crying my eyes out waiting for a ticket that never showed, i realized this country is my home and i should just stay here and make the best of it, after the panic and realazation of what was happening again passed, i wanted so bad to just die, i was wishing for my heart to just stop beating, and at times it hurt so much i thought it would, but i got very lucky, a women that just happened to be a therapist was there waitng for a flight, she saw me sitting there crying, and talked to me for about 40 minutes, but most of all she gave me a hug, she sat there and held me for about 5 minutes while i cryed, something i had been needing for some time now, this whole time i had been blamiong myself for all the troubles i had been having, she made me realize that i am a very weak and submisive man, just the fact that i was sitting in an airport crying with people watching, and that im a man and most men dont let peiople see them cry if they even do, i told her a little about my chjildhood, and the abuse i grew up with, she had to have been the most intelegent therapist i have ever seen, she had to have been 65 years old, and so nice and sweet, she asked me how long it had been since i had seen my mother, i told her 22 years, and even though my mother was very abusive to me, she said i missed my mother, at first i thought she was crazy, but i started to realize she was right, i like abusive treatment in my realatioships, i do, i ask to be hurt and abused, before i shielded it as a need to stop the flashbacks, i asked women to beat them out of me, but in truth they never did, lately i descized it as a sexual pleasure, but again thats not what i wanted either, she made me see it for what it really was, i dont really like pain, i miss my mother, and all i ever knew from her was pain, it made sence to me finally, she said that was why i let myself fall into such abusive realationships, and no matter how much i get hurt i always come back, in fact the more i get hurt the harder i try to hold things together, i sat there and just said OH MY GOD, she has no idea how right she was, or did she? she said i had been looking for women that i knew were abusive, not just for love, because as my mom never loved me that was the part i was trying to chaange, and fill this emptoness i have for my mom with my realationships, thats why realatioship with fran lasted so long, she refused to be abusive in both physical and sexual ways, she told me i needed to find a women that would not indulge my ideas of what a realationship should be, this had to be the most remarkable night of my life, this women knew everything about me, and i didnt know how she could, turns out she worked at a boys home called byrons, for 12 years she worked with troubled teens, boys who because of there childhood had become crimanals, again like me, after my realationship with fran, i turned to drugs and buglary for 7 years, in a 5 year period i did over 500 buglaries and never got caught, during this time i paid women to hurt me, i let myself be used in ways i dont even want to describe, and only by women, lately i have been callibng myself bi sexual, but im not, its again a way to be hurt by women, i have been asking for a women to make me do things to men, not becuase i weant to do them, because it hurts me to have her make me do it, i have been asking to be tortured on levels i didnt even know existed, untill today, thios women was remarkable to say the least, when i asked her why i did all i could to mess up my realatioship with fran if it had been so good, she had all the right answers, by that time i had been away from my mother for a

12-03-06, 14:22
well i am all packed up, and about to unhook my computer, i am taking it with me but for now i am going to be sleeping on an air matress on my bosses floor and he doesnt have internet, so i am off line for some time, maybe ill find an internet cafe and drop a line every now and then, i really want every one to no i hold no ill feelings twords anyone, i really do feel this has been one of the most profound learning experiances of my life, foronce i feel like i no what im looking for, and i think i have a good start at getting it, for a man thaty spent the last 9 years in and out of jail, and on drugs, or locked away in a room afraid to face the world, i have managed to leave the country for the first time, i got to see the UK, london, ride the eye of london, see buckingham palace, the tower, london bridge, allot of thibngs i never thought i would do, and now i am going to new orleans for the first time, i will most likely go to madi grass next year which again i never thought i would do, i really mean it, and belive it or not, though somethings may have seen bad for a time, this sight has pushed my life in a hole new direction, life has its up andf downs yes, but all i see is up from this point on and i cant say enough how much everyone here has played a part in that, i used to attend AA meetings, and they always said am adict has to hit bottom before they want to get better, well yes i hit bottom, but i now see what they meant, without the series of events that happened because of me coming here, i guarentee i wouls till be locked in my room afraid of the world, alone never thionking i would find happiness, i have never been able to be happy alone, and though i should be really hurting right now, im not, i stil have this hole in me which is more of a question as to what could have happened, what could my life been like, would i have been happy? befiore i would have seen no other coarse for me to take aNnd wanted to give up, but its like i finally see there are many roads in life, and because one has closed to me doesnt mean i have to pull over and park, and wait for it to reopen, i am done with taking the detours life throws at me, im jumping on the highway of life and im going to ride into the sunset baby, lmao, had to throw that in it sounded so 1960s retro movie line, lol, i wish all of you the best during my absance, i will be back as i said, and with a hole new outlook on life, i can not say how thank full i am for all of your help, and sue i dont want you to think i am mad at you or have any type of resentment towards you, i dont, knowing you has made me a better person, in so many ways, we are just from 2 diferent worlds that all, i will always love you and thats the truth, but we just werent meant to be together, i hope you find your knight in shining armor that will wisk you away and give you the fairy tale life you do deserve, and im not being sarcastic, i wish you all the best, i wish everyone the best really, the world is to self serving i think,. if more people cared about how others felt i think the world would be a better place, and i do care, abotu all of you, well time to go, bye all, see you in the funny papers, lol.

the tears i cry will forever be in vein

Sue K with 5
12-03-06, 15:34
I am glad you have finally found some solitude and happiness in your life Ed.

I always said you would one day.

Take care and I hope new orleans works out for you and you find the woman of your dreams

I hope that your world becomes a better place and your heart will find the inner peace you deserve in life.

It is there for you as it is for all of us, no one deserves to be unhappy.

I am now off jogging have to fight the fat somehow but I wish you all the luck in the world



12-03-06, 16:00
Thankyou Ed, I am replying to this so you will see it if you log back on again sometime soon.

I hope that you manage to find peace within yourself and to find a future to look forward to, one that is happy and safe.

Take care of yourself Ed and try to find your happiness hun.


Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

12-03-06, 22:57
A Goodbye is final and none us wamt tjat. I am in admiration for you strength you never give up do you hun.

Show how strong you really are and that is what you need.

Remember It might break your heart tonight but dont let the sun catch you crying in the morning.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

13-03-06, 23:51
Best of luck hun and let us know how you are doing. I admire your stength.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".