View Full Version : Panic

25-10-10, 19:04
Hi been worried all weekend regarding my post on Thursday about having ovarian cancer. Been ok today but just started getting my lower back ache again and it has worried me so much that I nearly lost it in front of my son by breaking down and crying whilst watching him playing in the bath thinking to myself that I may not see him grow-up, and here I go again :weep: Spoken to my husband and he thinks that I should wait off going to the docs again but I am just thinking that if it is o.c. then they might catch it in time if I go now rather than waiting a couple of weeks - I am really truly worried and don't know what to do :weep:

25-10-10, 19:14
Back aches could be caused by the tension in your body, and to be honest it probably is that!
Try having a warm bath and maybe ask your husband to give you a massage. You'll probably notice the pain go away. Or at very least dull the pain if you do a good job in relaxing those muscles.