View Full Version : Giving up,HA it's beating me!

25-10-10, 19:04
This is my 3rd post in so many days, and now looks as if HA is getting the better of me AGAIN.
I have come off of Sertraline, (doctor doesnt know as last time i saw him i reduced dosage right down and was doing well so took it upon myself to stop) (I know muppet)
Anyway about 3-5 weeks off of them and i am worried i am going back to square one.
Nausea, headaches, shakes, heartburn, moodiness and just not feeling right. I know these are probably withdrawal symptoms
I do need some dental work that I think is not helping these symptoms and now today I have had a new tattoo as a little present to myself for coming off of the meds, but now i am again thinking the worst.
I have one friend that I constantly harass and he is brilliant but if I was him i'd wanna shoot me and put me out of my misery.
If these are withdrawal symptoms how long do i have to put up with them?
I am sooo sorry for harping on.
Thanks for any advice in advance.
Dot Cotton :blush:

25-10-10, 19:10
I think it's probably withdrawal. Especially if you've come straight off them. My friend suddenly stopped taking hers and suffered terribly with dizziness.