View Full Version : First Day Without Meds!

Hazel B
25-10-10, 19:22
I have not had any Propranolol today, have cut down over the last 2 weeks and decided not to have any for one day. I was worried but it's been OK!

To anyone struggling with anxiety and health worries, you can beat it if you try. I've combined meds with counselling, good diet, stopping smoking, getting exercise every day, family and friend support and reading up on this wonderful site.

I may have bad days in the future but feel I can cope better. Keep fighting all of you.


25-10-10, 19:26
Aw well done hun. Wish you all the best xx

25-10-10, 19:32
Well done u ! thats fab, i hope to be there one of these days :) x

Hazel B
25-10-10, 19:36
Thanks both of you.

I'm pretty strong willed, so that may have helped as I refuse to be beaten. I was also losing lots of weight and wanted to eat properly again before I disappeared!


paula lynne
25-10-10, 20:39
Hazel B, that is brilliant! What a wonderful positive post, I hope things continue to improve for you, and Im so glad youve got a supportive family around you. Im so pleased for you. Well done x:yesyes:

25-10-10, 22:22
so happy for you, question... how much did you smoke? how much did it help quitting smoking as far as anxiety? im not sure how much it affects me, but i know for sure it makes it worse... again, very happy for you.

Hazel B
26-10-10, 11:26
Thanks Paula Lynne, and thanks for all the advice you give to people, I've read your wise words and they have helped.

PinkyN - I smoked for over 20 years and was on 4/5 a day when I stopped. That's not many, but I enjoyed smoking, it was only after I lost a dear relative to lung cancer and started having health problems that I realised I had to stop. I found nicotine to be a stimulant, so it has helped to calm my anxiety, I can also taste food properly and have stopped wheezing at night. There are times I'd love a fag, but I've managed 5 months now so I won't give in.

On the tablets, I'm going top try another day without them!

Stay strong all of you. :D

26-10-10, 11:51
Well done hun, really proud of you!! xxx

26-10-10, 12:41
Hazel, that is fantastic, I am so pleased for you.

Please feel so proud of yourself.

lots of love.xxx:hugs:

Hazel B
26-10-10, 14:36
Thanks Debs, hope you are OK.:hugs:x

Still no beta-blockers today, I will beat this.

26-10-10, 15:13
I'm bearing up thanks Hazel....you will definitely beat this, no question, as you are doing fab!!xxxx:yesyes:

26-10-10, 16:34
Well Done Hazel!

For coming off meds,
For quitting smoking,
And for all the other positive changes you’re making.
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


Hazel B
26-10-10, 22:26
Thanks Nigel, a lot of your posts and advice have helped me as well.

Another day today with no beta-blockers, my pulse went up a bit for no obvious reason, but I ignored it.

Stay strong all of you. :) x

paula lynne
26-10-10, 22:28
Well done Hazel, keep going, you can do it x:hugs:

26-10-10, 22:51
Hi Hazel.

How much dose were you at and what increments did you cut it over the time?

Hazel B
27-10-10, 12:03
daybyday - I was on 40mg of Propranolol 3x daily, 10am 2pm and bedtime. I cut down to just the first one after 3 months, as mornings are worse for me. I have woken up with a faster pulse these past 3 mornings but I just ignore it, tell myself not to worry, there is nothing wrong with my heart, and carry on the day.

I did this without talking to my doctor (naughty) as I felt it was slowing me down too much, I just knew when I was feeling better as I started eating properly again. When I told my GP he was OK about it.

Going to try for day 3 today! Thanks to all of you for your support, stay strong. x:)

27-10-10, 12:11
Well done Hazel, hope it goes well. I've recently gone down from 3x10mg a day to one ( a small dose anyway, I know) and I haven't spoken to doc about it either :blush:. but I think I know myself better than she does! x

28-10-10, 17:57
Nice one, thats a big step forward.


Hazel B
28-10-10, 22:50
Thanks swanny and Jane! Had to take one Propranolol today as I'm looking after a family home and it was broken into. :weep:
However, I coped, called the police, organised the locksmith etc. and feel that I can forgive myslef one blip.

Back to a tablet free day tomorrow!

29-10-10, 09:25
Sorry to you had to go through that hun, you did so well coping with it! xx

Hazel B
29-10-10, 11:38
Thanks H, am going to have a tablet-free day today whatever happens!

Stay strong all of you. x

Hazel B
01-11-10, 14:06
Now on Day 4 since the burglary - had to start again as I took one Propranolol when I was in shock.

Doing OK so far, I just ignore my heart if it gets "racy" - funnily enough it seems to happen more when I wake up, very odd.

Still eating well, not smoking and staying off caffeine. It's a chore but worth it to calm anxiety!

Thanks to you all for your support and advice, and those who play the Music Game every day! (Paula Lynne, it's a cracker for music fans!)

:D x

01-11-10, 14:11
Very proud of you hun, keep up the good work!! xx

Hazel B
03-11-10, 20:55
Day 6 - no Propranolol. I saw my counsellor today & she thinks we've covered much of the major issues, so I may only need a few more sessions. That was good to hear after all the anxiety and worry I've had.

Only working 4 hours a day at home still, but hope to get something more lcoal and part-time soon.

Determined to get well and be myself again, thanks again to all of you.

:D :D :D

paula lynne
03-11-10, 20:59
:D:hugs::yesyes: well done Hazel xxxxxx

Hazel B
03-11-10, 22:25
Thanks Paula!:hugs:x

03-11-10, 22:27
Hi Hazel.

May I ask a couple questions of you??
What did you take the propanalol for?
Was it anxiety and heart racing?
I need to make some new med decisions myself

Hazel B
03-11-10, 22:34
Hi, the Propranolol was for anxiety: racing heart (over 130bpm), sleeplessness, being scared all the time, unable to eat, read, watch TV or listen to my favourite music. I also felt cold all the time and lost weight. This was mainly due to medical tests that went on for months, I was thinking the worst, but I'd also had a horrid 3 years.

The Propranolol really helped the physical symptoms and counselling has helped me cope with bereavements etc. I also know now that I have a gallstone and nothing life-threatening but I still worry about my health a bit. I also had Diazepam for 7 days, just one at night to get me to sleep, but I still woke up 3-4 times with a racing heart.

Hope this helps, I did not want to have meds at first but they helped break the "adrenalin cycle".

03-11-10, 22:56
Thank you Hazel for your reply.

Hazel B
16-11-10, 19:30
Day 19 without meds now, only 2 more counselling sessions left.

I still have irrational thoughts and worry about my health a bit, but I ignore them and also tell myself I am waiting for surgery so a bit of worry is normal. I'm going out for a whole day and night on Thursday, this will be the first time since May and I'm looking forward to it, not getting anxious.

Stay strong and keep fighting all of you, you can beat anxiety.


17-11-10, 10:23
So proud of you hun, keep up the good work!! xx

Hazel B
17-11-10, 12:30
Thank you.

Hope you're OK today!


Hazel B
23-11-10, 18:24
Day 26 without Propranolol.

I've had an ultrasound scan today to hopefully confirm my liver lesion is benign, it hasn't grown so that looks good. I was also told I have more than one gallstone, can't wait to know the operation date as it's really painful now.

I've done a whole day & night out in another town since I last updated, first time I have left my town for 5 months! I still get angsty times but ignore it. Last counselling session is this week.

Keep fighting all of you, anxiety can be beaten.:D

23-11-10, 21:41
Well done Hazel :yesyes:

Hazel B
23-11-10, 22:07
Thanks Jane!

Hope you're OK.:Dx

23-11-10, 22:22
I'm good Hazel thanks, still surviving on just 10mg a day xx

Hazel B
23-11-10, 22:24
Well done, you're doing well.:hugs:x

24-11-10, 10:41
Keep up the good work hun! xx

24-11-10, 11:35
Congrats Hazel :)

I am coming off Propranolol in 2 weeks. I found that they helped with my heartbeat & a few other minr symptoms but not much else. I have been using self-help books and I also have counselling soon so hopefully I'll be on the road to recovery as well :)

Good luck Hazel.

Hazel B
24-11-10, 11:42
Thanks Heavenly and Ayame.

Ayame - best wishes for a full recovery. I found that being determined and stubborn has really helped me! That probably does count as self help as I refuse to be beaten! I didn't have any trouble reducing Propranolol.

Take care all of you.:D

Hazel B
26-11-10, 19:27
I had my final counselling session last night, I was quite choked at the end saying thanks and goodbye. The sessions have really helped me deal with past trauma and learn that bottling things up, being brave and putting on an act is not really protection, it made me worse in the long run.

Had a wobble yesterday when I got excited about something, as it's such a close thing to anxiety, my heart was racing and I got scared but I told myself it was for a good reason this time.

Still off the Propranolol!

Thanks to this great site and all of you, it has helped me. :D

26-11-10, 21:06
Hi Hazel
You sound like you are doing well ! I hope everything goes well for you as from now and that the counselling has helped you.
I couldnt go through with my latest lot of counselling, so I admire you.
Wishing you all the best

Hazel B
26-11-10, 22:04
Thanks Poppy.

You are in my thoughts this weekend.:hugs:x