View Full Version : New to this Forum, but not new to Anxiety

25-10-10, 19:39
Hi, My name is Raymond age 42, I live in the UK, all my conscience life I have been aware that I get anxious very easily. The amount of panic attacks I have actually suffered I can count on 1 hand. But I find that when I'm just idle thinking I always have bad memories that pop into my mind, and make me anxious, I find myself swearing out load to the thoughts. These memories make me feel really depressed. I have done some stupid things in my past, mainly through my own naivety, I hate myself because of my past makes me sad. They say your past makes you who you are. Well these thoughts make me feel like a bad person. I was thinking earlier I could have just crash the car on my way home. Don't worry I wont because its selfish to those who you leave behind, that would not be fair to my children. I just find myself hating myself, because of bad thoughts. I've tried to think of good thoughts but they wont stick. I find myself distracted, snappy and flustered. I don't have a stressful job. I work regular shifts with average pay, I eat a balanced diet. I also study part time, this takes my mind off it, but I get anxious more toward exam dates, etc. But I think that everybody would get stressed at these times. I just want to have a carefree attitude, but I've convinced myself that these anxiety moments are because I've let my guard down. I feel like a fool, I'm worthless, a failure and a complete joke.

Is it normal to feel like this.


25-10-10, 19:41
Hi papalazaroo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

25-10-10, 20:11
Welcome Ray

Can relate to the exam bit. I study purely for pleasure with the OU and just had to defer an exam because another issue ‘collided’ with an exam date and I had a major anxiety attack. Sometimes wonder why I put myself in for exams but then I guess its a way of sticking two fingers up to anxiety when I do complete one and pass it.

paula lynne
25-10-10, 20:24
Hi Ray and welcome aboard.x
Youre not worthless and definately not alone x:welcome: