View Full Version : vulva pain

25-10-10, 20:00
hi does anyone on this site well lady that is suffer from vulva ache or pain ive suffered with it foe about 15 month my dr seems to think its vulodynia but i dont really suffer from burning pain its more a heavy aching pain in my internal and external genitals groins and inner thighs im so fed up with it anyone else got or had something similar i do suffer from ibs but cant see how thats could be connected

26-10-10, 16:26
Hi yes I suffer with this too. It started at just before Christmas 09. I also had an extra bleed between my Dec period and my Jan period went for some scans but nothing was there apart from a cyst which cleared up on its own. I still get the ache when I am due on my period. I haven't been to my docs as I seem to be always round there for one thing or another. Glad I am not the only one with this though as sometimes you think something is so obscure you are the only one!! xx

26-10-10, 16:48

I get this too. I have suffered from bartholins cysts for several years and have recently been diagnosed with a small sebaceous cyst on the left side of my vulva but I don't think that it is this that causes the pain. I have some redness sometimes around the many scars I have in that region from child birth (3 times) and 3 bartholins cyst operations.

I have an ache that is not there all the time but is there every day. I also get pain in my lower back, buttocks and groin on the left side and when I have been sitting for a while, my buttock cheek and thigh can go numb on that side too. The doctor thinks it is something to do with my back rather than the vulva itself but being a health anxious person, I do worry about vulva cancer!!

I always seem to be worrying about something and it is usually cancer related so I know how you feel.

26-10-10, 17:52
hi jo3016 i have all the pains you do i also get numbness in the left side of my vulva after sitting and ive had cyst on my inner vaginal lips and i have nabothian cyst on my cervix which apparently are very common it is the dragy achy pain that i get in my vulva/ anal area/inner thighs and also lower back that gets me down im just so fed up with it i think mine is also something to do with my back and we both have a lot of symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction too x