View Full Version : really dont want to get up

26-10-10, 09:38
I am finding it harder to get up in the morning because i will find something i dont like.I have posted before about checking stools, skin testicles etcbut it gets no easier.I am giving up caffeinated coffee...see if caffeine builds up in body ..anybody know how caffeine affects HA?

26-10-10, 10:07
i don't think giving up caffeine is the answer to anxiety lol - it may make you feel a bit calmer because it is s stimulant but it will have no real affect on the underlying anxiety issues. the best way through anxiety is to face it head on - don't let yourself check and work on moving through the fear - perhaps give yourself a goal - no checking for a week? i am sure if i checked my body every day lol i would find things to worry about xx

26-10-10, 13:32
Caffeine's not the problem mate :) I always feel terrible in the morning. Going to bed I am quite rational but then all the fears rush in on waking again. I think it's quite normal, maybe to do with low blood pressure. You just have to get up, then maybe do some exercise

I sound like I am preaching I am not, I am having a terrible time at the moment, just trying to come here rather than all the other health sites I have a compulsion to check

So hope I can help

26-10-10, 13:33
Doh, sorry I didn't mean low blood pressure, I meant low BLOOD SUGAR!
Which can be fixed by having breakfast :)

26-10-10, 22:25
I know the feeling of not wanting to get up, yet I'm awake even earlier than normal. Often when I have bad HA attacks I just want to sleep to escape thinking and worrying.
I absolutely know that I have wasted the majority of the last 6 years worrying about myself.
If nothing else its told me i'd make a rubbish Dr, as i've been consistantly wrong!
Its almost a form of reassurance knowing that my grim self diagnosis has a 100% fail rate.
I know that it's not always like this, I have had times where i'm almost normal, and went 17months without seeing anyone medical at all, although I still checked and sought reassurance from family, but on a smaller scale.
I know I wasn't always like this, so there is no reason why I can't become better again.
BTW, i'm partly writing this so that when I inevitably feel terrible tomorrow, I can look back to this moment where I feel slightly optimistic.