View Full Version : Bad Day

12-03-06, 15:55
Hi All
I have had the most awful day today, been convinced that I am going to die all Today, no matter what I tell myself I cant get this out of my mind and am so scared
When I was fifteen I Found my father dead (Suicide) and all day I keep getting flashbacks to this day and am scared this is a sign of something bad
I had been doing much better and dont know what has triggered this, do you think this is anxiety related or something else? I have awful dizziness, no feeling in my feet, I feel I am going to choke on my tounge and an overwhelming fear of been about to die,
Sorry to go on just wanted to off load how Im feeling, dont know what id do without this site
Wendy x

12-03-06, 16:02
Wendy, you are NOT about to depart this world. All the symptoms you have described ARE anxiety related. Please try to remember this. Anxiety can produce such awful physical feelings that many of us do think we will die. I had a really bad attack a few months ago, and even called an ambulance! The medics checked me over, and it was all anxiety related. I almost wanted something to really be wrong with me to explain all the horrible feelings. The driver assured me they had gone to loads of people like me before too. With the help of this site and some conselling, i am feeling a lot better, and so will you.

Hope this helps to reassure you a bit.

Love India xx

12-03-06, 16:04
Thanks India, I know you are right and tomorrow is a new day!

12-03-06, 16:11
Thats the spirit! Hope i can practice what i preach when i have a bad day! You may have to remind me at some point!

take care India xx

12-03-06, 16:11
Oh wendy that touched my heart what you just wrote ...actually it made me have an eptopic beat because i felt the pain of what you said,no the flash back of seeing your dad dead, is not a sign that something bad is going to happen , darlin no way--- that a reminder of your pain and how you felt then( normal question, to ask did you have counselling for that )
you are having a real bad time with ya anxiety- and ya anxiety will use anything distressing to harm you, i.e your dad.

Love no wonder you have anxiety though in the first place, im so sorry that happened to you--- your dad would want you to be happy love not sad , and in the state you are in.

Please try not to hurt yourself too much by feeding the anxiety ok, i know thats hard to do, but you are not going to die...no way are you... its the anxiety trust me and all the others on this site wend, besides mate we wont let ya lol.

No but seriously, keep telling yourself its anxiety ---please darling.

we are here if you need us love-

ashley x

12-03-06, 16:13
Wendy hun, India had it spot on there.

That was a terrible event to happen when you were still so very young - have you ever had any counselling of anysort about it?

Meanwhile here's a big hug and yes what you're feeling is out and out anxiety and it will pass.


Love Piglet xx

12-03-06, 16:15
Thanks Ashley (again!)

What a pain i have been all weekend!

Counselling starts this week, didnt have any at the time but hopefully this week will be a new start!

One Day soon we will be posting here to say we had a good Day!

Wendy x

12-03-06, 16:22
Yes darling you will be posting here to say you are having a good day, you know that, thats better...

im here though in the mean while,i am not going no where and if you need me, SHOUT ok wendy.Glad ya starting the counselling love , thats a start is it.

ashley xxx

12-03-06, 16:26
A big hug from me to Wendy

12-03-06, 16:27
Thanks Ashley, India & Piglet
You've all helped me have my first calm moment of the Day xx

12-03-06, 20:22
hey wendy, sorry to hear your having a bad day.
what your experiencing is normal i believe. If you think of your anxiety like a monster, its getting you and for a while your winning, your beating it down,(feeling ok) then bam! he comes back with a vengance and bites you on the bum! it didnt like that BUT what you do, is recognise you CAN and HAVE done it before. Your can do it again and again and again if you have to. What you have experienced in the past is a extreamly painfull. Have you ever though you may have post traumatic stress? I beleive it can come on years later. Counselling is a positive step forward.

Ive been there, not in your situation of course but I do mean with the anxiety. Try to stay positive (i know that can be hard) but you can do it! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x