View Full Version : My dad found out he has 3 clots in his leg today - now I am in panic mode about me :(

26-10-10, 10:23

My Dad had a DVT in his leg about 12 years ago. He has had a sore leg and the doctor referred him for a scan and he found out he has 3 more in his leg.

Now I am terrified (again) that I have a DVT in my leg :( This is one of my main fears - and of course at the moment I have a sore leg :(

I can't cope with this anymore - all I want from my life is to see my 3 little ones grow up - I am terrified I won't :(

26-10-10, 11:48
i am sure the sore leg is because you are focusing on it - i am sorry to hear about your dad - he must be very worried but he can have treatment and be well again.

if you are worried there is a gentic link - can you not explain your fears to your gp and be tested for blood disorders that make it more likely for the blood clots? x

26-10-10, 13:10
Samantha, please try not to worry about this hun. There are two things to try to bear in mind....DVT's can be easily rectified when spotted early with anti-coagulants. The other thing is that there are signs and symptoms like big swelling, redness, hardness and an inability to put weight on the leg that all point to DVT and if you don't have these, please don't worry.

I do think Joanna is right though in it might be worth asking your GP about a clotting blood test to see if you have any underlying inherited predisposition to DVT's.

I know how you must feel though as my Nan died from thrombosis in her leg and both my Mum and I have been worried about this, but as long as you are vigilant about looking for symptoms, it does not necessarily mean a death sentence.....it can be solved.xxxxx