View Full Version : So whats your doctor like then?

26-10-10, 11:04
I’m quite new on here so apologies if this has been done before, I did look back and could not see anything similar for some time.

What’s your doctor like? After reading some of the posts there seem to be a lot of negatives about doctors. Now I go to a local village practice and I would have to say they are brilliant. I always try and understand the time constraints they are under and their busy workloads and appreciate that they will always squeeze you in if it’s an emergency (Mine do anyway). My surgery has always been receptive to my anxiety as well. One of our doctors I often see on a social basis and although it’s not ‘done’ to discuss illness etc we sometimes discuss general medical issues and practices and she told me recently that 50% plus of their diagnosis is done in the first twenty seconds when you walk in the door say good morning and sit down and from your medical record. I know as HA sufferers we never really believe our docs unless they offer a myriad of tests but let’s be honest they are generally right in the way they conduct themselves.....or are they?

So are you folk happy with your doctor?

26-10-10, 11:07
I love my doctors surgery. In fact I'm really sad that I'm moving area soon. I hope to find a new surgery that is just as good.

26-10-10, 12:56
I have to say I have always been quite lucky with GP's. I had a fab one when i lived down south and now I have a fab one here too.

I try to be good and make notes to take with me and get everything done in one visit, i do appreciate they are very busy.

As discussed on a previous post - the doctors are great but the receptionists can be another story.

27-10-10, 17:44
My regular ones are great but the duty ones seem a bit impatient. I don't blame them as they are under pressure and there are often genuinely sick people out there in the waiting room.

I heard that some Drs call HA sufferers GOMERs - as in, 'get out of my emergency room'

it's good to laugh at this damn HA thing sometimes :)

27-10-10, 17:55
Mine's lovely, she specialises in mental health, my CBT therapist knows her well because she's often reffering people to them seemingly. She's quite caring and like motherly as well (possibly because I'm only 19) but she always calls me pet and love etc .. Doctor at home is like that too, only not as perfect as I self harm sometimes and on explaining this to the doctor at home she rolled her eyes and said she never understands people who do that, what am I achieving etc... Aside from that she's good though :) I always worry when I go up incase they'l be fed up with me but always find I worried for no reason!

27-10-10, 18:43
I'm really lucky to,after going through a few drs that where not so helpful i have found a brilliant dr who i love and could'nt be more helpful and understanding.
Shes also quite motherly and dos'nt make you feel like your completely mad like previous drs have,she tells me i can ring her whenever i need to even if its just for reassurance although i have never done this its nice to no shes there if needed
I think it really helps to know you can talk to your dr i don't know what i'd do if i did'nt have her.

margaret jones
27-10-10, 18:56
Hi what we must all remember our GP are very busy people and sometimes they have a bad day and maybe seem a little less patient with our problems , but I bet we all have bad days and dont treat our loved ones as we should .

My nephews daughter is a GP and she is truly lovely whoever has here as their GP is very lucky .

My own Gp is really great most of the time except when i self diagnois myself and he does remind me he is the DR .

27-10-10, 19:20
Even if i had the brains I couldnt be a GP, ur right Margaret they are very busy people - and are only human too.
Its great when you find a fab GP, sadly the there are still some awful ones. The GP that looks after my elderly adn very sick inlaws drives me nuts - he is the most obstinate, pompous man who is completely out of touch with his patients.
God bless the great GPsx