View Full Version : Just Me?

26-10-10, 12:17
Hi all

Is it just me or do others here start to panic when they feel certain body aches and pain? Eg. It's early am (6ish) and I woke up with some mild discomfort in under my left armpit or near it, started to panic but talked myself down.

That's the same feeling that happened about a month ago meaning I felt that pain, hit full panic mode, is that common? To get scared over something so harmless or am I losing it? :/

Thank you

26-10-10, 12:42

I too get similar things as you describe, I suffer chronic pain and take a fair amount of painkillers that generally leave me feeling numb most times but when I wake after a sleep or a nap, or even just during the day, I feel a new or strange pain & suddenly like a switch going on I feel panic coming, especially when I think that wae all the meds I shudn't be feeling anything, but my doc explained that any new or strange pains are probably normal sensations, normal being normal for mysel, of my body & I'm feeling them either for the first time or that I feel them coz they're deep inside me, like nowadays I can feel the tiniest muscle twitch along my lower gastric tract I'm that numb tho having a lapsed colon doesn't help LOL. :winks:

But that's me, it happens a lot lately but my condition is progressive so I've come to expect these new pains/feelings, I just have a minor panic before I remember what it is, my memory isn't bad but my 24-48hr memory can be terrible at times.

Oops rambling again...:blush:

Yup, I find it to be common for mesel at least.

Take care & be safe.

26-10-10, 15:50
that described me to a T

i am usually alright but if i get any slight chest/arm/facial pain i go into full panic mode and think im going to have a heart attack this time, even though it has never happened in 13 years of suffering

Try doing crosswords/puzzles/reading a book whn it happens, it helps take your mind of it

26-10-10, 19:25
Thanks everyone, again, I thought I was going crazy lol, when it happens I too try and preoccupy myself to get my mind off thing that have always been there.

I once was reading a webpage I stumbled on when having my panic attacks back some time ago, it was about panic attacks and read something like this "if you think your having a heart attack then I promise you, you wouldn't be reading his page"....

Sounded so true and made some much sense, meant alot me to read that as strange at it may sound

Thank you
