View Full Version : Indigestion and pain in Jaw/throat

26-10-10, 12:23

Sorry to put my worries to you all but I get a sudden discomfort in the centre of my chest which is quite painfull and goes through to my back. It makes both sides of my jaw ache near the joint next to my ears and my throat feels a little tight.

I know when I'm going to get it as I get the jaw/throat bit first followed by the discomfort in my chest.

Only lasts about 2-3 minutes then goes and only happens when I am sitting down ie not physically moving around.

Been getting it for a few years now once a week or so and always thought it was just weird indigestion so have never mentioned it to my doc and I don't worry about it at all....but my friend just said it could be angina !?!? Thanks friend.. now I'm worried :(

Does anyone else get this and is it just another annoying and weird symptom of stress/anxiety. No point in telling my doc about it now as he'll just say I'm imagining it again :doh:

Thanks :)

26-10-10, 12:33
Can I ask, if you were truly worried about this, wouldn't you have mentioned it to your doctors?

26-10-10, 12:51
Why don't you pop to your GP and ask them for advice? I haven't had it myself so can't really comment but I thought angina came on usually after exertion.

26-10-10, 13:01
Can I ask, if you were truly worried about this, wouldn't you have mentioned it to your doctors?

That's what I'm saying... I have never really worried too much about it as I've had it for so long. It was only when my friend was with me and I got it that she mentioned Angina.

As I don't get it all the time I've always forgotten to mention it to my doc when realing off all the other stuff I get like diziness blah blah. He usually stops me talking when I'm telling his all my symptoms as he says none of them go together.

Now if I do mention it he will probably just think I've dreampt up something else to worry about or am exagerating my symptoms even more :(

Not to worry it's not killed me off yet so I'm sure it's nothing and I'll try to remember to mention it if I ever go to see my doc again :doh:

26-10-10, 14:05
Make an appointment to specifically talk about it. Don't mention any of the other symptoms you have unless he asks about them specifically.
My advice would be to keep a diary over the next few weeks and note down when and where it's happening and what you've been eating or whether you've been active. All these things will help give your doctor a more rounded view on what's going on.

26-10-10, 21:47
Will keep a diary that's a really good idea but my doctors sigh and smile in a nice polite way when I walk in now as the notes are already on their screen from my previous visits. I've been marked:shades:

Not going to worry about it any longer unless it gets worse or more often :yesyes:

10-12-12, 14:21
Hi there. I'm new to this site and fund this post from 2010 from DIZZ about the pain in chest, back and up the jaw. I would like to know if you have found anything out about it yet. I am having the EXACT same symptoms and of course am worrying that I'm either having an anxiety attack (without knowing it or feeling anxious) or a heart attack or angina. I really hope you get to see this post and have some answers.