View Full Version : Shortness of breath when resting, but not on exercise?

26-10-10, 13:18
I have no ideas about this, for some reason I seem short on breath when resting but not really when exercising.

Anyone have any ideas?

26-10-10, 14:06
I would imagine when you're exercising your body is controlling your breathing and when you're not then your anxiety is controlling it. Does that make sense?

28-10-10, 13:21
HI, i have had this for about 2 months now, i used to get the odd day where i could see i was focused on my breathing and felt the need to take a full breath in but couldnt always. But all of a sudden it was always like it (probably noticed it and anxiety dwelled on it!!), at first i was a state, it was affecting me really badly, wouldnt do anything, my chest would hurt by the end of the day from having to try so hard.

I went to the docs and he checked blood pressure, output etc. and then sort of just said he couldnt see a reason so to come back in a couple of weeks if it was no better. i actually waited another 5 weeks to make sure it wasnt just me, and saw a different doc this time, checked even more than last time, my heart sounds, chest sounds, calfs, blood oxygen twice, was 98% which is pretty perfect. He said he could find no medical reason (secretly i wanted a chest xray as the previous doc said he would send me for one if it got no better.) he was brill, i was upset and saying i was fed up with it making me feel this way and he was like what can i do to reassure you (realised id sound silly asking for an xray etc.) and he aked if i got anxious (about 20 docs app in a year and hes the first to ask! (some genuine appts, some anxiety!!)) and i was teary and he actually referred me for CBT which i start next week and am glad someone finally has really. My breathing is better, and i guess if i focus on it i will end up doing it all day, but i have days where i don't (until i think about it!!).

He said my anxiety was manifesting itself in my breathing.
Feel better for now in that respect, just have to focus.
