View Full Version : is this anxiety?

26-10-10, 15:08
I am anorexic and haven't been eating much for the last month. I had very little appetit. I have nearly passed out twice and that scared me into eating more in the last few days. Yesterday though i felt really bad. really sick, dizzy, headache, dreamy and aches and pains especially on my foot and shivering too. I also haven't been sleeping enough, because i can't get to sleep.

I took my temperature and it was 35.6 usually i am around 36.6 or 37.

i have been eating well today and feel a little better but still feel achy and have pains on my foot, a bit sick still and very groggy and dreamy. I actually feel very relaxed, just feel weird.

could this still be anxiety though, or should i visit the doctor? I am a little worried.


26-10-10, 15:52
Hi there :)

It's a wee bit difficult to answer this because I know there are forum rules on discussing anorexia, have a feeling we are on safe territory though.

I don't know how underweight you are but am wondering if that could be one of the reasons why yout temperature is lowered..you may be having trouble warming your body efficiently?

It would be an idea to go and see you GP I think hun as I'm no expert but wonder if these symptoms you are feeling have anything to do with the physical effects of the anorexia, particularly as you are now going through a period of eating more after a time of eating little.

Good luck :flowers:

26-10-10, 16:00
Hey, thanks for your reply. I am not actually underweight. After becoming anorexic at 16, i gained the weight back on and then some more on top of that. and i have only relapsed a few months ago. I am currently still still about 9lb overweight.

btw i was wondering how come there is a rule about not discussing anorexia but you can discuss self harm?

26-10-10, 16:02
You can't talk in detail about self harm.

di x

26-10-10, 16:26
Hi opiateyes

It’s fine to talk about eating disorders, self harm, etc, but not to get too graphic in talking about your thoughts and behaviours. It’s just that, bearing in mind the nature of this forum, some members are easily upset when they read such posts.

I know with anorexia a person’s temperature does drop and they feel the cold a lot more, but you say you’re not at a dangerously low weight, so probably not that.

Try not to let this relapse to take hold though. You did so well to beat it once, and it would be such a shame to allow it to take over again.

Did you read my reply to your other thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=83337)?

Take care,

26-10-10, 18:58
is your BMI normal?
cause if your underweight your body can't keep your warm enough so that could explain the low temp.
also you maybe be low in iron or something so a blood test might be a good idea.

anxiety can often make you feel really ill so it's hard to tell without getting checked out.