View Full Version : Home Working anyone ? Proof Reading ?

12-03-06, 19:28
I work about 3 days a week as a decorator for my mate, I am a college trained decorator.

the thing is he wants me to do more hours but I have told him thats all he is getting.

I have heard that some people work from home, I was wondering if anyone has any experience of something like proof reading and if there are any reputable firms about.

12-03-06, 21:35
Mmm, there are loads of people advertising "courses" in proof reading. I sent off for one in 2001 - at that time there was a government thing where you do a lot of different courses for £25 each (can't remember what it was called) so of course everyone was jumping on the bandwagon and offering all sorts of courses.

I never actually did the course; my dad died at that time and I've never been able to either face the course material OR throw out the stuff, so can't say what sort of earnings you might achieve, BUT my gut feeling is that if it sounds too good to be true it probably is, for example I was conned into doing an English as a Foreign Language course at great personal expense and hassle and then they admitted when we'd all done the course that the opportunities were very far and few between and all this after we'd all spent money on doing the course and they were just feathering their own nest.

The courses in proof-reading that i've seen advertised is probably where you have to stump up dosh to do the course, THEN they probably want more from you to sign up to an agency etc to find you work, THEN I expect you have to pay up for an annual "registration" or whatever. With all these sorts of things they're liable to have you by the short and hairy. But this is my gut feeling as I say.

It would be interesting if someone did have some positive experience of earning mega dosh at proof reading coz heh I could do with some more of the ready right now!

Much love, hope summat turns up for you!


12-03-06, 22:02
Hi Frankie

Welcome to the forum