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26-10-10, 16:31

Just wondering if anyone gets period pains on and off for about a week before you actually start your periods, this has happened to me for the past few months it is new to me and just wondering if this could be normal!! :shrug: xx

26-10-10, 16:38
Yes, I do too Jenny-Lizzy, usually for me about 2 weeks before my next period is due, and I put it down to that being the ovulation period, when the hormones start going nuts again. It is quite frustrating though as the period is enough as it is! I also get painful breasts and other PMS symptoms like feeling tearful. Funnily, it doesn't happen every single month like that, and other times I only get these symptoms a few days leading up to my period. I think our hormones just have a mind of their own and sometimes take us off guard by doing new stuff.

The joys of womanhood! x :mad:

26-10-10, 16:52
I get this too. It used to be a lot worse until I went on the pill about a year ago. After having my 3rd child 3 years ago, everything went haywire - mid cycle bleeding, pmt and pain that lasted 2 weeks before my period - I only seemed to feel "normal" for 1 week out of 4 every month!!

The pill has helped to regulate things. I no longer get any mid cycle bleeding and my periods are a lot shorter and lighter but I do still get pain for about a week before and aching breasts too - it's just hormones!!!!!

paula lynne
26-10-10, 17:18
Hi Jenny, me too x
In fact the pain starts when I ovulate, gets worse about a week before. My mini-pill has regulated things though. x

26-10-10, 17:18
yes it happens to me about a wk or 2 before, i have real bad pmt alot of the time, and only get about 2 good wks out of the month if im lucky :(
i can also tell when im ovulating too, it is uncomfortable sometimes. i get sore breasts, mostly the left one, back ache, headaches, the list goes on
lol! fun isnt it being a woman :yahoo:

26-10-10, 18:29
Thanks guys, I used to get really regular periods - no problem at all apart from really bad period pains, so painful to the point of me wanting to be sick, but always really regular and no mid cycle bleeding, pain only when I actually came on blah blah but I have a four year old son now and this last year has been a nightmare, periods irregular, pain before I actually get my period, very emotional and really sore boobs all a week before my bleed, oh and also bloody discharge or blood tinged discharge mid cycle - I HATE BEING A WOMAN it makes you feel crazy!!!!!!!!:wacko: I had a vaginal smear and ultrasound at the beginning of the year as I had a mid cycle bleed they found a cyst but on my second visit it had cleared on its own ever since then I have been concerned I have ovarian cancer...:weep:

26-10-10, 23:12
I get pain in my right hand side when I ovulate. Then I do sometimes get cramping a bit before it comes. Which is the only indication now as since I had my baby my periods just start, no warning of a little tinge or a small amount of blood, just straight in there. Quite annoying!