View Full Version : feel worse in the home

26-10-10, 16:32
Hi! I have come across threads where people feel worse when they are out of the house. I was wondering if anyone feels worse in their home. When I am out, and get to talk to people, for the majority of the time I feel fine (I can feel a bit wierd in supermarkets!!). But as soon as I am back in the house I get the depersonalised and anxiety feelings back. Can anyone relate to this?

26-10-10, 16:44
Hi yes i can totally and im sure it because you have time to think and not many distractions.
After a while home becomes somwhere that anxiety happens and it just gets worse.
Try making time to totally relax .. take an hour for yourself.. find a relaxation CD and really enjoy the "you" time eventually once your mind associates home with relaxation home will become a nice place to not the opposite.

best of luck

Marc xx

26-10-10, 16:45
Hi Amethyst,

Thanks for a really interesting post and question.....

It is odd as I swing between the two. Sometimes home is a haven for me, especially when I am feeling panicky as I am in my comfort zone and with family around me to lean on for support, but in other ways, when I am feeling better within myself and more able to get out and about, being active OUT of the house is much better for me as my mind is occupied. When I feel well, home becomes the worst place for me as I sit stuck with my own thoughts and start spiralling down into anxiety and panic again.

It is a strange thing. I suppose finding the balance is the best solution xxx

Carly Lou
26-10-10, 16:45
im the same... i do feel worse at home... because thats where i had my first ever panic attacks and started off my horrid health anxiety xxxxx

26-10-10, 16:49
That's rung a bell with me too Carly Lou.

Home in some ways holds bad memories for me as I experienced my breakdown here 6 years ago, and still recall the horror of that, going from room to room like a trapped animal.

It is sad to feel about home like that as well, as I also love the place as I spent a happy childhood here.

I s'pose a psychologist would say it isn't about the place itself, it is about what we carry around with us memory wise, but it is hard to disassociate yourself from that.

26-10-10, 16:57
i also can relate to this, i always have been the type to panic outside the house, but since being out of work for a long time, ive just started to get panic at home, its funny ive just read this cos i have just had a really bad anxiety attack this afternoon, and all ive done is sit on the sofa watching a film? im still shaking now. i think i am worse when im alone at home than when my daughter and hubby is here. i feel bad most days at the moment, so u r not alone :weep: this site has helped me and sometimes just writing it down can ease my symtoms x take care

26-10-10, 17:41
Hi, I can totally relate to that so do understand.I think because my anxiety started in my home I relate home to those feelings.Its hard to erase the memories of the really bad times & replace them with happy times at home but you can do it.:)

26-10-10, 19:55
Hi! Thanks for your lovely replies. Yes, you are right, I think I am more distracted when I am out and then when I get home, I am conscious of every though and feeling. Not even having my 3 children at home can distract me sometimes! But it is a lot worse when I am on my own. Carlylou, My health anxiety started at home too so it probably has bad memories aswell. I haven't been posting on this website long but it helps me so much. x

26-10-10, 20:10

I get alot of my anx in my home to. I am very bad in supermarkets and im always glad to come home after iv had a horrible time there though.

However i get alot of my anxiety in my home to, i could be just sitting watching tv and the panic just starts!

love mandie x

26-10-10, 21:07
Hi i am exactly the same i dont like being at home,like many of you i had my first experience of panic at home in the middle of the night so i think i just associate home with panic,its sad that we feel like this as home is where we should feel safe.Since starting my new meds i have felt better but i will admit i am still very wary,i hope for all of us that we will eventualy stop associating our homes with panic as we should all feel safest of all in our homes.:)

26-10-10, 21:56
If I am feeling anxious, I feel bad at home, at work, or just out. There is no escape when I feel like that, feeling like it at the moment actually. Though at work, at least I am distracted, but its such a struggle to get through the day.

28-10-10, 00:46
yes, i can def relate... i read somewhere that depersonalisation/ derealisation are usually at there worst when in familiar settings/ with familiar people which obviously causes them to be even more distressing. x

28-10-10, 01:11
Me too,home is my hell!