View Full Version : can someone help me

26-10-10, 16:50
i have just been to doctors yesterday for my depression and anxiety/panic
she gave me citalopam 20mgs daily, heres me thinking i made progress getting there in the first place, i shook and felt sick all the time i was in there, dry mouth, muffled head :weep:
anyway since just after dinner today i have felt so sick and dizzy all of a sudden its just got worse over the last 2 hrs, im shaking as i type this.
my head feels so sickly dizzy my legs have a mind of there own, my throat feels like i have a lump at the side, sorry to go on :blush: i was wondering if this an anxiety attack, i know i have had them before but i dont think i have had one this bad and for this long before, or is it something else? if so how long can an attack go on for? when ive had my attacks before they dont last this long and are never as intense. im so scared :weep: i want this to all stop its like my body will not give me a moments peace!

im so so sorry for going on i would just like to know if this sounds familuar
with anyone else. thanks for listening x

26-10-10, 16:53

All sounds like anxiety to me
Your symptoms are exactly the ones i had

Try and stick with it it will pass

Marc xx

26-10-10, 17:02
thank you marc, i hope so as i dont think ive ever felt this bad :weep:

26-10-10, 17:04
They always seem worse when you are in one.. once it passes the memory of how bad it was will fade and the next one feels worse.

I have had all those symptoms and they have all passed

Marc xx

26-10-10, 17:08
yes u r right, there horrible arnt they :( its nice to know im not alone in all this worry thanks xx