View Full Version : Possibly anxiety issues or something else?

26-10-10, 17:43
I'm new here.. To start with a little background I'm a 22yr old male about 5"7 165.. Have always been healthy but about 2 years ago I started having problems.. Out of nowhere I started feeling skipped beats and rapid heart rate which I'm not gonna lie freaked me out at first beside I had no idea what was going on.. Seen a cardiologist and had ekgs, stress test, 3week holter monitor, echocardiogram, everything came back fine. Nothing showed on the monitor but from reading it sounds like pvc's.. I have pretty much excepted that the missed beats are nothing serious and have learned to live with them..

I have had a history of headaches since a little kid.. My family also had a history of aneurysms so my doctor sent me for an MRI/mra of the brain which came back fine. I still have headaches but like I said I've had them all my life so as long as it's just headaches I'm fine with that.

Another problem I had which is more of an annoyance is that almost everytime I swallow I get a crackling/popping sound in my ears which doctor said might be eustashian tube dysfunction and ent was not sure and had no answers.

Finally, the left side of my neck has been slightly sore. I also feel what I think are 2 lymph nodes which I don't believe are swollen.. Both are only on the left side and that's the only place I can actually feel nodes on my body.. The one towards the back of my neck feels normal and moveable.. The one midway down my neck feels about the size of a pea but it is hard and does not move at all.. I have had a CBC with differential and everything came back perfect except slightly low vitamin d..

I have just been feeling tired lately and a little weak.. I'm thinking about lymphoma but since I don't really have any of the symptoms I know it's unlikely.. I'm starting to think this might be an anxiety issue. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks

26-10-10, 17:54
Sounds like you have become hyper-aware of your body. By all means get stuff checked out - as you are doing - but sounds like anxiety is making you aware of every twinge!

And you only 22 for god sake, and young people don't tend to get seriously ill often. There is no GUARANTEE though and that is what's fuelling your anxiety probably. There is no guarantee for any of us, which is what I am trying to focus on (I am 47 and my HA was triggered by my wife dying from cancer, leaving me with three kids and a whole pile of stress)

If you are having lots of tests and reassurances but they are not making you feel better - and indeed, they are making you just seek even more reassurance - then it's an anxiety problem

26-10-10, 18:58
Thanks for the reply.. I'm starting to think it's anxiety but I just don't understand why I feel weak and tired for no reason.. Also eventhough the lymph node on my neck is normal size, I don't like the fact that it is hard and doesn't move at all..

26-10-10, 20:53
Hi there,
I have had all those sensations and more! I first started thinking I had MS at 24, 5 yrs later I still struggle with the physical sensations of anxiety. we become hyper aware of our body and suffer symptom amplification, i.e. we become overly aware of 'normal' body sensations. Deal with your anxiety and your physical symptoms should start to become manageable.
Keep well

26-10-10, 23:01
Ive had a lymph node worry this year, and feared the worst. I have no idea about the hardness issue (and only someone with nerves of steel would use google - dont) but the fact that the two nodes close together are different might be a good thing. The lymphatic system fights infection, so maybe the harder one is closer to the source of irratation than the other, so is working harder?

27-10-10, 00:12
I'm not sure about infection because I just had the CBC and everything was fine.. The only thing that worries me is that the node is hard and not movable.. I don't believe that it's swollen because it's about the size of my fingertip.